Bitch Slap – Le superdotate


From Wikipedia, Liberade Libera.


Bitch Slap – Le superdotate ( Bitch Slap ) is a 2009 exploitation film, produced, written and directed by Rick Jacobson, director already known for directing episodes of Hercules , Xena – Warrior Princess It is Baywatch . The film is inspired by cult come Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! of 1965, the television series Charlie’s Angels It is Kill Bill .

In a remote corner of the desert three girls, a stripper named Trixie, a girl who works for a large corporation with nickname Hel and finally an ex-adventure for murder that uses drugs named Camero, are looking for the goods stolen from one ruthless killer armed with a sword named Pinky, a well -known figure of the underworld. The three girls kidnapped a gangster named Gage and in the desert torture him to reveal to him where the treasure is buried. Gage refuses, knowing that they will kill him anyway; Although Hel tells him that he will not be hurt, Camero kills him in Bruciapelo with a gunshot. Gage’s phone rings and the three girls think Gage is connected to Pinky. In the meantime, things get complicated for the arrival of a policeman, agent Fuchs, who had witnessed a trixie striptease while trying to seduce gage. The girls hide the corpse and temporarily convince the policeman to leave.

While digging in search of the treasure (also undertaking a battle with buckets of water), Trixie discovers the corpse of a contact of Hel. They resume digging, but are interrupted by a drug dealer, hot wire, and his girlfriend Kinki, both knowledge of Camero, who threaten them and force them to continue digging in search of the treasure and at this point discover a bunker closed by a combination that only Hel knows. The agent reappears who, trying to save the three girls, instead triggers a gunfight to which Hel meter ended with the powerful machine gun that had previously found in the gage caravan. In the Camero clash, both hot wire and Kinkki kills in cold blood. The injured agent is handcuffed and reveals to Trixie that he is his great admirer and that he followed her because he was worried about her. After chainsing Camero because they become uncontrollable, Hel and Trixie descend into the bunker where they discover the goods stolen from Gage to Pinky; In addition to diamonds they find in particular a mysterious weapon and a beautiful Japanese sword that Trixie takes for itself.

Camero manages to get rid of and believing that Hel does the double game, fights against her; At the end of the struggle he has the best, so much so that he can chain Hel; Then, for revenge, it starts to sprinkle with both Trixie and everything around them, sets the fire and flees to the car with which the three had arrived. Fortunately, Hel manages to get rid of and with the Superrarma shoots a rocket against the car making it explode. Hel confesses to Trixie to be Foxy 69, a secret undercover agent and to have worked on behalf of Mr. Phoenix, the man of whom they had found the corpse buried in the desert, to perform the mission of recovering the mysterious arm they had found in the horn of gage. In the meantime, however, Camero, who is not dead, continues the fight.

After having thrown it on the ground, Camero, with the belief of having killed her by suffocating it, passes to Trixie, but since the latter cannot defend himself attempts to rape her, but thus discovers a tattoo that reveals that Trixie was the contortionist who remembers how ” The best fuck “of his life. Before Camero recovers from the shocking discovery and can kill Trixie, he is hit in the back and killed by the super -her branded by the agent who survived the explosion of the camper set by Camero. Trixie, however, is not grateful at all and instead of thanking him surprisingly he kills him: Trixie reveals to Helky in reality and that he has organized all this to recover the ancient Japanese sword that Gage had removed her six months earlier.

In the film, among other actors, there are also extras of Kevin Sorbo and Michael Hurst, known for having played Hercules and Iolao in respectively Hercules , and Lucy Lawless and Renée O’Connor, interpreters of Xena and Olympia in Xena – Warrior Princess .

The Italian edition of the film was released on July 22, 2011.

