Bishops hunter regiment – Wikipedia


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Bishopric hunters regiment
Image illustrative de l’article Régiment des chasseurs des Évêchés
Handlebar on the Armenonville Dragons regiment

Creation 1673
Dissolution 1815
Pays France
Allegiance Drapeau du royaume de France Kingdom of France
Type regiment
Role hunters

The Bishopric hunters regiment is a cavalry regiment of the Kingdom of France, the French Republic and the First Empire, created in 1673.

  • : Creation of Fimarcon dragons regiment
  • : renowned Dragons barbezières regiment
  • : renowned Dragons School Regiment
  • : renowned Belle-Isle Dragons regiment
  • 1709: renowned Bonnelles Dragons regiment
  • : renowned Armenonville Dragons regiment
  • : renowned Surgeres regiment Dragons
  • : renowned Aubigné Dragons regiment
  • 1763: renowned Reults of court the dragons
  • 1780: renowned Lescure dragons regiment
  • 1784: renowned Montmorency Dragons regiment
  • : transformed into horse hunters, the Bishopric hunters regiment
  • : renowned 2 It is Horse hunter regiment
  • 1814: renowned Queen’s hunter regiment
  • 1815: renowned 2 It is Horse hunter regiment
  • 1815: licensee

Standard [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

4 managers “of red, fabric of the gold in gold, embroidez & fringe of gold” [ first ] .

Clothing [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Field masters et colonels [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • : Fimarcon knight
  • : Charles Louis de Chemerault, Marquis de Barbezières, brigadier the , camp marshal , lieutenant general of the King’s armies , †
  • : Godefroy Louis, count of Estrades, brigadier the , camp marshal , lieutenant general of the King’s armies , †
  • : Charles Louis Auguste Foucquet, count then Duke of Belle-Isle, brigadier of dragons the , camp marshal , lieutenant general of the King’s armies , marshal of France , †
  • 1709: Knight of Bonnelles
  • : Jean-Baptiste Fleuriau, Marquis d’Armenonville, Brigadier le , †
  • : Alexandre Nicolas de La Rochefoucauld, count of Surgères, brigadier the , declared camp marshal in by patent dispatched the first is May, declared lieutenant general of the king’s armies in out of power dispatched the , †
  • : Urban Balthazar, Aubigné knight, brigadier the , camp marshal , †
  • : Antoine Cleradius de Choiseul, count of Choiseul-la Baume, brigadier of dragons the , declared camp marshal in by patent of
  • 1763: cost
  • 1780: Lescure
  • 1784: Anne Alexandre Sulpice, count then Duke of Montmorency-Laval
  •  : Antoine Bernard Constance Meillonas
  • 1792: Guy Coustard de Saint-Lo, Maréchal de Camp
  • 1792: Auguste Louis Joseph Broglie
  • 1792: Pierre Garnier de Laboissière, †
  • 1794: Jean-Baptiste CROUTELLE
  • 1801: Jean Le Marois, †
  • 1803: Ignace François Bousson, †
  • 1807: François Garnier de Laboissière, †
  • 1813: Jean Nicolas Éloi Mathis, †

Campaigns and battles [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The 2 It is Horse hunter regiment campaigned from 1792 to 1794 in the Rhine army.
He did the campaigns for years IV and V in the army of Rhine-et-Moselle; An VI at the armies of Mainz and West; An VII in the western army; An VIII and IX at the Italian army. Arms facts: this body was particularly noticed at the battle of Rastadt, the , in the fight of Hindenheim, and in the passage of the Lech, the 11 and .
Campaigns of the year XIII to the cavalry reserve corps; From year XIV to 1808 at 3 It is reserve corps of the Grande Army; 1809 and 1810 in the Rhine army ( 3 It is Corps of the German army; 1811 in the German army and the Elbe observation corps; 1812 at first is body of the great army; 1813 and 1814 at first is body of the great army ( first is cavalry); 1815 at 5 It is army Corps.

Neighborhoods [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. a et b Fifth abbreviated by the general map of the military of France, on land and on sea , LEMAU de la Jaisse, Paris, 1739
  2. a et b Susane 1874, p. 60.
  3. a b c d e and f Susane 1874, p. sixty one.
  4. Susane 1874, p. 61-62.
  5. a et b Susane 1874, p. 62.
  6. Susane 1874, p. 62-63.
  7. a et b Susane 1874, p. 63.
  8. A B C and D Susane 1874, p. sixty four.
  9. Susane 1874, p. 65.

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Fifth abbreviated by the general map of the military of France, on land and on sea – since , until , Pierre Lemau de la Jaisse, Paris 1739
  • Military State of France for the year 1762 , by MM. Montandre-Longchamps, knight of Montandre, and de Roussel, fifth edition, at Guyllin, Paris 1762
  • Mr. Pinard, Historical-military chronicle , volumes 3, 4, 5 and 7, Paris, Claude Herant, 1761, 1761, 1762 and 1764
  • Louis Susane , History of the French cavalry , t. 3, ( read online ) , p.59-67 .
  • Gay de Vernon, History of 2 It is Horse hunter regt , J. Dumaine, Paris, 1865 [first]

Related article [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

External link [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
