Be-2 — Wikipedia


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Be-2 (pronounced English) is a female J-Pop duo, active under this name from 1987 to 1990, composed of Kiyoko Kitazawa ( Kiyoko Kitazawa , KITAZAWA KIYOKO ? , Born February 28, 1964 in Kanagawa ) et Keiko yamamoto ( Keiko Yamamoto , Yamamoto Keiko ? , Born May 20, 1962 in Tokyo ) . The duo also occurred before under the name Captain (1984-1987), and after under the name Devil Girls (1991-2002).

The duo actually begins in 1982 as dancers and choristers of the Japanese singer and idol Iyo Matsumoto. In 1984, they became, under the name Captain , those of Mamiko Asō, forming the group Asto Mamiko & Captain , which separated in 1987. The duo then continued their career under the new name Be-2 , and left records until 1990, interpreting many times, beginning in particular with a duo The Peanuts, Koi no vacancy . The duo then appears regularly under the name Devil Girls ( Devil Girls ? ) in takeshi Kitano variety shows, Kitano Fan club ( Kitano fan club ? ) from 1991 to 1996 and Adachiku NO TAKESHI, SEKAI NO KITANO ( Takeshi in Adachi -ku, Kitano in the world ? ) From 1997 to 2002, and in his films Hana-Bi ( Hanabi ), Kikujiro summer And Dolls , in small roles.
In the 2000s, Kiyoko Kitazawa made reports of reports in New York, and in 2009 opened a beauty salon, Beauty House Be .

