Bastione Molino di Vento – Wikipedia


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The Bastione Molino di Vento (old bulwark of San Michele ) [first] It is one of the six ramparts that make up the walls of the city of Grosseto.

The bastion occupies the south-western summit of the walls of Grosseto, in the Porta Corsica area, along the side that combines the bastion cavalry with the bastion Garibaldi. [first] [2] For the presence of the fountain with wild boar, the bastion is commonly known as Wild boar from the Grosseto. [2]

The bastion was built in the second half of the 16th century, during the reconstruction of the walls made by the doctors on a project of Baldassarre Lanci; The works, directed by the same launches, were carried out in 1571 and involved the demolition of the complex of the monastery of the Holy Annunziata. [first] [2] That same year, launches died of malaria, leaving the direction of the construction sites of the new walls to his son Marino. The bastion took the name of bulwark of San Michele , as built in the place where the door of San Michele of the demolite medieval walls stood, conferred denomination by the nearby church of San Michele. [first] [2]

In the eighteenth century the presence on the bulwark of a guard body and a mess for the school of cannonieri is documented. [first] [2] The name Bastione Molino di Vento dates back to the nineteenth century and comes from the presence of a Mulino attested until 1823; The building was probably demolished following the total demilitization of the walls that took place from 1833, with the transformation of walkways and ramparts into a public park. [first] [2] The military structures were demolished, while the low squares of the bastion were used as greenhouses and nurseries; In 1848 the walker walk was expanded between the windmill and the bastion horse on the project of the engineer Lamberto Lapi. [first] [2] At the center of the bastion, a circular tank with fountain with ninety -five jets of water was placed in 1866, then embellished with the sculptures of the “wild boar” and other animals by Tolomeo Faccrade in 1950. [2] Also in 1950 the bronze bust of Giuseppe Mazzini of the sculptor Ivo Pacini was placed there. [first] [2]

The fountain of Wild boar (Tolomeo Faccendi, 1950)

The wind molino bastion presents itself with a polygonal section, with a powerful cordous shoe base, in continuity with the apical wall curtain, with some remains of guard bodies that have disappeared over time.

At the Bastione, there is a pedestrian walker in the gallery, from the aftermath, obtained from the galleries that in the past led to the gunboat; Outside the walls, a series of tennis courts are clearly visible.

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  • Bulwark of San Michele . are Topographical historical Atlas of the Municipality of Grosseto . URL consulted on January 6, 2016 (archived by URL Original September 8, 2007) .
