Banco di Santo Spirito — Wikipedia


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Pope Paul V Founder of the Bank in 1605

The Banco di Santo Spirito , created in 1605 by decision of Pope Paul V, and merged with the Banca Di Roma in 1992, was the bank of the Vatican.

The bank is created on By decision of Pope Paul V, whose activity began in February 1606 in the annex to the “Santo Spirito” hospital in Rome. Pope Jules II designates the Palazzo della Mint Vecchia as a bank seat. The facade is taken up by Antonio Da Sanggallo the Younger, and the interior by the architect Giovanni Tommasi Ripoli. The building became the bank’s headquarters in 1665 [ first ] . In its beginnings, the bank provides three types of financial services: Caisse de Dépôts, Treasury financing, and monetary emissions linked to the Pontifical Scudo.

In 1750, Pope Benoît XIV restructured the activities of the bank. At that time, the bank innovated by creating receipt of exchangeable deposits, establishing the premises of paper currency. In 1785, the bank began to print the receipts of deposits. The establishment of the Republic of Rome and the invasions by the troops of Napoleon disrupted the activity of the bank, which stabilized in 1818 with the return of Pope Pius VII. In 1836, Pope Grégoire XVI ordered the creation of Cassa di Risparmio di Roma, the bank’s savings activity. Savings activity allows the bank to diversify its investments and increase its influence [ 2 ] .

In 1871, when Italy was unified and Rome became the capital, Banco Di Santo Spirito launched its credit activities, starting with real estate credits [ 2 ] . I am En 1894, Languages ​​EL GISE ENACTUATION, butse of Credit Institut of the Banque de Santo Spirito ). At the beginning of the 20th century, the bank contributed to investments for railway constructions, and developed residential areas to moderate rent with houses entered within the framework of mortgage contracts [ 2 ] . It was not until 1923 that it became “Banco di santo spirito s.p.a. », An anonymous company. Following the 1929 economic crisis, the IRI (Institute for Industrial Reconstruction) took control in 1935.


EN 1989, IRI Cède La Banco di Santo Spirito à La Cassa di Risparmio di Rome [ 3 ] . En avril 1991, the société issue de la fusion entre Banco di Santo Spirito et Cassa di Risparmio di Roma entre en bourse [ 4 ] , then the new ensemble merged with Banco Di Roma in 1992 to give birth to Banca Di Roma. From 1995, the company no longer renewed the protection of the brand in Italy [ 5 ] .

The bank gave its name to a street in Rome, the Via del Banco di Santo Spirito .

  1. (in) Palazzo del Banco di Santo » , on , (consulted the )
  2. A B and C (in) Manfred Pohl, Handbook on the History of European Banks , Edward Elgar Publishing, , 1303 p. (ISBN  978-1-78195-421-8 , Online presentation )
  3. Banco di Spirito a stone’s throw from the merger » , on , (consulted the )
  4. Première Application of the Loi Amato: the Banco di Spirito Santo en Bourse » , on , (consulted the )
  5. Banco di Santo Spirito Trademark Information » , on (consulted the )

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Banco di Santo Spirito and its economic function in papal Rome (1605 – 1870) , Rome, First Edition, , 205 p.

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