Benjamin Foundan — Wikipedia


Benjamin Fondane , alias B. Fungoiian , neither Benjamin Wechsler (OU We Wexler) in to Iași in Romania and died on 2 or the in a gas chamber of the Auschwitz extermination camp [ first ] , is a philosopher, poet, playwright, essayist, literary critic, director of cinema and Jewish Romanian atheist, French naturalized in 1938, mainly French expression.


Family [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The son of Isaac Wechsler and Adela Schwarzfeld, Benjamin Wechsler was the family’s younger. He had an older sister, Line, and a sister, Rodica.

His father was a merchant whose parents were from Hertza, a town located in northern Moldova.

His mother belonged to an eminent family of Jewish intellectuals whose father, Benjamin Schwarzfeld, from Galicia, pedagogue and Hebrew, created the first Jewish school in Iași. The brothers of Adela, Elias, Moses and Wilhelm, were renowned scholars. Elias Schwarzfeld wrote a History of the Jews of Romania [ 2 ] .

He married Geneviève Tissier on July 28, 1931.

Career [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

He published poetry from an early age and took, around 1913, the name of Plume B. Fundoianu, of the Romanian toponym Background . In 1918, he was the author of the drama Peter’s denial ( Stone denial ), short play published by Chemarea editions. After the end of his secondary studies in Iași, he left for Bucharest and became the center of a avant-garde group which includes Marcel Janco, Max Hermann Maxy, Iosif Ross, Sașa Pană, Ion Vinea, ștefan Roll and Ilarie Voronca . He published in important periodicals, still under the name of B. Fundoianu, and briefly founded in 1921-1922 a theatrical troop, The island ( The island ), influenced by the conceptions of Jacques Copeau.


He arrived in Paris in 1923 where he became Benjamin Fondane, adding French culture to his Romanian and Hebrew roots. It was in Paris that he wrote his first work in French, French exercise , published in 1925. He met Tristan Tzara, whom he interviews; He himself adheres to the surrealist movement, as well as to the subgroup of Arthur Adamov, and publishes new poems such To Madame Sonia Delaunay , part of an unfinished project entitled Ulysses 1927 .

In 1924, he met in Jules de Gaultier the Russian philosopher Léon Chestov, who will be the most decisive meeting of his life: the two men bind from a strong friendship, and Chestov became the fundamental master in philosophy. Fondane then writes, especially in Southern notebooks , on Martin Heidegger, Edmund Husserl, Friedrich Nietzsche, Søren Kierkegaard, Sigmund Freud, Stéphane Lupasco… while helping to make Chestov’s thought in France known. In 1939, he entrusted Victoria Ocampo with a copy of his manuscript Meetings with Léon Chestov , which will only be published well after his death.

In 1933, he worked with Dimitri Kirsanoff to an experimental film entitled Rapt , free adaptation of Charles Ferdinand Ramuz’s novel Separation of breeds . In 1936, he wrote and directed the film Apostal in Argentina. On the return boat, he became friends with the neo-Thomist Catholic Jacques Maritain.

During the 1930s, Fondane was at the heart of French intellectual life. For this ardent polemist, thought was defined as a struggle, as for Chestov, which held that philosophy is not a knowledge but a fierce to death for freedom. It was in this spirit that Fondane aroused a debate in 1936 on the interpretation of Kierkegaard in France. He particularly aimed Denis de Rougemont, Rachel Bespaloff and Jean Wahl.

In 1938, on the death of Chestov, Fondane was known to be his disciple and was recognized as a philosopher.

In 1940, Fondane was engaged during the Nazi invasion in France. Considering prisoner, he escapes, is resumed and he is hospitalized in Val-de-Grâce for an appendectomy. After returning to his home, he works on his project Ulysses and at various tests.

In March 1944, he was arrested by the Vichy police. His friends manage to obtain his release but Benjamin Fondane decides not to abandon his sister Line. He was sent to the Drancy camp, then deported to Auschwitz by convoy 75 of May 30 from Bobigny station [ 3 ] .


The work of Benjamin Fondane is marked by the multiplicity of forms of expression: poetry (his poetic works are gathered under the general title: Ghost evil , Verdier Poche, 2006), theater ( The Balthazar feast , Philochette ), philosophy (in particular Unhappy conscience , 1936; Rééd. Verdier, 2013), film critic ( Writings for cinema , Verdier Poche, 2007), cinematographic realization ( Apostal , 1936), essays of aesthetics and poetics ( False aesthetics treaty , 1938, reed. Paris Méditerranée, 1998), essays on literature ( Charles Baudelaire and the experience of the abyss , 1947; Rééd. Complex, 1994).

Formidable polemicist, especially in his Chronicles of living philosophy , which he publishes with South Notebooks Throughout the thirties, Fondane defined his positions in an agonistic space for struggle and oppositions (against Hegel, Heidegger, Jean Wahl, Edmund Husserl, Paul Valéry, André Breton…).

He publishes in many small journals that ensure the effective dissemination of his positions against Breton’s surrealism, against the poetics of Paul Valéry, against the autobiographical discourse of André Gide, against Hegelianism or Husserlian Phenomenology. This transdisciplinary versatility actually covers remarkable philosophical coherence of the work. He wrote the first part of his poetic and critical work, already considerable, in Romanian, then adopted the French from 1924 after his arrival in Paris.

If her Romanian poetry quickly stands out from the symbolist influences of her youth to evolve towards a more expressionist style, she was marked by the crossing of the avant-garde, at the borders of Dadaism and surrealism, before turning into an existential poetry, loaded to attest with force the wandering of the poet in the perpetual flow of a shipwrecked world, united with Jewish emigrants. Revolt or unusualness is at the heart of this work, marked by the obsession with the disaster of a civilization capable of transforming individuals into ghosts of history.

Fondane’s work, strongly imbued with the philosophy of Leon Chestov’s tragedy, always expresses a revolt against human “finitude” and a vehement certificate of individual existence, threatened by finitude, exile, contempt, Abstract and derealizing rationalism, the violence of history. His fight against a certain destructive rationalism, his refusal of any ideological, moral, political alienation of poetry, his cry in favor of an absent God claimed before disaster, make his work particularly significant for the contemporary reader.

On June 21, 1968, Claude Sernet’s wife and daughter donated the Jacques Doucet literary library of manuscripts and works by Benjamin Fondane who were in their possession.

Commemorative plaque on the building where Fondane lived, rue Rollin.
A day will undoubtedly come when the poem read
will be before your eyes. He does not ask
Nothing! Forget it, forget it! It’s not
that a cry, which cannot be put in a poem
Perfect, did I have time to finish it?
But when you take off this bouquet of nettles
who had been me, in another century,
in a story that will be expired to you,
just remember that I was innocent
and that, just like you, deadly of that day,
I too had a marked face
by anger, by pity and joy,
Simply a man’s face!


Benjamin Fondane Prose preface , extract of The exodus ( On the rivers of Babylon ), published in anthology Ghost evil , Paris, Verdier editions, 2006, p. 153 .

Benjamin Fondane articles and works published from 1925 to 1944 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Pierre REVERDY , Integral , 10, January 1927.
  • Louis Aragon or the peasant of Paris , Integral , Bucharest, 10, January 1927.
  • The confession of a chandelier ( The confession of a candelabra ), de A.L. Zission, Integral , Bucharest, II, 10, January 1927.1.
  • The Surrealists and the Revolution , Integral , Bucarest, 12, avril 1927.
  • Paul Éluard: Capital of pain , Integral , Bucharest, March 11, 1927.
  • The great ballet of French poetry , Integral , Bucharest, June-July 1927, 13-14.
  • Pierre REVERDY , Integral , Bucarest, 15, avril 1928.
  • Reflections on the show , Star notebooks , Paris, 8, March-April, 1928.
  • Three scenarios: cinema-poems , Brussels: International Documents of the New Spirit, 1928 (with two portraits of Fondane by Man Ray).
  • The confession of a candelabra by L. Zissu, translated from the Romanian and preceded by a preface by B. Fondane, Portrait by Maxy, Paris: Picart, 1928.
  • The gaze of the absent , Discontinuity , Paris, I, June 1928, 8.
  • A tragic philosopher, Léon Chestov , Europe , Paris, January 19, 15, 1929, 142-50.
  • Reflections on the show , Star notebooks , Paris, 2, 8, March-April, 256-67.
  • The trial of reason. Léon Chestov, a dependent witness , Star notebooks , Paris, 2, 9, May-June, 344-64.
  • Edmund Husserl and Columbus’ egg of reality , Europe , Paris, XX, 78, June 15, 1929, 331-44.
  • Reflections on the show , fragments, One [Un], Bucharest, June 1929.
  • Presentation of pure films , Synthesis , Buenos Aires, Septembre 1929.
  • Brancusi , Star notebooks , Paris, II, 11, sept-oct.1929, 708-725.
  • Pure poetry from Paul Valéry to Tristan Tzara , One , Bucharest, 22, February, 1930.
  • Adam’s Psalm [Adam’s Psalm], Adam , Bucarest, i, 16, first is February 1930, 7-8.
  • Under the roofs of Paris (on René Clair), The intransigent , Paris, June 12, 1930.
  • Rimbaud Le Voyou , extract, Purpose , Paris, III, 7, July 1930,16-20.
  • From the mute to the speaking, size and decadence of cinema , Beaver , April 5, 30, 1930, 137-50.
  • Poems , Sites , Carcassonne, March 1930, 8, 5-6.
  • Marc Chagall , Adam , Bucarest, 1, May 1930.
  • Marc Chagall , Tschisla , Paris, 1, 1930 (in Russian).
  • Time is out of hinges And Let’s pass the sponge , Star notebooks , Paris, 111, 16, Jul.-August 1930, 583-585.
  • Gide following Montaigne , Star notebooks , Paris, 111, 14, March-April 1930, 266-285.
  • (Report), Léon-Pierre Quint, The Count of Lautréamont and God , ed. South Notebooks, School notebooks (Paris), III, 16, July-August 1930, 608-614.
  • (Report), Ribemont-Dessaignes, Human borders , Bifur collection, ed. Du Carrefour, 1929, School notebooks (Paris), III, 16, July-August 1930, 615-618.
  • Ulysses , fragments, Commerce , Paris, notebook XXV, fall 1930, 91-111.
  • The cinema in the quagmire , On , Buenos Aires, 1, Summer 1931.
  • Two fragments of Ulysses , The Journal of Poets , Brussels, II, January 8, 16, 1932 (2).
  • Fragments of Ulysses , The Journal of Poets , Brussels, II, March 15, 5, 1932, (1).
  • Romania. Point of view and selection of a writer happy to be biased , The Journal of Poets , Brussels, II, March 15, 5, 1932, (3-4).
  • On the road to Dostoyevski: Martin Heidegger , South Notebooks , Marseille, 141 (1932) 378-92.
  • Martin Heidegger Ante La Sombra de Dostoyevski , On , Buenos Aires, summer, anus II, 1932 151-169.
  • Fragments of Ulysses , Cahiers du Journal des Poets , Brussels, II, February 15, 12, 1933.
  • (Report) COUSEVERAGE: Treaty you , Paris, Gallimard, 1933, South Notebooks (Marseille), X, 147, Jan.1933, 42-51.
  • Rimbaud Le Voyou , extract, South Notebooks , Marseille, 149, 1933, 196-209.
  • Cinema 33 , Yellow notebooks , Paris, 4, 1933, 12-20.
  • On gogol , South Notebooks , 151, 1933.
  • Ulysses , Neuilly lighthouse , Neuilly-sur-Seine, 2, 1933, 61-68.
  • Rimbaud and Sophocles , 14 Rue du Dragon , Paris, 1, March 1933, 13.
  • On Ulysses in the city , seem to Ilarie Voronca, South Notebooks , Marseille, 154, 1933.
  • (Report), À Product the Søns Burkey , In wine there is truth , Ed. du cavalier, Repetition , Alcan, South Notebooks , Marseille, X, 155, oct.1933, 625-631.
  • (Report), Boris the slaughter. Gogol , Paris, Plon, 1932, Southern Cahiers (Marseille), X, 151, May 1933, 375-377.
  • (Compte Rendu), Ilarie Voronca, Ulysses in the city , translated from the Romanian by Roger Vailland, Paris, Éditions du Sagittarius, 1933, South Notebooks , Marseille, X, 154, sept. 33, 535-537.
  • Rimbaud and Lautréamont , 14 Rue du Dragon , Paris, 4, June 1933, 9.
  • Rimbaud Le Voyou , fragments, Documents 33 , Brussels, 4, July 1933, 10-12.
  • Rimbaud Le Voyou , Paris: HuroGe Sights, 1933.
  • When we entered … , extract from Ulysses , Poetry , Paris, 12, 8, August 8, 1933, 10-12.
  • About the church of Mr. Céline , Blue notebook , IV, 1, 22 November 1933.
  • Titanic , extracts, The bottle at sea , Paris, 35, oct. 33.
  • Response to an investigation into Soviet cinema. About the Golden Mountain Film , 1933, Documents 33 , Brussels, 8, December 1933.
  • Curtain lifting , 6, Blue notebook , December 22, 1933, 258-60.
  • 1. “Psychoanalysis of Edgar Poe”, Blue notebook (Paris), II, January 13, 22, 1934, 75-77.
  • 2. “Proverbs”, Jewish notebooks (Paris), I, 7, January 1934, 55-56.
  • 3. “Rapp interview”, Today (Paris), 24 Feb.1934.
  • 4. “Marc Chagall”, Jewish notebooks (Paris) I, 9, Avril-Mai 1934, 266-272.
  • 5. “The” general “line of Gide, papers”, New blue notebook (Paris), 14-15, May 10, 1934, 356-360.
  • 6. (report), Edouard Krakowsski, Plotinus and religious paganism , Paris, Exeaf it’s Steele, 1934, South Notebooks (Marseille), 162, June 1934, 391-392.
  • 7. “Poem”, 16-17, Blue notebook , June 10, 1934.
  • 8. “About the film Rapt”, The Belgian Star , (Brussels), July 21, 1934.
  • 9. (report), Karl Barth, Word of God and Human Word E, translated by P. Maury and A. Lavanchy, Paris, Ed. Je Sers, 1933, South Notebooks (Marseille), 163, July 1934, 492-495.
  • 10. “A policy of the mind: the first congress of the writers of the USSR”, South Notebooks ((Marseille), ), 166, 1934, 718-24.
  • 11. “Léon Chestov, Burkegar Gard it Le Serpent”, South Notebooks (Marseille), 164, August 1934, 534-554.
  • 12. “A Victoria Ocampo”, Argentina review (Paris), August-September 1934, 29-30.
  • 13. “Faces of the Pampa”, (about Don Segundo Sombra), Argentina review (Paris), i, 3, Nov.1934, 33-37.
  • 14. “Poem”, Argentina review (Paris), I, 4, December 1934, 25-26.
  • 1. “Spirit and time: unhappy consciousness”, (fragments), South Notebooks (Marseille), XII, 171, avril 1935, 304-317.
  • 2. (Report) On Dostoevski, or the borders of man , by Edouard Thurneysen, translated from German by P. Maury, Paris: I use, South Notebooks (Marseille), XIII, 76, oct.1935, 674-676.
  • 3. “Heraclitus the poor, or need for kierkegaard”, South Notebooks (Marseille), XIII, 177, November 1935, 757-770.
  • 4. “The misfortune, Bergson, Freud and the gods”, On (Buenos Aires), December 15, 1935.
  • 5. (report), Gaston Bachelard, The new scientific spirit , Paris: Puf, 1935, South Notebooks (Marseille), XIII, 178, Dec. 1935, 867-870.
  • 1. “Letter to Jean Wahl about Kierkegaard”, South Notebooks (Marseille), XIV, 179, jan.1936, 87-88.
  • 2. (report) Denis de Rougemont, Personal policy . Problems, doctrines and tactics of the personalist revolution , Paris: I use, 1934, South Notebooks (Marseille), XIV, 182, avril 1936, 334-335.
  • 3. “Titanic” [Extract], The Argentina review , (Paris), II, 15, Avril-May 1936, 12-13.
  • 4. “Léon Chestov, in search of lost Judaism”, Jewish Review of Geneva , IV (1936) 326-28.
  • 5. “Poetry and metaphysics”, Swiss annals , Zurich: Max Niehans Verlag, July-August, 1936, 357-364.
  • 6. “Préfacio for the present”, On (Buenos Aires), 21, Juin 1936.
  • 7. Unhappy conscience , Paris: Deeiel Steveland, 1936.
  • 8. (Report) Comte de Gobineau, Memory on various manifestations of individual life , Desclée de Brouwer, South Notebooks (Marseille), XIV, 183, May 1936, 412-413.
  • 9. “Titanic” [Extracts], Poet mail (Brussels), 1, 14, June 20, 1936, 12-13.
  • 10. (Filling Ring) Irma De Manziarly, Asian wanderings , South Notebooks (Marseille), XV, 185, July 1936, 605.
  • 11. (Report) Raymond Queneau, The last days , Paris: Gallimard, 1936, South Notebooks (Marseille), XV, 188, Nov.1936, 850-851.
  • 12. (report) Nietzsche, The will to power , volume I, text established by F. Wurbach and translated by G. Bianquis, Paris: Gallimard, 1936, South Notebooks , XV, 188, November 1936, 851.
  • 13. (report) Marcel de Corte, Aristotle and Plotinus , Parais, descouples the brothers, 1935, South Notebooks (Marseille), XV, 188, Nov.1936, 852.
  • 14. “Titanic” [Extracts], Poet mail (Brussels), 3, 25, 31 Dec.1936, 48.
  • 1. (report) Jean Baruzi, Religion history problems , Paris: Félix Alcan, 1935, South Notebooks (Marseille), XVI, 190, Jan.1937, 56-57.
  • 2. (COMPT RING) LIVILY RUSE, Essay on artistic creation , Paris: Félix Alcan, 1935, South Notebooks (Marseille), XVI, 191, February 1937, 140-141.
  • 3. “About Léon Chestov’s book: Curkeful Et Lau Philowords existing Real “, Philosophy Review , 37, 1937, 381-414.
  • 4. “The poet and his shadow. Extract of Titanic , poem”, The Red and the Black (Brussels), May 5, 1937.
  • 5. Titanic, Cahiers du Journal des Poets , June 35-5, Brussels: 1937.
  • 6. “Living philosophy: the integral humanism of Jacques Maritain”, The Red and the Black (Brussels), July 21, 1937.
  • 7. (Report) Armand Petitjean, Imagination and realization , PARIS, ENDOY SCHOOL STARTLY, 1936, South Notebooks (Marseille), XVI, 196, August 1937, 442-444.
  • 8. “Poetic realism, fragment” (fragment of False aesthetics ), Mail of poets, The notebooks of the Journal des Poets (Brussels), 5, August 1937, 37-42.
  • 9. “Descartes or caution, about his full works”, The Red and the Black , (Brussels), September 8, 1937.
  • 10. “Lévy-Bruhl or the metaphysician despite himself”, The Red and the Black (Brussels), September 21 (1937).
  • 11. “The poet and the schizophrenic. The shameful conscience of the poet ”, South Notebooks (Marseille), XVI, 198,oct.1937, 550-569.
  • 12. “German romanticism”, The Red and the Black (Brussels), October 13, 1937.
  • 13. (report) will during, History of civilization , Paris: Payot; Arthur Byhan, Caucasian civilization , Payot, The Red and the Black (Brussels), Oct. 20, 1937.
  • 14. “The poet and the schizophrenic. The shameful conscience of the poet ”, South Notebooks (Marseille), XVI, 198, nov.1937, 662-650.
  • 15. “Nietzsche and repugnant problems”, The Red and the Black (Brussels), November 24, 1937. [trad. In Spanish: 1938]
  • 16. (report) The notion of instinct and its scientific bases , Paris, Vrin, South Notebooks (Marseille), XVI, 200, Dec. 1937, 751.
  • 17. (report) Blaise Pascal , Works, text established and annotated by Jacques Chevalier, Paris: La Pléiade, NRF, South Notebooks (Marseille), XVI, 200, Dec. 1937, 755.
  • 1. “Spiritual exercise”, White notebooks (Brussels), I, Feb.1938, 31-32.
  • 2. (Report) Gaston Bachelard, duration dialectic , South Notebooks (Marseille), XVIII, 1938.
  • 3. (Report) Jeanne Hersch, Philosophical illusion , Alcan bookstore, 1936, South Notebooks (Marseille), XVII, 202, February 1938, 141.
  • 4. (report) Works, Jean Calvin , presented and annotated by A-M. Schmidt, Paris: I use and Geneva: Labor, South Notebooks (Marseille), XVII, 202, February 1938, 162-163.
  • 5. “Poem”, Delta (Paris), II, 2, April 1938, 10.
  • 6. False treaty of aesthetics, essay on the reality crisis , Paris: Denoël, 1938.
  • 7. “Nietzsche and the‘ disgusting problems ’”, On (Buenos Aires), 42, year VIII, Mars 1938.
  • 8. (report) Gaston Bachelard, duration dialectic, South Notebooks (Marseille), 201, 1938.
  • 9. “The poet and schizophrenia – shameful consciousness”, On , 38, July 1937 and November 1937.
  • 10. (report) Emmanuel Kant, Faculty conflict , Trad. Introd. and notes by J. Gibelin, Paris: Vrin, South Notebooks (Marseille), XVII, 204, April 1938, 317-319.
  • 11. “Léon Chestov and the fight against evidence”, Review of France and abroad , July-August 1938, 13-50.
  • 12. “Ghost evil”, Messages (Paris), I, 3, May-June 1938, 82.
  • 13. “Léon Chestov and the fight against evidence”, Philosophical review of France and abroad (Paris) 126, 7-8, July-August 1938, 113-150.
  • 14. Léon Chestov, South Notebooks (Marsille), Xvii, 210, Nov.1938, 877-878.
  • 1. (Report) Lévy-Bruhl, Mystical experience and symbols in primitives , Paris: Félix Alcan, 1938, South Notebooks (Marseille), XVIII, 213, February 1939, 164-169.
  • 2. (Report) Jean Wahl, Kierkegaardian studies, Paris: Montaigne, South Notebooks (Marseille), XVIII, 213, February 1939, 169-171.
  • 3. (Report) Gaston Bachelard, “The formation of the scientific spirit. Contributions to a psychoanalysis of objective knowledge, Paris: Vrin, 1939, South Notebooks (Marseille), XVIII, 214, March 1939, 241-248.
  • 4. (report) Vladimir Jankélévitch, L’Alternative , Paris: Alcan, 1938, South Notebooks (Marseille) 214, March 1939, 249-251.
  • 5. “Investigation of war poetry”, Fontaine (Algiers) 3, April-May 1939.
  • 6. “Man in front of history or noise and fury”, South Notebooks (Marseille), XVIII, 216, May 1939, 441-454.
  • 7. “Lévy-Bruhl or the metaficious despite his”, On , 57, Año IX, Juin 1939, 65-75.
  • 8. (Report) Heidegger, What is metaphysics? ”, Paris: Gallimard; Rachel Bespaloff, Walks and crossroads , Paris: Vrin, 1938; Masson-Osel, Philosophy in the East , Paris: Alcan; Lenin, Hegel dialectic notebooks , Nrf; Paul Roman Muscus, Hand prayer , Paris: I use, South Notebooks (Marseille), XVIII, 218, July 1939, 603-606.
  • 1. “Poems”, Fontaine (Alger), VII, Jan.-FEVIr.1940, 142-143.
  • 2. (report) Gaston Bachelard, “About Lautréamont de Bachelard”, South Notebooks (Marseille), 229, XIX, 527-532.
  • 3. “Lévy-Bruhl and the metaphysics of knowledge”, The Philosophical Review of France and abroad (Paris), 129, Mai-June 1940, vol. 129, 289-316 and 120 (1940) 29-54.
  • 4. “Letter to Jean Ballard”, in “Carnet des absent”, South Notebooks (Marseille), 222, 1940.
  • 5. “On the banks of the Iliso, conversations with Cutev”, On , Año IX, Juillet 1940, 7-39.
  • 1. “At the threshold of India”, South Notebooks (Marseille), XXVIII, 236, June-July. 1941, 374-385.
  • 2. (Report) J.-D. Gherea, the Self and the World. Essay on an anthropomorphic cosmogony, Paris: Vrin, 1939, Philosophical review of France and abroad , 131, 9-12, Sept-Déc., 1941, 463-466.
  1. Ulysses (fragments) , Messages , 1, mars 1942, 46-54.
  • 1. “Baudelaire and the Experience of the Abyss”, Traduit Par Lionel Abel, Partisan Review (New York), vol.10, 5, Sept-oct., 1943, 410-420.
  • 2. “Baudelaire and the experience of the abyss” (extract), French Letters (Buenos Aires), 7-8, 23-33.
  • 3. “Baudelaire and the experience of the abyss”, (extract), South Notebooks (Marseille), 252, 1943.
  • 4. “Jules de Gaultier”, South Notebooks (Marseille), XIX, 255, avril 1943, 318-320.
  • 5. (Report) “from Empedocles to Stéphane Lupasco or” Loneliness of Logic “, South Notebooks (Marseille), XIX, 259, August-seven.1943, 71-76.
  • 6. “Importance of Baudelaire”, French domain , Messages , (Geneva), Éditions des Trois Collines, August-November 1943, 321-331.
  • 1. “At the time of the poem”, Poetry 44 , 18, March-April 1944, 43-47.
  • 2. “June days”, The honor of poets, Europe, II , Paris: Midnight, 1944, 24-26 (signed Isaac Lacquedem).
  • 3. (report) “Bachelard tames the dream”, Water and dreams Paris: Corti; Air and dreams Paris: Corti.
  • 4. “Ghost evil”, South Notebooks (Marseille), 268, Oct.-Dec.1944, 121-131.

Reissues and anthologies [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Baudelaire and the experience of the abyss , with a preface by Jean Cassou, Paris, Pierre Seghers, 1947; Rééd. Paris, Seghers, coll. “The archipelago”, 1972; Rééd. With a preface by Patrice Beray, Brussels, Editions Complexe, 1994.
  • The exodus , Preface by Claude Sernet, Veilhes, La Fenre Ardent, 1965.
  • Michel Carassou (ed), Dismissal , Benjamin Fondane, Paris, at the time of the poem, 1978.
  • Existential Monday , Paris, Éditions du Rocher, 1990
  • Brancusi (1929), Paris, Morgana Girl, 1995.
  • The traveler has not finished traveling . (ISBN  2904620656 )
  • Aesthetics , Paris-Méditerranée, 1998.
  • Being and knowledge: Essay on Lupasco , Paris-Méditerranée, 1998, (ISBN  284272044X )
  • Meetings with Léon Chestov , Arcane 17, 1996, (ISBN  2866960033 ) ( Meeting with L. Chestov online )
  • The writer before the Revolution, discourse not pronounced at the International Congress of Writers in Paris (1935 ), Preface by Louis Janover, Paris, Paris Méditerranée, 1997.
  • Fondane-Fundoianu and the avant-garde , (texts gathered by Michel Carassou, Petre Raileanu) Paris, Romanian cultural foundation and Paris Méditerranée, 1999.
  • At the threshold of India , Morgana fat, neck. “Hermès”, 1994, (ISBN  2851940988 )
  • Ghost evil (Poetry), Paris-Méditerranée & l’Ether vague-Patrice Thierry Editor, 1996; Rééd. Established by Patrice Beray and Michel Carassou, with the collaboration of Monique Jutrin, introductory of Henri Meschonnic, Paris, Verdier Poche, 2006 (ISBN  2864324857 )
  • Images and books of France , translated from the Romanian by Odile Serre, introduction of Monique Jutrin, Paris-Méditerranée, 2002.
  • Writings for cinema , Values ​​Poche, 2007.
  • Between Jerusalem and Athens. Benjamin Fondane in search of Judaism , Paris/Les Plans-sur-Bex (Switzerland), Word and Silence, 2009. Texts gathered by Monique Jutrin.
  • Rimbaud Le Voyou , Preface by Michel Carassou, Paris, Éditions Non Location, 2010.
  • Poems of yesteryear. Stone denial , The time he does, 2010. Texts translated by Odile Serre, postface of Monique Jutrin.
  • Full theater , edition established by Eric Freedman, Paris, Éditions Non Place, 2012.
  • Unhappy conscience , new edition established by Olivier Salazar-Ferrer, Verdier, 2013, coll. ” Philosophy “, (ISBN  2864327198 ) .
  • Landscapes , Bazas, the time he does, 2013, (ISBN  9782868535894 ) .
  • Between philosophy and literature , texts gathered by Monique Jutrin, Paris/Les Plans-sur-Bex (Switzerland), Word and Silence, 2015.
  • In front of history , texts gathered and presented by Monique Jutrin, Arles, Éditions de l’Horre, coll. “Imaginary philosophy”, 2020.
  • Lévy-Bruhl or the metaphysician despite himself , text established and presented by Serge Nicolas and Dominique Guedj, Arles, Éditions de l’Horre, coll. “Imaginary philosophy”, 2020.
  1. Claudine Cardon-Hamet, The “selection” for the gas chamber of the poet Benjamin Fondane (testimony of André Mountain, 45912) » , on (consulted the ) : “I still see fundaine out of the block, passing very straight in front of the SS, closing the neck of your jacket to protect yourself from the cold and the rain, get into the truck. One after the other, the heavily loaded trucks set off towards Birkenau. Two hours later, our comrades died gas. »»
  2. Biography Benjamin Fondane » , on (consulted the )
  3. Eric Freedman, «  Benjamin Fondane under Vichy in the spring of 1944 “, Published in Benjamin Fondane notebooks , 8, 2005, p. 20-23

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Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Monique Jutrin, Benjamin Fondane or the journey of Ulysses , Nizet, 1989.
  • Jean Lescure, Benjamin Fondane, the abyss and the wall followed by What ? Eternity and Monique Jutrin, An interview with Jean Lescure , Marchainville, Proverb editions, 1999, (ISBN  2908455331 ) .
  • Meetings around Benjamin Fondane poet and philosopher . (Proceedings of the Royaumont conference, April 1999), Editions Parole et Silence, 2002.
  • Patrice Beray and Michel Carassou, Benjamin Fondane, the traveler has not finished traveling , Lagrasse, verdier, coll. “L’Ether vans”, 2002 [1966].
  • Jad Hatem, Night Sun. Rilke, Fondane, Stétié, killed , Paris, Idlivre, 2002.
  • Olivier Salazar-Ferrer, Benjamin Fondane , Paris, Oxus editions, coll. “Les Romanains de Paris”, 2004.
  • Jad Hatem, Sow the Messiah according to Fondane Poet , Brussels, Part of the Eye editions, 2004.
  • Patrice Beray, Benjamin Fondane at the time of the poem , Lagrasse, Verdier & Les Amis de l’ether va van, 2006.
  • (in) Ramona Fotiade (ed.), The Tragic Discourse. Lev Shestov and Benjamin Fondane’s Existential Thought , London/New York: Peter Lang, 2006.
  • Olivier Salazar-Ferrer, Benjamin Fondane and existential revolt , Paris, Corlevour editions, 2007.
  • Benjamin Fondane and Carl Einstein, avant-garde and emigration in the Paris of the 1920s and 30s , under the direction of Liliane Meffre and Olivier Salazar-Ferrer, Peter Lang, 2008.
  • Éric Freedman, Critical bibliography of the work of Benjamin Fondane , Paris, Éditions Non Location, 2009.
  • Monique Jutrin, Benjamin Fondane in search of Judaism: between Jerusalem and Athens , Paris, Editions speech and silence, 2009.
  • Jérôme Thélot, Or unusual. Benjamin Fondane , Montpellier, Éditions Fissile, 2009.
  • Patrice Beray-Louis Janover, Find Fondane , Arles, Les Éditions de la Nuit, 2010.
  • Monique Jutrin, With Benjamin Fondane beyond history: or the notebooks of Ulysses (1924-1944) , Paris, Editions speech and silence, 2011, (ISBN  978-2-84573-929-1 ) .
  • Pre-logical thought, new logics & pentateuch. Fondane reader of Lévy-Bruhl , contributions from Michel Valensi, Monique Jutrin, Jean Dhombres, Serge Nicolas, Dominique Guedj, Bruno Karsenti, followed by unpublished notes by Benjamin Fondane (notes in a notebook of 1942-1943), Arles, Éditions de l’Horre, 2020.
Articles published in collective volumes
  • Olivier Salazar-Ferrer, « Benjamin Fondane et Albert Camus », in Albert Camus and the Scriptures of XX It is century (Collective), Presses de l’Université d’Artois, 2003.
  • Olivier Heartar-Ferrer, «Bondane and Nestzelsche: unce uneiing equiafo, in stocks», in inasemy (ed), The Tragic Discourse, Lev Shestov and Benjamin Fondane’s Existential Thought , London/New York: Peter Lang, 2006.
Special review numbers
  • Benjamin Fondane study company (ed.), Bulletin of the Benjamin Fondane study company , Kfar Saba, 1994-1996.
  • «Benjamin Fondane”, Europe , n O 827, Paris, March 1998.
  • EURESIS, Romanian notebooks of literary studies , (Three centenarians: Marcel Raymond, Tudor Vianu, Benjamin Fondane), under the direction of Mircea Martin, Bucharest, 1999-2000.
  • Special Leon Chestov notebooks Léon Chestov/Benjamin Fondane , 2010.
  • Alice Gonzi (Dir.): Benjamin Fondane / Thematic number of the review Humanitas (Brescia, Italy), 2/2012, 208 p.
  • To R. Kuhnle (dir.): Benjamin Fondane – Writing in front of history / Thematic number of the review Lendemans – Studies compared on France 146/147, 2012, 108 p.
Articles published in magazines
  • Olivier Salazar-Ferrer, “Benjamin Fondane Le Revolté”, Agone (Marseille), n O 10, 1993.
  • Olivier Salazar-Ferrer, Benjamin Fondane , trad. Elena Tudorie, Junimea (Roumanie), 2004.
  • Olivier Salazar-Ferrer, “Benjamin Fondane’s exodus and the existential certificate”, Acta Jassy comparison , 3/2005, Iasi, Romania, 53-68.
  • Olivier Salazar-Ferrer, “Benjamin Fondane and Paul Valéry: the autonomy of the poetic signifier”, Valéry, philosophers, philosophy , Valéryennes Studies Bulletin, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2004.
  • Olivier Salazar-Ferrer, « Benjamin Fondane » in Forgotten of the avant-garde , University Press of Chambéry, 2006, (ISBN  9782915797121 ) .
  • Olivier Salazar-Ferrer, “Benjamin Fondane and the plastic arts”, Tristan Tzara notebooks , Moinesti (Roumanie), vol.5-6 n O 13-20, 2006, 160-164.
  • Olivier Salazar-Ferrer, “Interviews with Goulven Le Brech: about Benjamin Fondane Le Revolté”, Le Grognard, first part, December 2008; Second part, April 2009.
  • Olivier Salazar-Ferrer, “this truth that we are, Rachel Bespaloff and Benjamin Fondane in front of Chestov”, Europe , n O 960, April 2009.
  • Oliminge Salzaire – “Benjamin Foundation et boris the Soluten”, Eurosis, Fondane call/ Call to Fondane , Bucharest, 2009.
  • Till R. Kuhnle, “The unbearable burden of being: Benjamin Fondane ahead of Sartre and the” new existential generation “”, in Europe. Monthly literary review n O 972 – file directed by Monique Jutrin, Existential thinkers of the thirties , Paris, avril 2010, p. 245-266.
  • Till R. Kuhnle / Carmen Oszi / Saskia Wiedner (dir.), East distant – near East. The presence of Israel in French -speaking literature , Tübingen: Narr (Lendemains, 2011.

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