Bossut Charles – Wikipedia Wikipedia


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Charles Bossut

Charles Bossut (Tartaras, 11 August 1730 – Paris, January 14, 1814) was a French Jesuit and mathematical.

He was one of the encyclopedists who, together with Diderot and D’Alembert, compiled the Encyclopedia or reasoned dictionary of sciences, arts and crafts .

In 1774 he applied his theory on the balance of the times to the verification of the stability and thickness of the Pieditto of the Church of Sainte-Geneviève (current Panthéon of Paris): the construction began in 1758, being then detected by Jacques-Germain Soufflot in 1764, Interrupted by his death in 1780 and completed by his successors Jean-Baptiste Rondelet and Maximilien Brébion, with the inauguration in 1790. [first]

Elencanity Allencanica (Tradité of Mechanique Eng Of Genamacico) , 1788

In addition to a large number of dissertations crowned by the Academy of French Sciences and the Directorate of Mathematics Volumes in Methodical encyclopedia , they must be:

  • An edition of Blaise Pascal.
  • Elementary hydrodynamic treaty , 1771; further remodeled as Theoretical and experimental hydrodynamic treaty In 2 volumes, Paris, 1786-87.
  • Elementary Treaty of Static Mechanics , 1772. Essential work for the preparation of admission exams to the military schools of the Ancien Régime, was dethroned in the university edition only by Static elements Di Louis Poinsot (1803).
  • Research on the balance of vaults , 1774; Paris 1778.
  • New research on the balance of dome vaults , 1776; Paris, 1779.
  • New experiences on fluid resistance , 1777 (con Jean le round rond the alurse
  • Math course , 1781; Written in a simple and popular way, it was very successful.
  • Elementary treaty of mechanics [ Elementary treaty of mechanical and dinamic ] , vol. 1, translated from the third French edition, Pavia, this morning of the monastery of S. Salvatore, 1788.
  • Math course , Paris, F. Didot, vol. 1 ( Arithmetic and algebra ), 1800. Online text
  • Math course , Paris, F. Didot, vol. 2 ( Geometry and application of algebra to geometry ), 1800. Online text
  • General History of Mathematics , 1810, 2 volumes in-8 °. Vol. 1 Vol. 2 .
