Barbara traachte — Wikipedia


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Barbara Trachten , born In Schaerbeek, is a Belgian politician, member of Ecolo.

She is dismissed in ULB law; International ULB law, lawyer. Of Rwandan origin by her mother, part of the family of her was massacred during the genocide of the Tutsis [ first ] , [ 2 ] .
Committed very young to Amnesty International, she mobilizes around the issue of Rwandan genocide and great human rights debates around the world. A lawyer at the Federal Agency for the Reception of Asylum seekers (Fedasil) then a lawyer at the Brussels Bar on public and administrative laws, she joined the Ecolo party for which she is candidate for the elections federal and then regional then 1999 and 2000.
Co-president of Écolo J, the Youth Organization of the Ecolo Party, she was then elected deputy, in 2009, in the parliament of the Brussels-Capital Region and also sits in the Parliament of the French Community of Belgium. Re -elected in 2014, she specializes in children’s education and children’s rights. In 2016, she became a head of the Ecolo group in the Parliament of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.
She was also elected municipal councilor in Schaerbeek, a commune in which she always lived, between 2012 and 2019.
In 2019, carried by the green wave in the regional and federal elections, Barbara Trachte was designated Secretary of State Brussels for economic transition and scientific research as well as Minister-President of Cocof, the French Community Commission of the Brussels Region -Capital city.

Economic transition strategy, “Shifting Economy” [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The country’s first environmentalist in the country to be in charge of the Economy portfolio, she carries out a policy resolutely focused on economic transition in Brussels-Capital, in order to align economic and social objectives.
It is in this context and in order to support this transition, that Barbara Trachte mobilizes the theory of Doughnut (Economic model) of Kate Raworth to apply it to the Brussels-Capital Region. A result of an economic transition strategy called Shifting Economy [ 4 ] which aims to gradually transform the Brussels economic activities so that they contribute to the social and environmental challenges.
One of the main objectives of Shifting Economy is the reorientation of all regional public economic aids: by 2030, all of these will be concentrated on companies inscribed in a transitional dynamic. [ 5 ]

Mission Neutral carbon and intelligent cities [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The , Barbara Trachte, Brussels Secretary of State for Economic Transition and Scientific Research, was delighted that the Brussels Region and several Brussels municipalities responded to the call for candidates to the European Commission for the Mission Neutral carbon and intelligent cities . According to the Secretary of State, if the Brussels candidacy is accepted it will open access to funding for projects related to the transition. There Mission will be part of a common approach from European cities to carbon neutrality. [ 6 ] .

  1. About me Site de Barbara Tracht , page archived September 4, 2018
  2. The , Barbara Trachte: “We are never happy all alone” » , on , (consulted the )
  3. Resignation of Madame Barbara trachte from her duties as a municipal councilor Official website of the municipality of Schaerbeek , October 23, 2019
  5. Barbara Trachte (Ecolo): “In the economic world, no one calls into question the need for the transition” Transition/10433729
  6. Brussels candidate for the European mission Neutral carbon and intelligent cities » , RTBF by Belga,
