Boniface Merande – Wikipedia


Boniface Merande
Nationality Kenya Kenya
Specialty Marathon, middlefund, cross -country race
10000 m 27’40 “36 (1988)
3000 hedges 8’22 “66 (1991)
5 km 14’02 ” (1991)
10 km 28’34 ” (1991)
15 km 44’09 ” (1992)
Half marathon 1h02’28” (1993)
Marathon 2h12”23 ” (1992)
1985-1993 Kenya Kenya
Track record
Cross World Championships 6 first 0
African championships 0 0 first
For more details see here

Boniface Merande (February 13, 1962) He is a ex -marathon runner and Midronophonist Keniota.

Between 1985 and 1991 he participated in a total of 7 consecutive editions of the city race world championships. On an individual level his best placement was the fourth place obtained in the 1988 edition of this event, while at the team level he won a silver medal (in 1985) and six consecutive gold medals (between 1986 and the 1991).

In 1988 he participated in the Seoul Olympic Games, in which he reached the 10000 meters final, in which he then retired to the race in progress.

In 1989 he also won a bronze medal in the 3000 hedges at the African championships, in Lagos.

In 1992 he ran the marathon at the Olympic Games in Barcelona, ​​ranking fourteenth with a time of 2h15’46 “. The following year he instead ran the marathon at the World Cup, placing himself seventh with a time of 2h18’52”.

Year Manifestation Site Event Result Performance Note
1985 Cross World Championships PortogalloLisbon Seniores race 17th 34’10 ”
Team ArgentoSilver 141 p.
1986 Cross World Championships SvizzeraLumber Seniores race 35º 36’39 ”
Team OroAir 45 p.
1987 Cross World Championships PoloniaWarsaw Seniores race 48th 37’57 ”
Team OroAir 53 p.
1988 Cross World Championships Nuova ZelandaAuckland Seniores race 4th 35’22 ”
Team OroAir 23 p.
1989 Cross World Championships NorvegiaStavanger Seniores race 25th 41’23 ”
Team OroAir 44 p.
African championships NigeriaLagos 3000 m hedges BronzoBronze 8’35 “35
1990 Cross World Championships FranciaAix les Bains Seniores race 17th 35’08 ”
Team OroAir 42 p.
1991 Cross World Championships BelgioAnti Seniores race 11th 34’31 ”
Team OroAir 38 p.
1992 Olympic Games SpagnaBarcelona Marathon 14th 2h15’46 ”
1993 World Cup GermaniaStuttgart Marathon 7th 2h18’52 ”
  • 4th at the National Championships Kenyed Campestre Races
  • 8th at the National Championships Kenyed Campestre Races
  • BronzoBronze at the National Championships Kenioti, 10000 m floors – 29’19 “0
  • OroGold at the National Championships Kenyed Campestre Races
  • 6th at the National Championships Kenyed Campestre Races
  • Oro Oro al Fukuoka International Crosscountry ( GiapponeFouoka) –34’59 ”
  • 9º a L’Equipe Crosscountry ( FranciaParis) – 28’44 ”
  • ArgentoSilver at the medium lap Blenio ( SvizzeraDongio) – 31’53 ”
  • 4th to the Cinque Mulini ( ItaliaSan Vittore people) – 31’12 ”
  • 5º to the cross of the Pradelle ( ItaliaLozzo di Cadore) – 30’19 ”
  • OroGold at the Città di Sorrento Trophy ( ItaliaSorrento), 12 km – 38’36 ”
  • 6º to the JOSE CANO TROFEO ( SpagnaCanylejas), 11.2 KM – 33’44”
  • 11th San Silvestro Vallecana ( SpagnaMadrid), 9 km – 27’05 ”
  • 4th to the Cinque Mulini ( ItaliaSan Vittore people) – 31’01 ”
  • OroConcern all Lidingöloppet ( SveziaLidingö), 30 km – 1h38’41 ”
  • OroOro alla le lion Half Marathon ( FranciaMontbéliard) – 1h03’10 ”
  • Oro Oro alla Great Midlands Run ( Regno UnitoBirmingham) – 28’34”
  • OroGold to the Amatrice-Configno ( ItaliaAmatrice), 8.4 km – 23’53 ”
  • 5º al Reebok Festival of Road Running ( Regno UnitoMansfield), 5 km – 14’02”
  • ArgentoArgento al Cross Ouest-France ( FranciaLe Mans) – 33’12 ”
  • 9º Al Cross Auchan Tourcoing ( FranciaTourcoing) – 30’39 ”
  • 11th All’Amendoeiras in Flor ( PortogalloAlbufeira) – 30’49 ”
  • 15º al Cross Zamudio ( SpagnaBilbao) – 33’07 ”
  • 6th at the Boston marathon ( Stati UnitiBoston) – 2h12’23”
  • 13th Alla International Race of São Silvestre ( BrasileSan Paolo), 15 km – 46’12 ”
  • 5th Alla Cascade Run Off ( Stati UnitiPortland), 15 km – 44’09”
  • 16º al Nairobi International Crosscountry ( KenyaNairobi) – 30’09 ”
  • BronzoBronze at the cross du arctcal ( FranciaMarseille) – 31’33 ”
  • 6th al Crosscountry International of Sao Paulo ( BrasileSan Paolo) – 27’06 ”
  • 7th at the Boston marathon ( Stati UnitiBoston) – 2h12’50”
  • 5th to the half marathon of Lisbon ( PortogalloLisbona) – 1h00’47”
  • 5th to the half marathon of Berlin ( GermaniaBerlin) – 1h02’28 ”
  • 16º al Nairobi International Crosscountry ( KenyaNairobi) – 31’2’25 ”
  • 22º alla Boulder 10 km ( Stati UnitiBoulder) – 31’03”
  • OroGold at the Cleveland marathon ( Stati UnitiCleveland) – 2h15’31”
  • 8th to the half marathon of Philadelphia ( Stati UnitiFiladelfia) – 1h03’21”
  • BronzoBronze at the half marathon of Fairfield ( Stati UnitiFairfield) – 1h04’43”
  • 12th to the Utica Boilermaker ( Stati UnitiUtica), 15 km – 44’42 ”
  • 32º alla Peachtree Road Race ( Stati UnitiAtlanta) – 30’02”
  • 11th at Sydney’s marathon ( AustraliaSydney) – 2h18’44”
  • 11º allo marathon of Cleveland ( Stati UnitiCleveland) – 2h27’39”
  • 17º allo marathon of Columbus ( Stati UnitiColumbus) – 2h34’43”
  • 19º Alla Puma Half Marathon ( KenyaNyahururu) – 1h08’04 ”
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