Bismuth 209 — Wikipedia


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The bismuth 209 , note 209 With a , is the isotope of the bismuth whose mass number is equal to 209: its atomic nucleus has 83 protons and 126 neutrons with a spin 9/2 For an atomic mass of 208.980 40 G/Mol . It is characterized by an excess mass of −18 258.6 ± 1.4 convey and nuclear liaison energy by nucleon 7 847,987 ± 0.007 convey [ first ] . It is the only natural isotope of bismuth, as well as the product of β disintegration of Lead 209 :

With a
+ and + n It is .

The Bismuth 209 was still considered stable in 2003, until the highlighting of its radioactivity by a team from the Orsay Spatial Astrophysics Institute (IAS-CNRS, Paris 11) [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] : he gives thallium 205 out of disintegration α with a radioactive period of the order of 2 × 10 19 years (close to two billion times the age of the universe) and an energy of disintegration of 3,137 MeV :

With a
+ 4

It has long been considered the final product of the disintegration chain of Neptune 237 (4N+1 Series):

Neptunium disintegration channel.

But in all rigor, it is the thallium 205 which is the final product of the 4N+1 series. However, its very long radioactive period made bismuth an element on tiny radioactivity, which remained unnoticed until the beginning of XXI It is century ; It can therefore be considered stable and be handled and stored without any particular precaution related to its radioactivity.

The Bismuth 209 is the radioactive isotope having the longest half-life by radioactivity α, but it does not have the longest radioactive period (measured): the record belongs to the planet 128 , with a period of double beta disintegration estimated at 7.7 × 10 24 years [ 4 ] .


The Bismuth 209 radioactive period was confirmed in 2012 by an Italian team from Gran Sasso which postponed a value of (2.01 ± 0.08) × 10 19 years [ 5 ] . The same team also postponed the first observation of the disintegration of bismuth 209 By alpha radioactivity to the first is excited state of Thallium 205, located in 204 convey of the fundamental state, with an even longer lifespan estimated at 1.66 × 10 21 years. Even if this value does not outdo the record of lifespan measured by planet 128 , these two alpha disintegrations of bismuth 209 hold the record for the greatest virtual finesse of measurable physical excitement, with natural line widths estimated respectively at Δε ~ 5.5 × 10 −43 this et ~ 1.26 × 10 −44 this under the principle of uncertainty of Heisenberg [ 6 ] (double beta disintegration only gives a line to the extent that no neutrino is issued during disintegration, which has not been observed so far).

  1. A B C D and E (in) Live Chart of Nuclides: 209
    , on Eeavery’s good, anda, (consulted the )
  2. Discovery of Bismuth’s natural radioactivity: press release » , on CNRS , (consulted the )
  3. (in) Pierre Marcillac , Christmas Coron , Gérard Dambier , Jacques Leblanc and Jean-Pierre Moalic , Experimental detection of α-particles from the radioactive decay of natural bismuth » , Nature , vol. 422, , p. 876–878 (ISSN  0028-0836, DOI  10.1038/nature01541) .
  4. (in) Laboratory for Space Sciences, Noble Gas Research : Tellurium 128» , on Washington University in Saint-Louis (consulted the )
  5. J.W. Beeman et al., « First Measurement of the Partial Widths of 209Bi Decay to the Ground and to the First Excited States », Phys. Rev. Letters 108(6) 062501. ,
  6. (in) Particle lifetimes from the uncertainty principle » , on (consulted the )
