Bice Rizzi – Wikipedia


Bice Rizzi (San Bernardo di Rabbi, 26 August 1894 – Trento, April 27, 1982) was an Italian historian. [first] [2]

The family [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The daughter of Enrica (also called Enrichetta) Giupponi, of Bergamo origin, and of the doctor Noneso Candido Rizzi, Bice grows, together with the sisters Cornelia and Elena, in a family that adheres with conviction to the liberal-national movement: the maternal grandfather Carlo, pharmacist He moved to Trento in 1858, he came from a family who sympathized for Garibaldi (two of his brothers had volunteers in Sicily, another relative had followed Francesco Nullo in Poland), and he himself had repeatedly taken a position, for example in 1881, when signs a protest petition against the opening of the German gymnasium in Trento; The Candid father, “great admirer” – according to him his daughter – by Cesare Battisti, is arrested in June 1915 on charges of espionage in favor of Italy, an episode on which we will return, as it is essential for Bice’s life itself [3] .

Training [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

After attending elementary schools in the native Rabbi, Bice continues his training first, for two years, in the college from the British ladies, then in the “Bianca Saibante” women’s high school in Rovereto which, founded by Don Savino Pedolli in 1904 with the purpose To train young women of the middle class, he was located inside Palazzo Fedrigotti [4] . Bice, who is enrolled in it starting from the school year 1907/1908, follows a study plan that provides for a six -year course which, mainly marked by the study of humanities, engaged it (considering only compulsory subjects) for 25 hours the week; In July 1913 the young woman is engaged in high school exams, while in September of the same year it is allowed in the Trentino student association [5] .
On October 6, 1913 Bice enrolled in the university imperial-reality of Vienna, however attending a semester of the second year, to be precise from November 1914 in April 1915, in Florence, where he goes interested above all to understand what position he would take the ‘Italy in the imminent war and cultivating in the Tuscan city “some contacts not peregrine with the ironed leaks of Florence” [6] .

Arrest and liberation (1915-1918) [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

On June 23, 1915, Bice’s father, sick, was arrested on charges of espionage: transferred to the Trento prison, Candido Rizzi is released about ten days later, due to the bad state of health; At the beginning of July, a capture mandate for her eldest daughter Bice, was accused of espionage [7] . After seven months of penalties, not only due to detention (the father dies on August 20; on the 24th of the same month his mother and sister Cornelia – Elena had died in 1904 of meningitis [8] – They are interned in Katzenau Bei Linz), you reach the trial: in the trial phase the evidence collected by the accusation (postcards of post office to and from the kingdom, letters, clippings of poems …), all fragmented material in which in which in which However, the prosecutor managed to grasp “a minimum common denominator, a” great conspiracy “”; Despite the testimonies in his favor by Professor Redlich (who attest to his diligence and good performance during the Viennese studies) and the partner of Irma Ulrich, the sentence issued was of death sentence for capestro, having proven Bice Rea of irredentism, high treason and espionage [9] .
On April 11, the sentence was commuted in ten years in hard prison, to be discounted in the fortress of Wiener Neüdorf, 50 kilometers from Vienna, where Bice was transferred in July and where he remained until the liberation, on November 8, 1918, «Impatient the time to see Mother and Homeland ” [ten] .

The return to Trento: the years between the two wars [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Returning to Trento, Bice Rizzi undertook for the construction of a Risorgimento museum. The idea, addressed first to Cesare Battisti, was taken up at war ended by young legionaries, who obtained the approval of the then mayor Vittorio Zippel [11] . As a headquarters, the Castello del Buonconsiglio was elected, where it was organized (due to the patriotic material collected: letters, photographs, brochures, newspapers, memorabilia …) a first temporary exhibition from 18 June to 3 July 1922; Hiring by the newborn museum as secretary in 1951 and only later appointed direct director of the entity, Bice was actually already in 1923 called to exercise the functions of official director of the museum, then absent [twelfth] .

In the meantime, Bice’s relations are intensified with the exponents of the city intellectual bourgeoisie: at the frequent visits to Casa Battisti (where the woman went to discuss local and national relevant events with Ernesta Bittanti Battisti), she alternated the meetings with the Affectionate Ezio Mosna and Giulio Benedetto Emert, without this too neglecting other characters from the city scenario [13] . Among the personalities of absolute importance with which Bice entertains the relationships there is also Italo Lunelli, who meets for the first time in 1924 “at the club”, where they enter a discussion that revolved around the new fascist ideal: Rizzi’s ideas in this regard They are deductible from the correspondence that she begins to entertain with Lunelli, in which Bice, who recognizes how fascism satisfies “theoretically the feeling and aspirations of a people who have gained his victory with blood”, is denied to be included in this New political party, both because “we women are enough for us to encourage or facilitate that much or that little good that is in individual parties” (therefore a role, so to speak, Super parts ), both because the woman claims to disapprove some fascist institutions, “such as p [er] and [semve] the militia […]; the favorite practiced on too much large scale that has lowered the party card to a pass and In many cases to one let it live ” [14] .

The cultural and working environment lived by Bice Rizzi in the years between the two world conflicts is undoubtedly that of the Trentino Legion (of which the woman regularly owns the card) which, as it was observed, “tends to group, around the Patriotic glue, men who bring with them traditions, very different cultural matrices ” [15] . Consequently, the fact that subjects who approved the fascist programs approved (such as the march on Bolzano or the forced Italianization program of South Tyrolean), and subjects who would instead have become “the charismatic leaders of anti -fascism and the Resistence” [16] . The fracture between the two factions that were formed within the Legion was more clear in 1923, and the fact that during the VI Congress of the Members (on May 30, 1926 the then President Cristofolini, of nationalist origin, affirmed “The substantial identity of objectives and views between Legion and Fascism” brought, as he would have observed a few years later Ernesta Bittanti Battisti, to the “suicide” of the Legion, which stood definitively in 1931 [17] .


During the Second World War [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Bice Rizzi’s thoughts and actions in the years of the Second World War can be evaluated through the diary that the woman writes occasionally starting from 10 June 1940 (fateful date of the declaration of war by Benito Mussolini): with a tendentially chronicles intent, in It Bice records local, national and international news, frequently referring to the figure of Cesare Battisti [18] . In recent years, the meetings with Ernesta Bittanti, remembered innumerable times in the first part of the diary; At home Battisti Bice probably knows Gigino’s anti -fascist friends, such as Giuseppe Dissertori [19] . Fatigued by the war and grieved for the loss of friends once her allies (in a step of the diary the woman writes, with a mixture of pain and resentment: “How many friendships disturbs political passion. A good friendship created me for sorrows by betraying mine Thought. It sees that the salvation of his country to conquer by any means. This feeling “), Bice, in 1943, moved to Marostica, where it will remain until the end of the conflict [20] .

Towards sunset: from the second post -war period to death [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Committed after the Second World War to defend the value to the vitality of national consciousness from the “Alfieri of separatism and the Ultrà autonomism” (one can remember, among these, Professor Valentino Ciocchetti with whom Bice had an exchange of jokes in the press) [21] ., and always active on the cultural side (until at least the sixties is drawn up almost exclusively by her the Bulletin of the Trentino Museum of the Risorgimento , born in 1950; The attendance of the Academy of the Agiati continues, even if more as a hearing person than as a rapporteur; is corresponding to The crystal , magazine of the South Tyrolean Culture Center chaired by Giuseppe Negri; participate as a speaker in several conferences) [22] , Bice will die, eighty -eight, on April 27, 1982 in Trento. [11] .

Partial list [23]

  1. ^ Rizzi Bice in Susus . are .
  2. ^ Danilo Curti, Protagonists. The characters who made Trentino. From the Renaissance to the 2000s , Societies Editorial initiatives, p. 307.
  3. ^ Antolini, pp. 107-117 .
  4. ^ Antolini, pp. 117-125 .
  5. ^ Antolini, pp. 125-127 .
  6. ^ Antolini, pp. 134-138 .
  7. ^ Antolini, pp. 19-20 .
  8. ^ Antolini, p. 108 .
  9. ^ Antolini, pp. 21-22; 30-32; 41-43 .
  10. ^ Antolini, pp. 46-47; 141 .
  11. ^ a b Antolini, p. 171 .
  12. ^ Antolini, pp. 178-179 .
  13. ^ Antolini, pp. 203-206 .
  14. ^ Antolini, pp. 208-210 .
  15. ^ Antolini, p. 218 .
  16. ^ Antolini, pp. 219-220 .
  17. ^ Antolini, pp.220-225 .
  18. ^ Antolini, pp.263-264 .
  19. ^ Antolini, pp.265-267 .
  20. ^ Antolini, pp.268; 278 .
  21. ^ Antolini, p. 351 .
  22. ^ Antolini, pp. 364-367 .
  23. ^ The following list is taken from: Paola Antolini, Living for the homeland – Bice Rizzi (1894-1982) , 2006, pp. 449-468
  • Paola Antolini, A curator of memory: pages of war and the eve of Trentino Legionari by Bice Rizzi , in Italian volunteers in the Great War , Rovereto, 2008.
  • Paola Antolini, Political and condemned prisoners: the story of Bice Rizzi , in Women in war 1915-1918: The Great War through the analysis and testimonies of a borderland , Tione di Trento, 2006 (2007), pp. [103] -109.
  • Paola Antolini, Living for the homeland: Bice Rizzi (1894-1982) , Trento, Historical Museum in Trento, 2006, ISBN 978-88-7197-086-8.
  • Paola Antolini, Bice Rizzi: about thirty for Italy , speaker: prof. Mario Isnenghi, Degree thesis – Ca ‘Foscari University of Venice, Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, Degree Course in Philosophy, a. acc. 2003-2004 (Dactyloscript)
  • Danilo Curti, Giuseppe Gorfer, Rodolfo Taiani, Giuliano Tecilla, Protagonists. The characters who made Trentino. From the Renaissance to the 2000s , Trento, Society of Editorial Initiatives, 1997.
  • Vincenzo Calì, Bice Rizzi’s correspondence with a Czechoslovak friend, Cirill Križ , in Trentino Archive of Contemporary History , vol. 2, Trento, 1990.
  • Chesine panches, Bice Rizzi and the problem of the female condition , in Bulletin of the Trentino Museum of the Risorgimento , A. 38, fasc. 2, Trento, 1989.
  • Sergio Benvenuti (edited by), In memory of Bice Rizzi , Trento, Museum of the Risorgimento and the struggle for freedom, 1989 (?).
  • Vincenzo Calì, In memory of Bice Rizzi , in Bulletin of the Trentino Museum of the Risorgimento , A. 38, fasc. 2, Trento, 1989, SBN ITICCULO1784962 .
  • Renato Monteleone, Bice Rizzi and irredentism , in Bulletin of the Trentino Museum of the Risorgimento , A. 38, fasc. 2, Trento, 1989 (?).
  • Renzo Francescotti, Bice Rizzi and the Resistance , in Bulletin of the Trentino Museum of the Risorgimento , A. 38, fasc. 2, Trento, 1989 (?).
  • Sergio Benvenuti, Bice Rizzi’s contribution to the studies on the Risorgimento , in Bulletin of the Trentino Museum of the Risorgimento , A. 38, fasc. 2, Trento, 1989 (?).
  • Umberto Corsini, Bice Rizzi , in Historical review of the Risorgimento , A. 69, fasc. 3, Rome, July-September 1982.
