Brazilian line – Wikipedia


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Brazilian line

Fila brasileiro de robe fauve
Brazilian Robe Fauve queue
Region of origin
Region Drapeau du Brésil Brazil
Size 65 to 75 cm (m) and 62 to 75 cm (F)
Weight 50 to 70 kg (m) and 40 to 65 kg (F)
FCI nomenclature

The Brazilian line is a molossoid dog from Brazil [ 2 ] .

Several theories are trying to explain the presence of Fila Brasileiro in Brazil. All research carried out has no zootechnical base by the absence of concrete documentation. However, in the research carried out in the largest historical libraries of the “northeast” and the “southeast” in Brazil, we can say that the current dog Fila Brasileiro entered Brazil by the state of Pernambouc, brought by the Flemish-Hollanders of the Western India Company and Picklers in England. They dominated the Brazilian Nordeste from the 1630s until 1654, when they were expelled by Brazilian nationals. The Fila dog is defined in ancient Portuguese as a large, aggressive and vulgar dog. In other words, this is the main characteristic of the Molosse dog. “Fila” dog, or “Filhar”, designates a dog that catches its prey and does not let go. It’s a dog that is via childcare. There is no sufficient and convincing documentation which proves an import of ancestor dogs of the Fila by the Portuguese, English, French or African, peoples having actively participated in the colonization of Brazil.

We find towards the XVII It is century, in the center of Brazil, the mention of a Fila dog in two registers, “Travel of the English naturalist and polyglot Captain Richard F. Barton” (for example, in Rio Sabara, in Santa Luzia, Minas Gerais, in The Rio São Francisco valley: “Nega”, a Mastiff bitch, looked like a jaguar, and was very aggressive when she found herself attached and barely barked as if he had been locked up in a cage. She was inspired by terror To those who saw it for the first time and made themselves very useful. Thus, almost all men traveled with ferocious dogs.) As well as that of one of the most famous naturalists, Maximilian, prince of Wied-Neuwied. This one, who traveled through Brazil to the start of XIX It is century, just after the Portuguese king Jean VI opened the ports of Brazil, thus allowing the free entry of foreigners, relates and shows two engravings: the first represents fila dogs also called Head , Onceiros or Cowboy encircling an beef and around the horseshow being dressed in leather, as in the northeast. In the second engraving, a jaguar on a tree, harassed by Fila dogs. All dogs have their ears cut. Maximilian reported the fact south of Bahia, on the border of Minas Gerais. The Fila dog was located, penetrating Brazil by the state of Pernambuco, following the Francisco river, it arrived in the state of Minas Gerais. Thanks to the presence of colonizers descending from Europeans, who appreciated the Fila and found it appreciable utility, gave it a dairy diet, then available, which allowed the survival of the dog. Naturally, a cycle was formed which favored the survival of the Fila and involving relations in the forest, the jaguars, the man, the livestock and finally, to the dog of Fila.

This is the evolution, in almost 5 centuries, of the current Fila Brasileiro. In fact, the breeders selected molosses of different breeds and origins, until the formation of the dog “Cabeçudo” or the Brazilian line . Genetic diversity is the basis of the selection of Fila dog by the Brazilian man. There were objectives, means and purposes. Witnesses of writers, cynophiles, hunters, farmers, street vendors of farms and historians are objective and realistic and their quotes are authentic. From the XVII It is A century, man living in Brazil necessarily needed large dogs to hunt extremely aggressive animals, such as jaguars and other less aggressive, but more imposing and intelligent animals like deer. They selected molish dogs encountered in the country. Especially in the Nordeste, the Oeste and the Sudeste, there was a mixture of the same group of breeds. The current Fila Brasileiro is a dog resulting from crosses with “hound” dogs. The breed formation nucleus consists of large molish dogs or “English dogs” brought by the Flemish-Hollanders. This breed serves man’s interests and this is the reason why in Brazil, Fila’s dog has adapted to new tasks and functions requested. Thus, at XVII It is A century, when in the Nordeste, men entered the Rio S. Francisco, they needed robust dogs with a powerful and violent bite, courage to face the hundreds of jaguars who were scattered there. Gradually the selection was made, the Fila served for the conduct of livestock or in other words of “Cabeçudo-Boiadeiro” where more speed was required. Later, with the disappearance of large diets of dogs and the disappearance of jaguars, how to feed these large molosse dogs? Necessarily, we selected or rather the nature selected more reduced dogs. So we can see in old photos of lean fila dogs, ups on legs and with a more tapered head. To be more effective in hunting, we met with different Portuguese Perdigueiros to improve agility, speed and flair. The necessity for the man to hunt made their Molosse dogs come across with dogs named “hounds”, such as the Fox-Hounds, the Lesvriers, the Boodhounds. Recently, at XX It is A century, we met with the German “dinamarques”- to give it more size. What we have to consider is that the man having selected the Fila, has always had in order to maintain the character and the molossoid appearance of the Fila throughout the selection.


Fila’s dog began to be used in Brazil, where it was intended for the pursuit of deserting soldiers and slaves.

Brought by the Dutchman from the Western India Company, where in a Portuguese document from 1631, “Fila” dogs are reported which are “Engelssen Doggen” or Dogue de loud Race (in France), crossing of mastiff with Bulldogs. At the end of the wars, we then abandoned the use of Filas to convert them into farm dogs (Fazenda), the latter was intended for guard, livestock driving and farm monitoring during the day. At night, the Fila was released to monitor the farm and contain the slaves. When a slave escaped, the filas were used to catch it without killing it because the slave was considered precious. The Fila is a typically molossoid dog and considered as a “Boideiro” bouvier dog, it is the real fila. Another type of fila from crossing with hunting dogs in order to give qualities for hunting is considered a crossing. They are more often crossed filas with Perdigueiros, to lighten its morphology.

In 1946, the first standard of breed of Fila Brasileiro was developed by Paulo Santos Cruz, Erviw Valdemar Rathsan and João Ebner. In 1951, the first official publication of the first standard of breed of Fila Brasileiro was made in the commemorative journal of Kennel Clube Paulista (KCP).

In 1968, the Fila Brasileiro race was recognized by the International Cynological Federation (FCI) under the direction of the President of Brasil Kennel Clube (BKC) of the time and which was president of the FCI, Antonio Barone forzano.

In 1975, a second breed standard of Fila Brasileiro was designed by a majority of filas owners. These are the first specialist judges of the race that are trained by the BKC, by the two presidents of the first two specialized clubs of the Fila Brasileiro race. They are the only ones to exist in Brazil, in the States of RJ and SP, by the president of BKC, by the judges of groups and judges “All Rounders”. A first national regulation is formed, as well as national breeding regulations for the Fila Brasileiro breed and a first publication of book on the Fila Brasileiro, written and published in an independent edition by João Batista Gomes, first president of the Clube Paulista do Fila Brasileiro, breeder and specialized judge of Filasileiros filas, owner of the “Canil Sete Barras” breeding.

In 1976, there was a national publication of the second standard of breed of Fila Brasileiro and the national regulation with the support of Purina.

In 1978, Paulo Santos Cruz lost by democratic votes in the elections of president of the Clube Paulista do Fila Brasileiro, but consoled himself by becoming general coordinator of a certain commission called Cafib: Cississão de Aprimoramento da Raça Fila Brasileiro, whose pride and the pride and the pride and the pride and the pride Vanity of Paulo Santos Cruz are characterized. Paulo Santos Cruz decides to create the CAFIB, club of the state of São Paulo, and requests the support of the BKC, entity responsible for genealogy and the recording of births in Brazil and affiliated to the FCI which will refuse the request . Faced with such a refusal, Paulo Santos Cruz initiated, with a small group of sympathizers, a political war mainly to those who did not elected him to the CPFB.

In 1979, he began with defamatory publications which will aim to demoralize “the opponent” by reading Filas Brasileiros of great renowned and belonging to enemies of Paulo Santos Cruz, qualified as mixed and unclean dogs. He will denounce 3 dogs which himself had classified as the best in the race when he was a specialized judge of the race. The annals of the history of Fila in Brazil identify filas with the same line of dogs mentioned in black list by Paulo Santos Cruz, but which were strangely forgotten, because belonging to supporters of the Cafib and sustainers of Paulo Santos Cruz. Unfortunately, the pride of Paulo Santos Cruz caused a club war and a persecution of the impure Fila which was based only on the political ambitions of Paulo Santos Cruz, and that despite the race. Consequently, several breeders were unjustly denounced to raise mixed and impure filas, and thus denounced several breasts of Brasileiros filas. That year, the CBKC was created and became the national cynophilia entity in Brazil, affiliated with the FCI and succeeding the BKC at the national level. Andrea Blumen publishes a book on the Fila Brasileiro breed, this is the second book written in Portuguese on the breed.

In 1981, Doctor Procopio Do Valle published a book: o Grande Livro do Fila Brasileiro. This is the largest reference work on the Fila Brasileiro breed and which recounts the true and recent history of the race. At the same time, to the publication of this book, the CAFIB begins to show some internal ruptures.

In 1982, the Fila Brasileiro breed broke records in number of birth records at the national level, it became the number 1 breed in Brazil and the most represented race on the national level.

In 1983, the third standard of breed was developed with the participation of a majority of breeders, owners, specialized judges of breed, groups and “All Rounders”, presidents of different filas clubs affiliated with the CBKC.

In 1984, the FBCA “Fila Brasileiro Club of America” ​​was created in the United States by Clélia Kruel, founding member.

In 1986, Roméro Da Costa Machado began the publication of several articles in the journal Cães & Cia, demonstrating the true identity of the Cafib proving that Paulo Santos Cruz had black filas and that he produced dark brings filas with a black dress And a little fawn scratches. A new impulse was then initiated into the Cafib and the Aprimoramento Do Fila Brasileiro Clube ended shortly after.

In 1988, the first book on the Fila Brasileiro breed written in English by Clélia Kruel was published.

In 1992, a second work written by Clélia Kruel in English was published. The second club specializing in the Fila Brasileiro breed is created in the United States, the FBA-Fila Brasileiro Association-by Clélia Kruel with as president and for the first time a Brazilian.

This dog is imposing, but still has good proportions.

It has a uniform dress (except white, mouse gray, black and fire and blue, which are prohibited). It is often bridged with a dark or clear line. He has a black mask and white spots on the legs, the chest or on the tip of the tail are tolerated provided that he does not exceed a quarter of the dress [ 3 ] .

It has a massive head and a powerful muzzle with a fairly wide truffle. Fila has large drooping V ears and medium -sized almond -sized eyes. “The neck must be strong and provided with a Fanon. The body is quite long, the chest wide and well descended; The rump is a little higher than the tourniquet. The limbs are quite long, but strong, the tail exceeds the tip of the hock. (Larousse of the dog and the puppy 2006 edition).
