Battle of Salé (1260) – Wikipedia


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The SAY OF SALÉ is a raid launched by King Alphonse X of Castile against the city of Salé during the Merinid sultanate. The city remained in the hands of the Castilulans for two weeks. It was the greatest massacre in the history of Salé.

According to Ibn Khaldoun, when the Merinids succeeded the Almohads, the governor of Salé, Yacoub Ben Abdellah Le Mérinide raised himself against his uncle the sultan Abu Yusuf Yaqub ben Abd al-haqq then in Taza [ 5 ] . The nephew went to seek a hand from Alphonse X King of Castile. Ruy Lopèz de Mendoza, who had been appointed Admiral de Castille in 1254, had formed the Castillane armada to continue the crusade this time in the North African coasts. So since 1250, Salé had become an important strategic and commercial pole and the main door of the coast of the azghar , the region of northern Morocco, where the influence of Beni Merin, since its conquest by Sultan Abu Bakr ben Abdelhaq, is expanding [ 3 ] .

The day before Eid al-Fitr of the year 658 of the Hegira (which corresponds to September 1260), thirty-seven Castilian warships sent by the Spanish king were before the Salétine Côtes which were then not protected by any fortification. The betrayal was such that the day of Friday 2 Chawwal, the Castilian warriors landed in surprise and took advantage of it to commit what will be the greatest massacre in the history of Salé. The inhabitants were busy celebrating the Eid El-Fitr festival. The attackers killed a large number of Saletines. They destroyed and pillaged everything in their path. Women, children and old men were surrounded by the great mosque. Three thousand of them will be captured and taken as slaves to Seville.

Salty remained for two weeks in the hands of the Castilulans [ 6 ] , before the Sultan Merinid Yacoub Ben Abdelhaq gained the rescue of Salé. He quickly ordered the alert to his troops and carried out a forced march to arrive at the gates of Salé in a day and a night. Sultan’s seat lasted 14 days before he ordered the assault killing all the Spanish fighters who were still there, while the others had been able to flee and regain the fleet after having ransacked the houses, looted and burned them shops. The first measure taken by the sultan after the liberation of the city was to build the southwest wall, opposite Bouregreg. In 1261, he built at the end of the wall facing the sea a gigantic dungeon baptized sadly “Borj Adoumoue” ( tears ) [ 4 ] .

After the failure of this campaign, the Admiral of Castille Ruy Lopèz de Mendoza flees in Portugal for fear of Alphonse X [ 7 ] .


The raid launched against salty will increase Muslim hatred towards Christians and will only be a prelude to a jihad against the Castilulans. In the same year, Salé will know the construction of the most imposing fortified door in Morocco, Bab Lamrissa [ 8 ] . Merinides will make Salé arsenal an increasingly active shipyard to revive the armed struggle in Al-Andalus [ 9 ] .

Notes and references [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. “Traces”, Muslim memories in the heart of France Georges A. Bertrand. Coll. Passrelles , Chaman editions. p. 157
  2. [first] The raid took place in 1260 according to Ibn Khaldoun and in 1263 according to Luis Del Mármol Carvajal
  3. a et b C..E. DUFOURCQ: “” ON project … “, open. CIT, PP. 28-38
  4. A B and C Salt: millennial city , p. forty six
  5. Youngth , Mediterranean historical research center , Version of Ibn Khaldoun on taking salty
  6. For 13 days specifies Charles-Emmanuel Dufourcq in “A Castilian project in the 13th century”
  7. Ali Ibn Abi Zar’a, Al-Anis Al-Moutib Baroud Al-Qartass Fi Akhbar Moulouk Al-Mghryb Wa Tarikh Madinat Fas , Editions Dar Al-Mansour, Rabat, 1973, pp. 313-349 (cited by researcher Brahim Anouar in his study of “origins of merinids and azghar”)
  8. Terrace, H., “the doors of the salty arsenal”, in HESPERIS , IV, 1922, p. 357-371
  9. Cressier, P., “Almohad urban monumental doors: symbols and functions”, in The Pillows: Problems and Perspectives, Madrid: Higher Council for Scientific Invistics/Arab Studies and Islamics , 2005, p. 149-187.

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Document utilisé pour la rédaction de l’article: document used as a source for writing this article.

  • Driss Mrini and Ismaïl Alaoui , Salt: millennial city , Editions Eclat de Rabat, printed in Milan, , 200 p. (ISBN  9981-9995-0-4 ) , p. 45, 46 Document utilisé pour la rédaction de l’article
  • Charles-Emmanuel Dufrourcq , A Castilian project of XIII It is century: the Crusade of Africa , Letter faculty, , 26 p. Document utilisé pour la rédaction de l’article

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