Baku State University – Wikipedia


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L’ Baku State University (in Azéri: Baku State University ) is a public university located in Bakou, Azerbaijan.

Founded in 1919 by decision of the Parliament of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan, the University then opened with departments of history, philology, physics, mathematics, law and medicine, with a workforce of 1,094 students. The first rector is V. I. Razoumovsky, former teacher of surgery at the University of Kazan. In 1924-1926, several professors from the eastern faculty of the University of Leningrad and the Oriental Department of the University of Kazan form the Oriental Department of the University at the initiative of Professor Barthold [ first ] .

In 1930, the government asked for the closure of the university, as part of a reorganization of higher education. It is replaced by the Supreme Educational Institute. The University resumed its activities in 1934. It experienced difficult times during the Second World War, the number of teachers being considerably reduced.

In 1959, the University of Bakou had thirteen faculties. Meanwhile, the Azerbaijan University of Medicine and the University of Azerbaijan Azerbaijan were created from the corresponding department of the State University, the first in 1930 and the other in 1934 [ 2 ] .

Years after 1969 can be considered years of development in the sense of knowledge and science. Covering a vast historical period, during these years, modern specialties faculties have been created and around 30 scientific research laboratories have been opened. Consequently, strong future development insurance was created. The university began to develop after the power of Heydar Aliyev. Modern specialties, departments and scientific laboratories began to operate at university. With its rich historical past, the Baku State University has always been a major scientific and educational center in Azerbaijan. Famous scientists, intellectuals and politicians and Heydar Aliyev, a remarkable politician, are graduates from the State University of Baku [ 2 ] .


The university has among its former students Heydar Aliyev who dominated Azerbaijani political life for more than thirty years and was president of the country in the first decade following independence.

Over time, the university builds its international relations. Currently [When ?] , the UEB is a member of various associations and institutions as an association of the universities of Eurasia, which brings together most of the universities of the former USSR. Between 2002 and 2004, the UEB led the Association of Universities of the Black Sea States. In addition, the University has signed scientific and technical cooperation agreements and student-teacher exchange programs with the Moscow State University, the University of Indiana and the National University of Kiev, L ‘University of Vienna and other universities.

Following these collaborations, the University organizes scientific conferences, workshops as well as the publication of textbooks [ 3 ] .

The Academic Council of the State University of Baku aims to contribute to education, its quality, the representation of the university and the establishment of international relations. The advice focuses mainly on the following questions:

  • Focus on the development of the university in different directions
  • Training of relevant suggestions on the regulations and the foundation base of the university
  • confirmation of regulations and instructions
  • Definition of the student acceptance plan
  • Formation you for Budget Annuel the L’ow
  • Confirmation of educational plans
  • Assign titles
  • Assignment of teacher-consultants


Ability [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Research institutes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Scientific research institute in applied mathematics
  • Institute of theoretical physics problems
  • Balkan universities network
  • Tchung Yuan University of Taiwan, Taiwan
  • The University is a member of the Caucasus Universities Association [ 4 ] .
  • Intigam Aliyev (born in 1962), human rights defender
  • Go Baghirov (born in 1976), avocado
  • Lev Landau (born in 1908), theoretical physicist.
  • Aytən Mustafayeva (born in 1968), politician
  • Ali Omarov (born in 1947), attorney general of the Republic of Azerbaijan
  • Aslan Aslanov (born in 1951), managing director of the Azerbaijan State Telegraphic Agency
  • Vougar Aslanov (born in 1964), writer and journalist
  • RAUF MIRGADIROV (born in 1961), journalist
  • Arif Younous (né en 1955), Historien
  • Maharram Gasimli (born in 1958), specialist in literature and folklorist
  • Alec (Alirza) Rassizade (graduated in 1969), American historian and political scientist.
  • Djanette Salimova, (born in 1940), director Azérie.
  • Yelena Tağıyeva (born in 1959), paleogeographer

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