Barcelona Hossary Gare — Wikipedia


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The Gare de Barcelone-Sants (in Catalan : Barcelona-Sants Station ) is the main railway station in Barcelona. Second Spanish station after Madrid-Atocha, with around 48 million travelers (suburb + long distance) per year. It was inaugurated in 1979, after more than 10 years of work.

It is located in the place of Catalan countries in the Sants district, in the district of Sants-Montjuïc, northwest of the city center. It is made up of two floors: the ground floor welcomes the passenger building, and there are in the first basement the quays and the tracks. A hotel, Barceló Sants, is built on the station.

She is notably served by the Aves from Madrid, Seville and Malaga and, since , the TGV of France. It is also the starting point for the Talgo and Euromed trains, circulating along the Mediterranean coast towards Valence, Alicante, Murcie and Lorca.

Established at an altitude of 30 meters, the Barcelona-Sants station is entirely underground. It is located at the mileage point (PK) 013.957 of the line between Barcelona and Barcelona airport, at PK 677,368 of the Madrid-Barcelona line via Reus and Saragosse, at PK 099,000 of the Barcelona-Tarragone line, via Martorell and Cornella , at PK 369.855 of the Barcelona-Saragosse line via Lérida, and at PK 621,000 of the LGV Madrid-Barcelona-Figueras (which is extended by the Perpignan line in Figueras, allowing to reach the French network) [ first ] .

The Sants station was built in the 1970s as part of the construction of the East-West transverse line which crosses the center of Barcelona. Over the past 30 years, Sants station has recovered almost all of the traffic from the old main station Estació de França, the last surface station in Barcelona, ​​built in 1900, but rebuilt and then inaugurated in the years 1929, and renovated for the 1992 summer Olympic Games, to the point that the closure of this station is in question [ 2 ] .


The station was built in a modern airport style, with all its many platforms located underground. Nevertheless, the redevelopment of 2012 makes it possible to make the surface reception hall more spacious and luminous as well as the sales areas.

On December 15, 2013, the first trains TGV Go to France. That same day, the line is inaugurated between Perpignan and Barcelona [ 3 ] .

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Principal station in Barcelona, ​​it is located at the end of the Avanguda de Roma, between the Place des Pays Catalans and Place Joan Peiró and has an entrance on each of these places. It is managed by Adif. It has in particular points of sale, information points, ticket office, customer service, lockers and toilets.

There are also several cafes and restaurants, gift shops, shops, car rental services and a police station are installed in its perimeter. A four -star hotel (Barceló sants hotel) occupies most of the upper floors of the building on the surface of the station.

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The station has 14 lanes, which are served as follows:

  • Tracks 1 to 6: Ave, before, Alvia, TGV Inoui, Ouigo, IRYO, Euromed;
  • Tracks 7, 8, 9 and 10:
  • Ways 11, 12, 13 and 14:

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The station is connected to the Barcelona metro network, operated by Metropolitan transport in Barcelona. TMB station is called Sants Station . The L3 and L5 lines of the Barcelona metro serve this station.

The International Sants bus station is located near the station.

  1. (is) © EuroFerroviarios ®, Barcelona-Sants (Est.)» , on , (consulted the )
  2. (is) Cristian Segura, France Station, a Barcelona rail temple in danger » , The country , (ISSN  1134-6582, read online , consulted the )
  3. The first direct TGVs between Barcelona and Perpignan » , on , The independent , (consulted the ) .

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