Battle order during the battles of Rossignol – Wikipedia


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The following is the battle order of the military forces present during the battles of Rossignol (Belgium) which take place the .

The colonial body [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

2 It is Colonial infantry division

  • 2 It is Colonial infantry brigade
4 It is colonial infantry regiment (Toulon)
8 It is colonial infantry regiment (Toulon)
  • 4 It is Colonial infantry brigade
22 It is Colonial Infantry Regiment (Marseille)
24 It is Colonial Infantry Regiment (Perpignan)
  • Divisional organic elements:
first is colonial campaign artillery regiment.
5 It is squadron of 6 It is dragons regiment
Company 22/1 of first is genius regiment

3 It is Colonial infantry division

  • first re Colonial infantry brigade
first is colonial infantry regiment (Cherbourg)
2 It is colonial infantry regiment (Brest)
  • 3 It is Colonial infantry brigade
3 It is Colonial Infantry Regiment (Rochefort)
7 It is colonial infantry regiment (Bordeaux)
  • Divisional organic elements:
2 It is colonial campaign artillery regiment.
6 It is squadron of 6 It is dragons regiment
Company 22/3 of first is genius regiment

Elements not endivated (ENE)

  • 5 It is Colonial infantry brigade
21 It is colonial infantry regiment (Paris)
23 It is colonial infantry regiment (Paris)
3 It is African Hunter Regiment
3 It is colonial artillery regiment (Lorient)
Companies 22/2, 22/4, 22/16, 22/31 of first is genius regiment.

The 6 It is army Corps (of) (Breslau) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

11 It is Infantry Division (Breslau)

ten It is Regions the Grenadiers (Prevission)
38 It is Fusiliers regiment (Glatz)
11 It is Grenadier regiment (Breslau)
51 It is infantry regiment (Breslau)
  • 11 It is Brigade of cavalerie (Brresau)
first is Body cuirassiers regiment (Breslau)
8 It is Dragons regiment (oats)
  • 11 It is Campaign artillery brigade (Breslau)
6 It is Campaign artillery regiment (Breslau)
42 It is Regions the Artiliery the campaign (Prevission)

twelfth It is Infantry Division (Neisse)

22 It is Regulation the Infantanty (Glatzz, Katowitz)
156 It is infantry regiment (pl) (Beuthen, Tarnowitz)
23 It is infantry regiment (neisse)
62 It is infantry regiment (Cosel, Ratibor)
  • 78 It is Brigade d’Fanterie (Brieg)
63 It is Regulation the infanty (Opplen, Lublelzz)
157 It is Infantry regiment (Brieg)
  • twelfth It is Brigaud Part Cavalerie (Duisseaux)
4 It is Hussars regiment (of) (Ohlau)
6 It is Hussars regiment (of) (Leobschütz)
2 It is Uhlans regiment (Gleiwitz)
11 It is Horse hunter regiment (of) (Tarnowitz)
  • twelfth It is Campaign artillery brigade (Neisse)
21 It is campaign artillery regiment (Neisse, Grottkau)
57 It is campaign artillery regiment (Neustadt, Gleiwitz)

Elements not endivated (ENE)

6 It is hunter battalion (of) (Oels)
3 It is detachment of machine guns attached to 51 It is infantry regiment (Breslau)
6 It is Foot artillery regiment (neisse)
6 It is Genius battalion (Silesian) (Neisse)
6 It is crew train group (Silesian) (Breslau)

The VIII It is Reserve army corps (Coblence) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Jeoou-Louis Philipt SEIVILREE ETICER Labayele, «rossignol, », Journal of Commander Jean Moreau, chief of staff of the 3 It is colonial division , Editions Anovi, 2002 [first]
  • M. DENOLLE, The Great War lived – told – illustrated by the fighters , Volume Premier, pages 61 to 65, Aristide Quillet bookstore, publisher, Paris, 1922
