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Borgia family
Image illustrative de l’article Famille Borgia
Weapons representing on the shield a heraldic animal, the bull, and on the orle the eight flames, symbolic elements of the legendary family development, rallying both personal value and lineage legitimacy of the Borgia.

Blazing Golden on the bull of gules, on a loss terrace, at the edge of the field loaded with eight flames of the third.

Borgia is the Italianized name of the Borja family , originally from the kingdom of Valence (Couronne of Aragon), which exerts a great political influence in Italy of the XV It is And XVI It is centuries. This Aragonese dynasty of Naples which reigned for a century on Rome, provides two popes, several cardinals, soldiers, all princes of the Renaissance, some of which acquire an annoying renown, and are at the origin of a black legend built by the church from the XVI It is century. Several members of the Borgia family thus suffer from a sinister reputation partly forged by their political enemies who accuse them pell-mell of poisoning, fratricidal, simmony, incest, lust, acedie … This legend, legend, legend, legend, legend, legend, legend, legend, legend which contributes to making Borgia the symbol of the decadence of the Roman Catholic Church in the Italian Renaissance, must however be nuanced. Unlike his great-grandfather Pope Alexander VI, the edifying life of Saint Francis Borgia, superior general of the Jesuits, appears very quickly as a model of virtue, wisdom and piety.

Origins [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Borgia probably find their origin in the city of Borja in Aragon, toponym that has just borg , “Tower” in Arabic, and has become at XII It is century a surname from which their names came. The long family legendary elaboration, initiated by Rodrigo de Borja, future Pope Alexander VI, prefers to forget this etymology and forge a more honorable, that of Borius , the “bull” present on their coat of arms [ first ] . This bull symbolizes, from a metonymic ratio, power and fertility, while Alonso de Borja, future Pope Calixte III has added on the edge of the shield an orle loaded with eight flames representing the eight Borgia knights who, According to family legend, have accompanied the king of Aragon Jacques I is When conquering the kingdom of Valence in 1238 [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] .

Several members of this perfectly unknown family at XIII It is century, left the city of Borja at that time, in order to participate in the reconquista of the city of Xàtiva (kingdom of Valencia), where they settled once it is taken [ 4 ] . Hereditary king of Sicily, the protector of Borgia, Alphonse d’Aragon, is fascinated by the civilization of the peninsula. He disputes Sardinia to the Genoese, then sets out to conquer the Kingdom of Naples where he remains without discontinuing from 1442 to his death. To manage this kingdom, he called on Alonso de Borja, a confirmed lawyer. Naples being de jure Under the aegis of the papacy, his suzerain sends him lend allegiance to the pope Eugène IV ; The latter praises the talents of Diplomat of Alonso de Borja and the pupil to the rank of cardinal in . He sees his Latinized name in Alfonso Borgia by the pope bubble Martin IN and finds in Italy a field worthy of the ambitions and merits of his family [ 5 ] .

The Borgia family legend will seek older and more prestigious legitimization by relating to a prestigious descendants going up to XI It is century, especially in Ramire I is d’Aragon [ 6 ] and at Pedro de Atarés (is) , feudal lord of Borja to XII It is century, but historical documents show that their notoriety dates from their meteoric Roman ascent in the middle of the XV It is century [ first ] .


Members [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Main branch [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Portrait du Pape Alexandre VI (Rodrigo Borgia).

And children of unknown women who are:

    • Isabelle Borgia, daughter of Alexandre VI and an unknown mother, married to Girolamo Matuzzi including posterity;
    • Jeronima Borgia, eldest daughter of Alexandre VI and an unknown mother, married to a member of the Cesarini family, without posterity;
    • Pedro Luis de Borja, son of Alexandre VI and an unknown mother, first duke of Gandia.

There are also cousin branches of the Borgia which have given several cardinals appointed by Alexandre VI which are:

  • Juan de Borja Llançol de Rosemary, Cardinal Espagnol, Petit-Neveu du Pape Alexander VI;
  • Rodrigo de Borja Llançol de Romani, Capitaine des Gardes du Pape, Frère du Cardinal Juan de Borja Llançol de Romani et d’Angela de Borja Llançol de Romani;
  • Angela de Borja Llançol de Romani, Suivante de Lucreci Borgia, Sœur of Juan de Borja Llançol de Rosemary et de Rodrigo de Borja Llançol de Romani;
  • Hyeronima de Borja, following of Lucrèce Borgia;
  • Juan de Borja Lanzol de Romaní, El Mayor, Cardinal, Cousin du Pape Alexandre VI;
  • Pedro Luis de Borja Llançol de Rosemary, Cardinal Espagnol;
  • Juan Castellar y de Borja, cardinal;
  • Francisco Lloris and Borja, Cardinal.
The descendants of César Borgia [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
  • Louise Borgia (1500 – 1553), Duchess of Valencia (France);
  • Girolamo Borgia, illegitimate son of César Borgia, married to Isabelle Duchess of Carpi and author of the Borgia-Sulpizi branch, known to be as violent and unstable as her father.
Les Descents de Giovanni Borgia [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
The descendants of Geoffroi Borgia [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
  • Francesco de Borgia y mila elder son and second prince of Squillace;
    • Stream of Borgia and Mila
    • Antonia Borgia and Mila
    • Maria Borgia and Mila
    • Clément Rabou y mila
    • Camille Rabou y mila

• Cinzia Luisa Maria Muci of the accounts of Corsano Randazzo Borgia, Comtesse Muci Borgia (1985);

Other branch [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The main descendants of the Borgia


Borgia know “The pangs of a solidly built black legend [ 7 ] » , conveyed from the XVI It is century by the church. The figures on which this legend is based is not lacking, with in particular Pope Calixte III who appoints Cardinal and Vice-Chancellor his nephew Rodrigue, the future Pope Alexandre VI, opening what the historians of the Papacy have called “age institutionalized nepotism “called upon to extend until XVII It is century [ 8 ] , or Lucrèce Borgia whose eponymous play by Victor Hugo makes a receptacle of all vices [ 7 ] .

Historical novels [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Borgia of Alexandre Dumas, novel belonging to volumes III and IV of Famous crimes , 1839
  • Borgia ! by Michel Zévaco, 1906
  • Le to des borgia de Mario Puzo
  • Borgia by Marcel Brion
  • The Borgia, the novel of a family De clubnd, Max Milo Editions, 2011
  • Borgia: a Renaissance family , in two volumes ( The wild beasts And Flesh and blood ) by Claude Mossé, at HC editions, 2011
  • The Borgia dynasty: the ascent of the Pope from Danny Saunders, the publishers together, 2011
  • Le to d’Aragon of Claude Merle, Intervista, 2007.
  • The splendor of the borgia d’Henri Pigaillem, 2011.
  • Borgia by Pierre Lunel, France, Pascal Galodé editions, 2011.
  • Or Caesar or nothing by Manuel Vázquez Montalbán, edition of the Seuil, 1999.
  • Borgia’s gold chimera by Juliette Benzoni, Plon editions, 2011.

Comics [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Historical film [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Lucrèce Borgia, Italy Mario Caserini , 1910
  • Lucrèce Borgia, Film Italien De Gerolamo Lo Savio, 1912
  • Lucrèce Borgia, Italien film of Augusto Genina, 1919
  • Lucrèce Borgia, French film by Abel Gance, 1935
  • Borgia’s revenge (Bride of Vengeance), American film directed by Mitchell Leisen (1949)
  • Lucrèce Borgia, French film by Christian-Jaque, 1953
  • Lucrèce Borgia, Movie Italien de Lorenzo Onorati, 1990
  • Borgia , Spanish film by Antonio Hernández (2006)

Television series [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Music [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Theater [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Video game [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Board game [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Borgia d’Alexander S. Berg, Phalanx Games (2003), Netherlands (in German, English, Dutch)
  • Borgia, the unhealthy game (2011) (card game), by the dogs of hell], France
  1. a et b Jean-Yves Boriaud, Borgia , Place of publishers, , p. 7 .
  2. Donald Lindsay Galbreath, «  Borgia coat of arms », Swiss archives , t. sixty four, n O 1, , p. 1-13 .
  3. Raphael Carrasso, The Borgia family. History and legend , Academic presses of the Mediterranean, , p. twelfth .
  4. L. Collison-Morley, History of Borgia , Payot, Paris, 1934, p. 9.
  5. Guy Le Thiec , Les Borgia: Historical Survey , Tallandier, , p. 17 .
  6. Jaime February et Joaquín María Bover de Rosselló, Trovas de Mossen Jaime February that are drawn from the conquerors of Valencia
  7. a et b Jean-Yves Boriaud, Borgia , Place of publishers, , p. 121-125 .
  8. Raphael Carrasso, The Borgia family. History and legend , Academic presses of the Mediterranean, , p. 142 .
  9. On the Canal+ website .
  • Ivan Cloulas, Borgia , Pluriel collection, Hachette Pluriel, 2012, 522 p.
  • Jean-Yves Boriaud, Borgia, purple and blood , Perrin, 2017, 396 p.

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