Black Butterfly (film) – Wikipedia


From Wikipedia, Liberade Libera.


Black Butterfly It is a 2017 film directed by Brian Goodman, starring Antonio Banderas and Jonathan Rhys Meyers.

Paul is a Spanish writer of best seller, who ended up being a screenwriter without inspiration, first in Hollywood and now in an isolated American province. To support he is forced to sell his house located in the woods, but nobody seems interested in buying it. One evening, after a hunting trip in which he managed to kill a big prey, he decides to invite Laura to dinner, a young real estate agent. During the route cuts the road to a truck driver, the latter follows him to the restaurant by attacking him and looking for a dispute with him. Jack, a vagabond sitting at the counter, helps him, having the better of the truck driver. To repay Jack of the Auto, Paul invites him to stay at his house for the night. The two are very agreeing, so much so that Paul allows him to stay as much as he wants, in exchange for small repairs. Paul discovers that Jack has a tattoo that represents a black butterfly, a symbol of freedom, who was made while he was in prison. At first he does not give much space to the thing, and he begins to open up with him on many details of his private life, revealing that he has been left by his wife and not having a real decent literary career for many years anymore.

Jack, after reading Paul’s manuscripts and identifying in his alcoholism the only real limit to his business, suggests to the friend to write a story about their coexistence. The story becomes a sort of obsession with Jack who begins to keep Paul hostage, checking in all respects of his action and reacting with a real raptus of violence when man tries to rebel against him. Soon Jack begins to suggest a vision of reality different from what appears to Paul, never suggesting in a too explicit way to be a criminal in league with the truck driver to tend to him a trap, as well as to threaten him with a rifle when a child approaches him to house to deliver food. Paul pretends to be at the game but takes advantage of the first useful opportunity to try to escape with a bag full of alcohol: Jack however intercepts it and forces him to break all the bottles of alcohol. The day after the writer he tries again to escape together with Laura, who in the meantime went to his house to find out what happened to: Jack intercepts them and forces them to make their vehicle unbalanced in a pond, and then lead them to home .

The coexistence starts again with Jack jack of Paul and Laura, willing to oblige them to a severe discipline and to oblige Paul to finish telling their story. A new twist presents itself when the deputy sheriff knocks on their door because the postman who was to deliver the correspondence to Paul has disappeared into thin air and is feared is the umpteenth victim of a serial killer who is killing several girls around the town . Jack has another raptus, leaves the house armed and seems to kill the policeman and lock him up in the trunk of his own car: Paul takes advantage of it to barricate himself at home with Laura. Jack then creates a stratagem to release the two at home: Paul and Laura take and try to reach the nearby train track, but Jack intercepts them and forces them to return home. Here there is yet another dispute between them and for a short time Paul cannot shoot Jack: however, he disarms him and immobilizes him and then drag Laura into a room. The man then goes back and binds Paul to a chair.

After a while Paul manages to free himself and surprises Jack in another room in the house, thus obtaining the control of the rifle. At this point Paul reveals to be the notorious serial killer and that he brought the vagabond Jack at home with the intention of using him as an expiratory garment, an idea that after Laura’s alleged murder appears even more greedy. After subverting the roles in this way, Paul tries to shoot Jack but he discovers that the man had loaded the rifle to blank: stunned, Paul cannot prevent Jack from crossing him. Upon awakening, Paul finds himself handcuffed to a chair and surrounded by policemen: therefore he discovers that Jack, Laura and any other person encountered in the last few days, including the truck driver, are undercover agents who came to frame him, and that neither Laura nor the deputy sheriff are been killed for real.

However, the tests that Jack managed to collect are circumstantial, nor the confession he recorded seems to have 100%convincing: the man could make it free, but suddenly Jack has an intuition and understands where the body of the ‘ex -wife of Paul. At this point, Paul awakens on the sofa: the events of the last few days (presumably following the dispute with the truck driver) have been a dream, and so now he decides to write a new book entitled “Black Butterfly”, in honor of the tattoo that the Jack’s character had in his strange dream. However, it is not revealed if Paul is truly a serial killer or not.

The film released in the US cinemas on May 26, 2017, while in the Italian ones on 13 July of the same year.


On the Rotten Tomatoes website, the film gets 44% of positive professional reviews with an average vote of 4.9 out of 10, based on 18 criticisms. [first] Metacritic, on the other hand, assigns him a vote of 43 out of 100 based on 7 reviews. [2]
