Barbara di Bartolo – Wikipedia


From Wikipedia, Liberade Libera.


Barbara di Bartolo (Rome, March 12, 1975 [first] ) is an Italian actress of cinema, theater and television.

He made his teenager debut in 1992 in the cinema in Nobody by F. Calogero and on TV in the fixed cast of the first mediaset soap Camilla , directed by C. Nistri. But a couple of years had already appeared before in some commercials and in Claudio Baglioni’s video clip Give the way of which he is the protagonist.

He was testimonial of important international advertising campaigns directed over the years by directors such as Gabriele Salvatores, Jean-Jacques Annaud and Alessandro D’Alatri.

He studied singing, acting and dance privately and attends numerous internships with Susan Strasberg of Actors Studio, Paola Quattrini and Lorenzo Salveti, Ferruccio Soleri and Alan Whohouse (Guildhall School in London).

Has had important roles in television fiction as The team The series (Rai 3) in the role of Miriam Russo, in three series de The beauty of women (Channel 5) next to Virna Lisi whose daughter Ludovica Spadoni interprets, in two series of Family home (Rai 1) With Massimo Dapporto in the role of Daniela Manzi.

He was co-protagonist together with Luca Laurenti of the sit-com Don Luca In the role of Chiara, girl-girl (channel 5).

E in A place in the sun x In 2006 she took over in place of Eleonora Palladini in the role of Chiara Reali, an intense and double character who presents himself to the public in Laura’s false guise the secretary of Ferri and then becomes his partner.


In the musical he made his debut as a singer and performer in 1998 as a co-protagonist alongside Massimo Ranieri in the musical of Gianni Togni and Guido Morra Hollywood – Portrait of a star For the direction of Giuseppe Patroni Griffi.

In 2001 he won a scholarship for specialization courses for actors at the Eliseo Theater in Rome for the project of the director Marco Carniti de The new company of Eliseo young people Following which the director assigns the role of Rosalina in the cantata comedy Lost love penis The worshsetprace

In 2003 he was co-protagonist alongside Franca Valeri ne The gameer by Goldoni directed by Giuseppe Patroni Griffi produced by the Eliseo Theater of Rome.

In 2014 he interprets Pope John Paul II’s mother in the musical Karol Wojtyla, the true story Directed by Duccio Forzano and the music of Noa.

In 2016 it is in Rapunzel the musical Written and directed by Maurizio Colombi, with music by D. Magnabosco, A. Procacci and P. Barillari and produced by the Brancaccio Theater of Rome.

  • We turn on the musical lamp (1989), directed by Franca Calò
  • The admirable shoemaker (1993), directed by Massimiliano Milesi
  • We kill the moon radius (1993), directed by Bindo Toscani
  • The coup of consciences (1994), directed by Massimiliano Milesi
  • Lovers are worth what they leave (1994), directed by Massimiliano Milesi
  • This evening it is recited to the subject (1995/1996/1997), directed by Giuseppe Patroni Griffi, with Alida Valli
  • Long (1997), directed by R.Rigillo
  • Hollywood – Portrait of a star (1998/199/2000), musical by Gianni Togni and Guido Morra, directed by Giuseppe Patroni Griffi
  • Psychosis of 4:48 (2001), directed by M.Carniti
  • Five very hot days (2001), queens of a.misticheels
  • Lost love penis (2001/2002), directed by Marco Carniti
  • The tame bisbetics (2002), directed by Marco Carniti
  • What happened to Cinderella? (2003), musical with Enrico Maria Lamanna directed
  • Love of tango (2004), directed by Lindsay Kemp
  • The gameer (2004/2005), directed by Giuseppe Patroni Griffi, with Franca Valeri
  • As you like by W.Shakespeare (2012), songs sung by Arturo Annecchino, directed by Marco Carniti
  • Karol Wojtyla the true story (2011), musical directed by Duccio Forzano Musiche di Noa
  • Rapunzel the musical (2015-2016), directed by Maurizio Colombi with Lorella Cuccarini
  • Camilla (1992), directed by Carlo Nistri, in the role of Olga
  • A woman for friend (1998), directed by Rossella Izzo
  • Don Luca (2000), directed by M.mattoLini/M.Maccaferri, in the role of Chiara
  • Family House 1 (2001-2002), directed by R.Donna/P.aristarco, in the role of Daniela Manzi
  • The team (2001-2002), Royal AA.VV, in the role of Miriam Russo
  • Family home 2 (2003), directed by R.Donna/P.aristarco, in the role of Daniela Manzi
  • The beauty of women 1/2/3 (2001-2002), directed by Maurizio Ponzi, Stefano Parisi, Mario Soldati, in the role of Ludovica Spadoni
  • Marshal Rocca (2003), directed by Giorgio Capitani
  • With nails and teeth (2004), directed by Pier Francesco Pintore, in the role of Commissioner Federica
  • A Place in the Sun (2006), Regia AA.VV, in the role of Chiara Real (Laura)
  • Don Matteo (2011), directed by Giulio Base, in the role of Linda
