Baldassarre Orsini – Wikipedia


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Baldassarre Orsini (Perugia, 8 January 1732 – Perugia, 14 December 1810) was an architect and historian of Italian art.

Born in Perugia in 1732 from Valentino Orsini and Anna Maria Camilletti. [first] After studying at the University of Perugia, driven by his father in 1751 he moved to Rome to continue his cultural artistic training, taking an interest in geometry, perspective and architecture at the Academy of San Luca [2] Ties to the neoclassical painter Anton Raphael Mengs theorizes a link between perspective and composition in architecture. In 1771 he wrote a treatise of geometry and perspective that precedes his most famous book: Of civil architecture , written in 1778, a year before returning to Perugia.
With this book, I will argue with Francesco Militia whose ethical utilitarian ideas are in contrast with his belief to bring the architectural composition back to perceptual reasons.
In his city he becomes the scenographer of the new Verzaro Theater. It assumes the direction of the historic Academy of Drawing which transforms into the Academy of Fine Arts by covering the chair of painting and perspective.
It is considered the proponent of the cultural rebirth of the city, between the end of the eighteenth century and the beginning of the nineteenth century, for the transformation of the Academy into a cultural center that indicated new horizons of taste. [3] In this he is opposed by the Perugian intellectuals for the excessive scientificity of his teachings due to his bonds with the Academy of France in Rome and his knowledge of the graphic techniques of Gaspard Monge.
He died in Perugia on 13 December 1810.

  • Geometry and practical perspective , Rome 1771
  • Of civil architecture , Rome 1778
  • Anthology of pictorial art , Perugia 1783
  • Dictionary of architecture , Perugia 1801

Of civil architecture [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Orsini’s importance is due to his treaty Of civil architecture In 4 volumes, containing an introduction, a preface and six chapters. The work completed in handwritten form in 1778 does not arrive “under the torchs” [4] . In this form it is preserved in the library of the Academy of Fine Arts of Perugia with the n ° d’A inventory 1740.
In the introduction, after having etymologically defined the roots of the term architecture, it underlines its connections with philosophy, physics, law, mathematics and above all with drawing.
In the preface it describes the structure of the work by identifying the connections of its principles with the Vitruvian triad. In making this assimilate “honest” to “firmitatis”, the “useful” to “utilitatis” and the “delightful” to “Venustatis”. These connections are presented with a tree graph.
In the 1st chapter it suggests the usable geometric design techniques that facilitate relations with the customer and are useful for a good composition. There are the calls with the most famous treatises (Vitruvio, Alberti, Serlio, Durer, Palladio, Scamozzi).
In the 2nd chapter it introduces the perspective by dividing it in natural perspective and artificial perspective.
The 3rd chapter is dedicated to the study of proportions with particular regard to the problems of visual perception.
In the 4th chapter Orsini draws attention to the use of elementary geometric figures in the architectural composition
The 5th chapter is entirely dedicated to the importance of light and the effects of this and shadows in the study of proportions. He also addresses the problems related to the scenography.
In the 6th chapter Orsini lists “things that can delight the sight”. Analyzing several examples of architecture underlines the relationships between taste and proportion that he reads.
This book notes Orsini’s ability to mediate between art and science by enhancing the importance of drawing in the formation of complete professionals.

  1. ^ P-Belardi- The science of drawing in the work of Baldassarre Orsini- in the civil architecture of Baldassarre Orsini by A- Soletti and P. Belardi- Officina Edizioni- Rome 1997-Pag.xxvi
  2. ^ U. Calzoni – Baldassarre Orsini in The Professors and Students of the High School Ginnasio A. Mariotti of Perugia -Perugia 1901 Pag 169
  3. ^ Umbria- Italy Guide of the Italian Touring Club-Sesta edition- Milan 1999 pag. 74
  4. ^ Luigi Canali- Funeral praise of Mr. Baldassarre Orsini- Perugia 1811 Pag 44 ..
  • Curated by Adriana Soetti and Paolo Belardi, Of the civil architecture of Baldassarre Orsini , Officina Edizioni, Rome (1997)
  • edited by Paolo Belardi, Of the civil architecture of Baldassarre Orsini part second , Officina Edizioni, Rome (2008)
  • Arianna Bellocchi, Baldassarre Orsini: pictorial activity 1732-1810 , Perugia, Cassa Risparmio Perugia Foundation; Effe Fabrizio Fabbri, 2008, ISBN 978-88-89298-68-8
