Bel RTL — Wikipedia


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Ber rtl is a private general radio station whose headquarters are located in Schaerbeek (Belgium). It is part of the Holding Radio H, a subsidiary of the RTL Belgium which of March 31 is of the Propiet of DPG Media and Rossel group.

Broadcast in French-speaking Belgium, that is to say both in the Walloon Region and in the Brussels-Capital Region, it is the third most listened to the French Community of Belgium.

The radio station is created on . [Ref. necessary]

The , Bel RTL has a technology to disseminate the image of programs without human intervention [ first ] .

Logos [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Slogans [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Until 2018: “Living together”
  • Since 2018: “Your best moments” [ 2 ]

Implantations [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The radio station has three regional offices, located in Namur, Liège and Charleroi. The first year of its existence (1991-1992), Bel RTL was making local information stalls in these three geographic areas as well as in Walloon Brabant. [ Ref. desired]

Historical [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Direction [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

General director [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Francis Shefin (1991-2002)
  • Jean-JACQUES DELEEUW (2002-2010)
  • Eric Adelbrecht (2010-2018) [ 6 ]
  • Stéphazia roses bluet (2017-2018)
  • Erwin Lapraille (since 2018) [ 7 ]

Antenna director [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Bruno Bandinu (since 2012)

Program director [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Jean-Marc Dorangeon (2014-2016)
  • Eric Adelbrecht (2017-2017)
  • Emmanuel Mestag (since 2017) [ 8 ]

Writing [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Information Director: Laurent Haulotte
  • History of editors in chief: Stéphane Rosenblatt, Thierry Dupiereux, Barbara Mertens, Jean-Philippe Lombardi A.I., Camie Tys A.I.)

Current animators and journalists [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Former animators and journalists [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Alain Simons (1991-2015)
  • Eddy De Wilde
  • Jean-Paul Andret
  • Nancy Sinatra
  • Borreux jeans
  • Laurent Hovine
  • Thierry Fiorilli
  • Jean-François Johann (1991-2013)
  • Marie-Anne Brothe
  • Isabelle Pesesse
  • Alain
  • Patrick DURIEUX
  • Jean-Charles Yonté
  • Jean-Marie Grégoire
  • Thierry Dupiereux
  • Philippe Castel
  • Christophe Grandjean
  • Frédéric Pélissier
  • Dominique Romain
  • Martin Jacques
  • Erik Silance (1996-1999)
  • Stéphane Piedboeuf
  • Philippe Bouvard
  • Ingrid Franssen
  • Luc Maton
  • Thomas Van Hamme
  • Pierre Joye
  • Michaël pachen
  • Marc -André Métais – Generation facilitator
  • Jean-Claude Haslled – Journalists it antime (1991-2016)
  • Stéphanie
  • Hervé Meillon
  • Frédéric Herbays (1992-2016)
  • Joeffrey Dath (host of summer 2021)
  • Bérénice (AAAA-2021)
  • Dominique Henrotte
  • Generalness [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

    Event [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

    An FM one a DAB+ [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

    Bel RTL can be heard from the FM band on most of the Walloon region and in Brussels, as well as on the DAB+network, digital radio.

    By cable [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

    RTL-TVI broadcasts images of Bel RTL programs from 4 h 30 From the big studio of Bel RTL, and that every day of the week, all year round. This images lasts until 8 h 30 or 9 h , depending on the day.

    In addition, some TV distributors from Brussels and Wallonia take up a good RTL in their radio program proposal, to listen to a tuner connected to the radio Télédistribution.

    Ber rtl a radiovision [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

    Beginning , Bel RTL has its own television channel under the name Bel RTL Vision [ ten ] . The animators are filmed live and video clips are broadcast. The chain is Romanian available everywhere in Belgium via operators [ 11 ] Next Pickx, Orange TV, Telenet, voo and televes.

    In 2021, Bel RTL is the fourth most listened to radio station in French -speaking Belgium, obtaining 12.39% in market share [ twelfth ] . On average, 464,890 listeners listen to Bel RTL each day, with a listening time of 2 hours 20 minutes [ 13 ] .

    1. Multicam Systems Automate Be RTL » , on , (consulted the ) .
    2. Logo change for Bel RTL » , on The evening more , (consulted the )
    3. Sandrine Corman returns to Bel RTL » , on , (consulted the ) .
    4. Emmanuel Mestdag appointed Director of Bel RTL Programs » , on , (consulted the ) .
    5. The humorist Tex arrives on Bel RTL » , on , (consulted the ) .
    6. Pierre Bertinchamps, ERIC ADULTED QUITEN LAGE DEETION THIS RADIOS THE RTL BEGGIUM » , on TELEPro.BE , (consulted the )
    7. Erwin Lapraille, new director of radios of RTL Belgium: “We lost sight of the recipe” » , on (consulted the )
    8. BRULHATOUR , Emmanuel Mestdag appointed Director of Bel RTL Programs » , on The Pro letter from radio & media – the power of the radio media (consulted the )
    9. Beautiful RTL in the heart of the Binche carnival » , on , (consulted the ) .
    10. Bel RTL Vision » , on CSA Belgium (consulted the )
    11. Beautiful RTL in radio from Monday on Proximus TV » , on (consulted the )
    12. CIM data Media Information Center.
    13. Public results » , on Stamp (consulted the )

    Related articles [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

    external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
