Barbara Paul — Wikipedia


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Barbara Paul , born In Maysville in Kentucky, is an American woman of letters, author of detective novel and science fiction.

After studying in several American universities (State University of Bowling Green) and European (Oslo, Vienne), she became a professor at the University of Pittsburgh where she teaches theater.

She began her literary career with news and the science fiction novel An Exercise for Madmen Posted in 1978, modern adaptation of a tragedy of Euripides according to Claude Mesplède [ first ] . In 1979, his first detective novel appeared The Fourth Wall . With Companio per Caruso ( A Cadenza for Caruso ), she extends her work to the historic detective novel. Subsequently, she alternates the writing of around twenty novels in these three literary genres.


In Companio per Caruso , she stages Enrico Caruso who will be the hero of two other novels, Prima Donna at Large And A Chorus of Detectives . Another beginner series with The portrait of the killer artist ( The Renewable Virgin ) is devoted to a woman police sergeant, Marian Larch.

Science fiction novels [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • An Exercise for Madmen (1978)
  • Pillars of Salt (1978)
  • Biblings (1979)
  • Under the Canopy (1980)
  • The Three-Minute Universe (1988)

Detective novels [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • The Fourth Wall (1979)
  • Liars and Tyrants and People Who Turn Blue (1980)
  • First Gravedigger (1980)
  • Your Eyelids Are Growing Heavy  (in) (1981)
  • Kill Fee (1985)
    • We kill and you pay , Black sequence n O 2074, 1987
  • But He Was Already Dead When I Got There (1986)
  • In-laws and Outlaws (1990)
  • You Have the Right To Remain Silent (1992)
  • The Apostrophe Thief (1993)
  • Fare Play (1995)
  • Full Frontal Murder (1997)

Series Marian Larch [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • The Renewable Virgin (1984)
    • The portrait of the killer artist , Black sequence n O 20871987
  • Good King Sauerkraut (1989)
  • He Huffed and He Puffed (1989)
    • Well, sing now! , Black sequence n O 2198, 1989

Series Caruso [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • A Cadenza for Caruso (1984)
    • Companio per Caruso , Police literature n O 24 Black River, 1985
  • Prima Donna at Large (1985)
  • A Chorus of Detectives (1987)

Science fiction news [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Answer ‘Affirmative’ or ‘Negative’ , 1972
  • The Untameable Part , 1973
  • The Slow and Gentle Progress of Trainee Bellringers , 1978
  • The Seven Deadly Sessions , 1981
  • Scarecrow Duty , 1982
  • All the Dogs of Europe , 1983
  • I Have To Wait for Ben Jonson , 1990
  • The Secret , 1993
  • The Comfort of Walls , 1993
  • Never Moon a Werewolf , 1995
  • Totally Tallulah , 1995
  • Swimming the Moat , 1995
  • Fatal Error 1000 , 1996
  • Earth Surrenders , 1997
  • Payback , 1997

Police news [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • The Favor , 1976
  • Appetites , 1987
  • Archimedes and the Doughnuts , 1991 (co -written with Gene Deweese)
  • Scat , 1991
  • Making Lemonade , 1991
  • Jack Be Quick , 1991
  • Who What When Where Why , 1991
  • Homebodies , 1992
  • Ho Ho Ho , 1993
  • Close, But No Cigar , 1993
  • Play Nice , 1994
  • SpaceCat , 1994
    • The Cat of Space , in the collection Small murders between cats in Hollywood , Cooperate lodfeld, 1999
  • Okay, Diogenes, You Can Stop Looking — We Found Him , 1995
  • Peanut Butter and Kelly , 1995
  • Midnight Sun , 1995
  • French Asparagus , 1996
  • The Sleuth of Christmas Past , 1996
  • So the glory , 1997
  • Portrait of the Artist as a Young Corpse , 1997
  • Auld Lang What ? , 1997
  • Stand , 1998
  • Go to the Devil , 1998
  • The Secret President , 1999
  • Clean Sweep , 1999
  • The Reluctant Op , 1999
  • Shakespeare Minus One , 1999
  • Eleemosynary, My Dear Watson , 1999
  • Golden Retriever , 2001

Collection of stories [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Jack Be Quick and Other Crime Stories , 1999
  • Claude Mestsmen ( you. ), Dictionary of police literature , vol. 2 : J – Z , Nantes, Joseph K; coll. “Black time”, , 1086 p. (ISBN  978-2-910686-45-1 , OCLC  315873361 ) , p. 494-495 .
  • Claude Mests, The “Black Series” Critical Bibliography years of a detective collection , vol. 5: 1982-1995 , Amiens, inking, coll. ” Works ” ( n O 36), , p. 371-372 .
  • Claude Mests, The “black series” years: critical bibliography of a detective collection , vol. first : 1945-1959 , Amiens, Editions Encrage, coll. ” Works ” ( n O 13), (ISBN  978-2-906389-34-2 ) , p. 371-372 .
