Branch of the Banque de France in Nancy – Wikipedia


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The Banque de la Banque de France in Nancy is a branch (with cash) of the Banque de France, created in 1853 in the city of Nancy, in Lorraine.

In 1914, the crowd gathered in front of the branch.

The creation of this branch was voted unanimously by the General Council of the Banque de France Le , then authorized by an imperial decree on [ first ] . In , a mansion located at Place d’Alliance was bought in M. by Joybert to install it, and his effective opening took place the [ 2 ] .

But, after the German annexation of Alsace-Moselle during the war of 1870, its activity increased [ 3 ] to the point that the Joybert Hotel turned out to be too small [ 4 ] .
A building was then specially built for her in the first half of the 1880s (the exact date varies according to the sources: 1882 [ 4 ] , 1883 [ 2 ] , [ 5 ] or 1885 [ 6 ] ). It is located at 2 rue Chanzy, at the corner with rue Henri-Poincaré. At this location was previously the church of a carmelite convent; This convent was transformed into a barracks during the Revolution, and disappeared in 1879 to give way to the Poirel room, while the church was destroyed in 1880 [ 7 ] , [ 8 ] , [ 9 ] .

The building on rue Chanzy then was the subject in 1906 of an extension by the architect Joseph Hornecker [ ten ] .

  • : Egène ingpermann [ 11 ]
  • : Emmanuel Blondin [ twelfth ]
  •  : M. Henriet [ 13 ]
  •  : M. Maffei [ 14 ]
  1. Imperial decree n O 390 of which authorizes the Banque de France to establish a branch in Nancy , Bulletin of laws of the French Empire , XI It is series, t. first, n O 44, , p. 679–680.
  2. a et b Charles Courbe, The streets of Nancy of XVIecentury to the present day , vol. 2, Nancy, Improrsy Lorraine, , p. 262–263 [ read online ] .
  3. Claude Collot, ” Nancy Financial Metropolis of Lorraine 1871 – 1914 », Annals of the East , , p. 3–75 .
  4. a et b ETP series – Special funds for establishments and public organizations , on the site of the Departmental Archives of Meurthe-et-Moselle.
  5. Christian Pfister, “the place of alliance”, Monthly bulletin , Lorraine archeology society and the Lorraine historical museum, 2 It is series, take IN It is ( 54 It is  vol.), n O 10, October 1905 (ISSN  1770-6149 ) , p. 218–236 (227) [ read online ] .
  6. Émile Badel, “Historical and Description Essay on the City of Nancy”, in Nancy and Lorraine: Historical and Scientific Notice , XV It is Congress of the French Association for the Advancement of Sciences, Nancy, Berger-Levrault, 1886, 501 p. , p. 83 [ read online ] .
  7. Christian Pfister, History of Nancy , vol. 3, Nancy, Berger-Levrault, 1908, p. 143 [ read online ] .
  8. Christian Pfister, “the foundation of the Nancy-Neuve city and the distribution of locations”, in Memoirs , Lorraine archeology society and the Lorraine historical museum, t. 55 ( 4 It is series, vol. 5), 1905 (ISSN  1770-6122 ) , p. 7–144 (74–75) [ read online ] .
  9. The army in Nancy, 1633-1966: Military Military Mixtures , Nancy, Berger-Levrault, 1967, 287 p. , p. 126.
  10. Francis Roussel (dir.), Vincent Bradel, Patrick Dieudonné and Pierre Saddy, with the collab. by Catherine Collery, for the modern archives of Lorraine architecture, Joseph Hornecker: Architect in Nancy, 1873-1942 (published on the occasion of the exhibition presented in the spring of 1989 at the Museum of Fine Arts in Nancy and at the headquarters of the Nancy Varin-Bernier Society), Nancy, Presses Universitaires de Nancy, coll. “Works of architects” ( n O 1), 1989, 80 p. (ISBN  2-86480-378-X ) , p. 9 and 78.
  11. Imperial decree n O 683 of July 23, 1853 , Bulletin of laws of the French Empire , XI It is series, t. 2, n O 77, August 20, 1853, p. 176.
  12. Mr. Geist, “La Banque de France in Metz (1849-1870)”, Memoirs , Metz National Academy, vol. 113, 1932 (ISSN  1149-0349 ) , p. 445–460 (448) [ read online ] .
  13. Stop of appointing branch directors of the Banque de France , Jorf n O 75 Complementary to , p. 3276–3277.
  14. Stop of appointing directors of branches of the Banque de France , Jorf n O 16 of , NOR ECOT9010063A.
