Bernard-Jacques-Joseph-Maximilien de Ring-Wikipedia


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Baron Bernard-Jacques-Joseph-Maximilien de Ring ,, that Maximilian von Ring , born in Bonn the and died in Bischheim the [ first ] , was an archaeologist, designer and historian Franco-Prussian of XIX It is century.

  • Picturesque views of the old castles of Germany. The Grand Duche of Baden. With historical and descreptive text. Southern part: from the Kintzig valleum to Lac de Constance. Northern part. From the Kintzig Valle to Mein . 2 vols. With 2 lithographed titles and 52 according to M. von Ring lithographed and partially tinted figures. Strasbourg, Levrault, 1829.
  • Picturesque views of the knight’s castles in Germany according to the original drawings of Mr. Maximilian von Ring. The Grand Duchy of Baden, 1: southern part from the Kinzigthale to Lake Constance . Paris, Engelmann, 1829.
  • Picturesque views of the knight’s castles in Germany according to the original drawings of Mr. Maximilian von Ring. The Grand Duchy Baden, 2: northern part from the Kinzigthale to the Main . Paris, Engelmann, 1829.
    • Picturesque views of the knight’s castles of the Grand Duchy of Baden . INTRODUCTION THE MAX SEASEFOLD. Reprink the Ugdition Paris 1829 (VOL 1 UND 2). Frankfurt and. M., Weiverlich, 1980. (ISBN  3-8035-1083-X )
  • The Château de Tubingue . Reutlingen, Mäcken, 1835.
  • Notice on the Celtic tombs of Souabe and Germany . In: Messenger of SCIs. Hist. from Belgium. Gent, 1840
  • Notice on Rodolphe de Zaeringen, bishop of Liège . Gent, 1841.
  • Revolt of the Austrian Rhine provinces against Charles-Le Timeraire . Gent, 1841.
  • Notice sur eles nautaee du Rhin . Gent, impr. by L. Hebblyck, 1842.
  • Celtic establishments in the southwest-Germany . Fribourg, Emmerling, 1842.
  • Gustav Wever; Maximilian von Ring: Badenweiler with his environments: topographical, historical, natural history and medically described . Fribourg, Emmerling, 1843.
  • Alexandre Colin, born in Malines . In: Messenger of Sciences and Arts. Flight. 12; 1844.
  • Historical sketch of the Flemish Music School, in the Middle Ages . Extracted. Bruxelles?, 1848.
  • The Danube Valle in Beuron . E. Simon, 1849.
  • News about St. Lambert, Bishop of Tongert, City Patron of Freiburg . Fribirch E./br., Wizler, 1849.
  • Souvenir of the baths and surroundings of Niederbronn, album of twelve plates engraved on steel, with a card and a descriptive text . Strasbourg, around 1850.
  • History of Germans from the most remote times to Charlemagne to serve as an introduction to the history of the German Empire . Strasbourg, Treuttel & Würtz, 1850.
  • Some notes on the legends of Saint-George . Nouv. ed .. Straßburg, 1850.
  • Huk de Werbenwak, finds XII It is century . Colmar, IMPR. the vvator’s cock, 1852.
  • Memoir on Roman establishments of the Rhine and Danube mainly in the southwest of Germany . 2 vol, Paris, Leleux, 1852 and 1853.
  • Roman registration, letter to the editors of the Historical Sciences Messenger . In: Messager of Hist sciences. 1853 PAG. 408-415.
  • The nickname of cautopates given to Mithra, on a newly discovered registration in Friedberg . I am Paris, Techcer U.A., 1853.
  • Some notes on the legends of Saint Michel . Nancy, Impr. De L. Hebbelynck, 1853.
  • Symbolism and legend of Saint Hippolyte . Nancy, Impr. De L. Hebbelynck, 1854.
  • Some notes on the legends of Saint Michel . Colmar, IMPR. the vivid cock, in 1854.
  • Essay on the Rigsmaal-Saga and on the three classes of Germanic society . I am Paris, B. Duprat, 1854.
  • Hagiographical studies . Colmar, IMPR. the cock, in 1856.
  • The Celtic tombs located near Heidolsheim. Report presented to the Society Committee for the Conservation of Historical Monuments of Alsace by Max. ring . Strasbourg, impr. de Vve Berger-Levrault, 1857.
  • Symbolism and legend of Saint Roch . Colmar, 1857.
  • The Corpus Christi and a mystery of passion in Friborg, in the 16th century . Colmar, 1857
  • Symbolism and legend of Saint Marguerite . Colmar, IMPR. the vivid cock, in 1858.
  • Butte de Saint-George, near Soultz Haut-Rhin, report presented to the Committee of the Company for the conservation of Historic Monuments of Alsace by Max. ring . Colmar, impr. de Vve Berger-Levrault, 1858.
  • The pilgrimage of Marienthal, in Alsace . Strasbourg, IMPR. the F.-c. Hitz, 1858
  • History of opic peoples, their legislation, their worship, their customs, their language . I am Paris, Duprat u.a.a., 1859.
  • The Celtic tombs of the municipal forest of Ensisheim and the Hübelwældele . Report read in general assembly of the company for the conservation of Historic Monuments of Alsace, the , PARRIME MAXIMILIY THE RING. Wilbourg, Gie Silber built, 1859.
  • The Celtic tombs of the communal forest of Hatten (Bas-Rhin). Report presented to the Society Committee for the Conservation of Historical Monuments of Alsace . Strasbourg, Berger-Levrault, 1860.
  • The Bollenberg, near Rouffach. Report presented to the Society Committee for the Conservation of Historical Monuments of Alsace . Strasbourg, impr. Vve. Berger-Levrault, 1860.
  • The Celtic tombs located near Regaisheim (Haut-Rhin). Report presented to the Society Committee for the Conservation of Historical Monuments of Alsace by Max. ring . Strasbourg, impr. de Vve Berger-Levrault, 1860
  • The Celtic tombs of the Schirrhein forest. Report read in general assembly of the company for the conservation of Historic Monuments of Alsace, the , by Maximilien de Ring . Strasbourg, Berger-Levrault, 1860.
  • Symbolism and legend of Saint Vit . Colmar, imp. de C. Decker, 1862.
  • Le Schmelderain, Price the HARTman Willer (Today-Rhin) . Extract from the “Bulletin of the Society for the Conservation of Historical Monuments of Alsace”. Strasbourg, impr. de Vve Berger-Levrault, 1862.
  • Excavations executed in the Celtic tombs of the Hagueneau forest, during the 28, 29, 30 and . Extract from the “Bulletin of the Society for the Conservation of Historical Monuments of Alsace”. Strasbourg, impr. de Vve Berger-Levrault, 1862.
  • The eighth Roman legion . Colmar, IMPR. the C. Corker, 1864.
  • Celtic tombs of Alsace. New suite of memories . Strasbourg, impr. de Simon, 1865
  • Notice on Celtic antiquities of the Stone Age found in the territory of the commune of Schiltigheim near Strasbourg . Paris, impr. Imperial, 1866.
  • The Roman camp of the Oberlinger, above Guebwiller Haut-Rhin . Paris, impr. Imperial, 1866.
  • Symbolism and legend of Saint Geneviève . Colmar, IMPR. the C. Corker, 1866.
  • The Celtic tombs of the Brumath forest . Strasbourg, impr. de Vve Berger-Levrault, 1868.
  • Battlefield of Julius Caesar against Ariovist . Colmar, IMPR. the C. Corker, 1868.
  • Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, world history is the world court . Berlin, General German Verl.-Anst., 1870.
  • Former burials of Beaupré Abbey, according to unpublished manuscripts by Dom Calmet, by M. le Bon de Ring, with notes and additions by M. Paul Delorme . Nancy, impr. de G. Crépin-Leblond, 1880.
  • Roland de Léssé, Belgian composer . Brussels?, 18–
  • The Brabant standard in the Middle Ages . o. O., o. D.
  • Bas-relief of Saint-Martin, executed for Prince Abbot of Saint-Blaise, Gerbert de Hornau, in the 18th century . o. O., o. D.
  • Marie-Philippe-Aimé de Golbéry, Analysis of a memory of the Baron Maximilien de Ring . In: Memoirs of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of France , vol. 14/1838, p. 104-110.
  • Georges Gromer], Chronology of MAX de Ring excavations . In: Bulletin of Haguenau History and Archeology Society . 1928/29, p. 130 f.
  • Picturesque views of the knight’s castles of the Grand Duchy of Baden . INTRODUCTION THE MAX SEASEFOLD. Reprink the Ugdition Paris 1829 (VOL 1 UND 2). Frankfurt and. M., Weiverlich, 1980. (ISBN  3-8035-1083-X )
  • Sybille Bock, Baden castles from a romantic perspective . Flowahl from the marrows of this Augustinermusums. Fruit, Music. Augustyins the France-En-Brisgau, in 1993.
  • Max Schefold  (of) , Old views from Baden . Edited by the Commission for Historical Regional Studies in Baden-Württemberg. Weissenhorn, 1971.
  • Gerhard Fingerlin  (of) : To the Roman Badenweiler . In: “Archaeological News from Baden” 46, 1991, pp. 3 ff.
