Battle of țuțora – Wikipedia


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The battle of Olo (also called Battle of Cecora ) Opposed the forces of the Polono-Lituanian Union and the Principality of Moldova to an Ottoman army (and to its Nogais auxiliaries), between September 17 and October 7, 1620 near the Pruut in Moldova (today in Romania ).

The failure of embassies of the Polono-Lithuanian Union in Istanbul, and the repeated violations of the Busza Treaty (in) (with incessant border raids both on the side of the Cossacks subjects of the Republic of the two nations, as well as Ottoman subjects), became the degradation of relations between the Ottomans and the Union. The two camps entered war with a low preparation. The SEJM refused most of the funds claimed by the Hetmans and, according to the councils of Habsburg emissaries, made the decision to launch its forces, badly prepared, from 1620 against Turkish forces which intended to go to war in 1621. The Hetman Stanisław Żółkiewski, decided to fight on a foreign soil and made his choice on the entrenched camp of guardian , in the Principality of Moldova, fortified in previous conflicts.

The Hetmans Zółkiewski and Koniecpolski arrived in September 1620 with their armies in guardian . Prince Moldovan Gaspar Gratiani, vassal of the Ottoman Empire, nevertheless decided to support the Poles, imprisoned the emissaries of the Sultan Osman II and attacked their escort of Janissaries in Jassy. However, due to the looting and indiscipline of the Union troops, the Moldovan boyars were few to approve the choice of Gratiani, and dispersed to defend their domains against the Polish Cossacks. Few Boyards joined the fighting and most preferred to wait for the outcome of the war to join the winning camp.

On September 10, the first day of the fighting, several Moldavian squadrons changed camp and attacked the sides of the Polish Cossacks who, in lack of refueling, had the wrong to sack the neighboring Moldavian villages. On September 19, the Polish defeat was cleared, but the positions were maintained. It was not until ten days later, once ate the cattle requisitioned in the countryside, that the Union forces retired and disintegrated, losing their booty, as the Ottoman troops approached. On October 6, the Polish infantry was caught up in the Turks and was decimated, its leaders being captured. The head of żółkiewski was shown on a spike and then salted and sent to the sultan. After the death of Prince Moldavian Gaspar Gratiani on September 29, murdered in the village of Branista by two Boyards faithful to Prince Alexandru IV Iliaș (himself a faithful Vassal of the Ottoman) Iliaş was called to govern Moldova.

The campaign was then suspended during the winter, but hostilities resumed in 1621 with increased force, which put the king of Poland in a difficult situation since the Emperor Ferdinand II of the Holy Empire refused to show him his gratitude and Send him military aid.


The Turks had an army of Edirne left in the hope of drawing the advantage of the victory of guardian and conquer Ukraine. Nevertheless, this army was stopped during the Battle of Hotin and the war stopped after the Treaty of Hotin, favorable to the Ottomans.

Following this war, Osman II tried to modernize his bodies with unruly Janissaries. The latter rebellious and provoked the sultan’s deposition on May 18, 1622.
