Borgo Torretta – Wikipedia


From Wikipedia, Liberade Libera.

Borgo Torretta N.S.L.
Description Coat of arms Male crenellated white red and blue
Colors White, red and blue
Motto Faithfully watch
Appellation Torrettini
Rector Luca Perosino
Address of the headquarters Ivrea 6 14100 Asti


Corso Torino 14100 Asti

Title of the Church and location Church of Our Lady of Lourdes
Piazza N. S. of Lourdes
patron saint Our Lady of Lourdes
Date of the party February 11th
Number of victories
  • For the village: 3 (last in 2013)
  • For the Municipality: 3 (last in 2013)
Representative symbol Male Manty
Districts, villages or common opponents Rione Santa Caterina
Official site
Periodic newspaper Borgo Torretta (Annuario published near the Palio race)

The Borgo Torretta Our Lady of Lourdes He is one of the villages participating in the Palio di Asti. He developed in the area west of the city, on the old Roman road to Turin.

It is very probable that its denomination derives from the presence in antiquity of a sighting tower, as an outpost of the fortifications of the city. Gabiani tells us that around 1610, in defense of Porta Torino (or Porta Sant’Antonio), was erected, by order of the Duke of Savoy Carlo Emanuele I, a Dongione with a drawbridge bridge to increase the defense of the city in the western area . The bulwark was demolished in 1783

The inhabited area winds along the “Léia” (dialectal name of Corso Torino). This was the first industrial area of ​​Asti, with the presence of the Factory of matches of the Boschiero brothers, moved there in 1865 from the center of the city. Certainly the presence of the factory increased the density of the population of the village which in 1860 also saw the first school in the neighborhood was born.

The facade of the Cappuccini church in a design by S.G. Incisa of 1801

Continuing on the street for Turin, about two kilometers from the city, stands the town of the Cappuccini, the toponym recalls the place where the observant, reformed friars, built their convent.
At first (around 1540), they used an old pre -existing building as a convent, the Provencal claims that it was located in half the mile higher than the current area, probably, according to Burroni, halfway between Asti and Sixty, but the The site proved to be unhealthy, to the point that in 1578 they began the construction of the new convent, which ended in 1585.
The Church and the convent were contiguous; The church was small with the main altar in stone. In 1777 a general restoration was made, as a plaque now bears in the archaeological museum and a new “via crucis” was also built. But on the night of April 2 (germ) 1801,

«…. of Italy the commissioner, of the supreme order, escorted by a detachment of French troops, led to the Capuchins, and facts to collect the decree of the convent ordered them, with the order to evacuate the convent in a few days. ”

( S.G. Incisa, from Il Giornale di Asti, 1801 )

The convent passed under the state property and the building was purchased by the family rooted: since then the property always remained to private individuals.

Il Rione Torretta – S. Caterina in a photography from 1932

The banner of Borgo Torretta N.S.L. is characterized by a crenellated male, its colors are white, red and blue.

The first participation in the Palio di Asti is in 1932 with the Santa Caterina district. At the resumption of the Palio, which took place in 1967, the two entities still run in partnership until the definitive separation, which took place after the 1969 edition. After the separation, the Santa Caterina district won the 1970 Palio keeping the name Torretta-San Caterina And he abandoned the race, only to come back to the Canapo in 1977.
In the 1970 edition the Borgo Corse with the name of Torretta Our Lady of Lourdes Then, in 1976, he assumed the current denomination.
Despite being one of the villages with the most finals from the resumption of the Palio, three times he managed to win the victory, and on two occasions curiously on the same day after exactly 28 years:

  • on September 19, in 1976 the first time with Mariolino Beccaris said Nail , su cus-cus/cel,
  • in 2004 and 2013, with Giuseppe Zedde , said Gingillo respectively on a whistle (Ergo Song) and on the Count La Violina (The Killacy Kid).

The turret has always had a great tradition in the “flag” games, it is no coincidence that in its Palmarès 10 wins at the Palio degli Sandieratori, which takes place in Asti on Saturday after the patronal feast of San Secondo in May.

Some musicians from the 2008 village Torretta
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  • Angelo Timor, The Palio of Asti, an ancient tradition , in “Alexandria, monthly magazine of the province”, year 1, nº1, Alessandria, 1931
  • Pier Luigi Bassignana (looking for). The Palio di Asti . Turin, Ed. Umberto Allemandi, 2004, ISBN 884221227x
  • Luigi Baudolin. The Palio di Asti . Turin, Ed. Aeda, 1970
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  • Giuseppe Crosa, Asti in the eighteenth-century , Lorenzo Fornaca- Gribaudo Editore. 1993Asti
  • Ferry, orange, you’ll live, Ancient chroniclers a rods , and. Dell’Orso 1990 ISBN 88-7649-061-2
  • Niccola Gabiani. The Palio di Asti . Attached to “Alexandria, monthly magazine of the province”, Asti, 1931
  • Giovanni Giraudi. With the flag -wavers the Palio di Asti in the world . Asti, Arte Grafiche Tipografia, 1988
  • Malfatto Venanzio. The Palio di Asti: history, life, costume . Madonna dell’Olmetto, Ed. Agami, 1989
    • Asti itineraries of memory , ed. Agami 1993
  • Gianfranco Monain. Asti: San Secondo dei Mercanti – A contribution for the mythology of the city , Ed. Lorenzofornaca- Gribaudo, 1997asti
  • Anna Peyrot, Asti and Asti , tip. Torinese ed. L.Fornaca 1983
  • Quintino Sella, Pad ct , Rome Tip. of the Lincei 1887
  • Paolo Raviola, Tears and smiles , Asti, Promo advertising Editore, 2007
    • Asti, his story, his Palio , Promo Advertising Editore, 2006
  • Stefano Robino. Rievocations and topicality of Santa Maria Nuova in Asti: historical, artistic, liturgical notes . Asti, Ed. Modern Typography, 1936
  • Lodovico Vergano. The Palio di Asti: chronicles and documents . Asti, S. Giuseppe Typographic School, 1969
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