brigitte jaques-wajeman — Wikipedia


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Brigitte Jaques-Wajeman (born August 19, 1946 in Vevey in Switzerland) is an actress, director and French theater director.

Having the concern for the French language, Brigitte Jaques-Wajeman, is working to reveal the sensual dimension of words. It also shows the modernity of classical texts [ first ] . His staging resemble choreographies [ 2 ] .

Brigitte Jaques-Wajeman had Antoine Vitez as a teacher, she worked as an actress in several of her shows from 1969 to 1974.

In 1974, as part of the fall festival, she achieved her first staging by creating, for the first time in France, the full version of The awakening of spring , by Frank Wedekind, in a new translation by François Regnault.

In 1976, she founded, with François Regnault, the company Pandora [ 3 ] , then will direct the theater of the commune Center Dramatique National d’Aubervilliers from 1991 to 1997 [ 4 ] .


Drawing from classic and modern repertoires, she staged more than fifty pieces like The imposture According to Bernanos, Noon the Claudel, Iguana night de Tennessee Williams, Ruy Blas Victor Hugo, Britannicus And Phedron root, Angels in America de Tony Kushner, Tartuff from Molière … [ 5 ]

She caused a sensation with her room Elvire Jouvet 40 With Philippe Clévenot and Maria de Medeiros. The show is filmed by filmmaker Benoît Jacquot.

These plays were presented during festivals and in many theaters, in France and abroad (Comédie-Française, Chaillot, Odéon, theater of the city, etc.) [ 6 ] .

From 1980 to 1987, she was professor of dramatic art at the National School of Arts and Techniques of theater (ENSATT) [ 7 ] . From 2003 to 2015, she was in charge of the theater options of the Claude Monet high school in Paris, with which she sets a dozen shows. From 2006 to 2011, she taught at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris.

Brigitte Jaques-Wajeman is the mother of the director Élie Wajeman and the wife of the writer and psychoanalyst Gérard Wajcman.

Actress [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • 1969: The parade de Loúla Anagnostáki, directed Antoine Vitez, Théâtre de la Cité Internationale, Théâtre de l’Ouest Parisien, Nancy festival
  • 1970: The parade De Loula Anagnostaki, Mise en Scène Antoine Vitez, Maison de La Culture de Bourges
  • 1970: The tutor or the advantages of private education by Jakob Michael Reinhold Lenz, directed Antoine Vitez, theater of the west Parisian
  • 1970: The Seagull Anton Tchekhov, directed Antoine Vitez, Midi Théâtre Carcassonne, Tournée
  • 1970: A dam against the Pacific by Marguerite Duras, staged Georges Goubert, comedy of the West
  • 1973: Friday or wild life According to Michel Tournier, staged Antoine Vitez, theater of Chaillot
  • 1973: Pandæmonium according to The Château des Carpathes of Jules Verne, staging Anne Delbée, Avignon Festival

Scene [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

1974 to 1999 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • 1974: The awakening of spring by Frank Wedekind, Fall Festival in Paris
  • 1975: The Baladin of the Western world by John Millington Synge, Ivry Theater, Renaud-Barrault Theater
  • 1976: Ruin landscape with characters Danièle Sallenave, Récamier theater
  • 1977: Le Bain de Diene by Pierre Klossowski, Center Pompidou
  • 1979: Mugby’s branch According to Charles Dickens, Center Pompidou
  • 1981: But we have to dare everything since of François Regnault, theater of the Ivry districts
  • 1981: The surprise of love de Marivaux, Ensatt
  • 1985: Pompey’s death de Corneille, Théâtre du Lierre
  • 1986: Look, look at all your eyes Danièle Sallenave, little Odéon
  • 1986: Elvire Jouvet 40 Design and staging after Molière and classical comedy of Louis Jouvet, National Theater of Strasbourg [ 8 ] , Theater of Athénée-Louis-Jouvet, 1987: Théâtre des thirteen Vents, Theater of Athénée-Louis-Jouvet, national and international tour
  • 1988: Sophonisbe de Corneille, Chaillot National Theater
  • 1989: The imposture de Georges Bernanos, theater of the city
  • 1989: Horace de Corneille, Chaillot National Theater
  • 1990: Noon by Paul Claudel, theater of the workshop
  • 1991: Iguana night de Tennessee Williams, Comédie-Française at the Théâtre des Quartiers d’Ivry
  • 1992: Place Royale, or extravagant lover de Corneille, theater of the town
  • 1992: Interviews with Corneille de Brigitte Jaques and Jacqueline Lichtenstein, theater of the town
  • 1992: Pompey’s death de Corneille, theater of the town
  • 1993: Madame small of Nicolas Wright, theater of the town
  • 1994: Angels in America by Tony Kushner, Avignon Festival, 1996: Théâtre de la Commune
  • 1995: Oarshiftingies de Corneille, theater of the town [ 9 ]
  • 1995: Prince transvestite de Marivaux, Sarlat festival, theater of the town
  • 1996: Perestroika by Tony Kushner, comedy in Geneva, theater of the town
  • 1997: Sertorius de Corneille, theater of the town
  • 1998: House Juan de Molière, comedy in Geneva, 2000: Odéon-theater de l’Europe
  • 1998: The passage de Véronique Olmi, theater Vidy-Lausanne, theater of the Abbesses
  • 1999 : Hedda Gabler by Henrik Ibsen, comedy of Geneva
  • 1999 : The Assneid de Virgile, Marseille festival

Since 2000 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • 2000: Odyssey of Homer, reading put in space, with the students of the last year of the National Conservatory of Dramatic Art, Festival of Avignon, Auditorium of the Louvre
  • 2000: The pot de Plautus, Auditorium du Louvre, 2002: Théâtre de la Storm, 2003: Théâtre du Nord
  • 2001: Ruy Blas by Victor Hugo, Comédie-Française
  • 2001: The good soul of Se-Tchouan the Bertolt Breaks, Esten
  • 2001: Lost love pains de William Shakespeare, Western Michigan University
  • 2002: Pseudolus, the faker de Plaute, Auditorium du Louvre, 2003: Théâtre de la Storm, Comedy of Reims
  • 2003: Rape Danièle Sallenave, Rond-Point Theater
  • 2003: Benjamin’s journey by Gérard Wajcman, entertainment for children Festival Odysseées 78, theater of Sartrouville
  • 2004: Britannicus de Racine, Comédie-Française Théâtre du Vieux-Colombier
  • 2004: Comic illusion de Corneille, comedy in Geneva, Théâtre de Gennevilliers, comedy of Reims
  • 2005: Roland’s song , reading-spectacle, Louvre auditorium
  • 2005: and CID de Corneille, comedy-French
  • 2006: Darkness The Henning Mankell, Théâ
  • 2007: Play with nicomedes According to Corneille, the Théâtre de la Storm
  • 2008: Nicomene de Corneille, comedy of Reims
  • 2009: Tartuff de Molière, Château de Grignan
  • 2011: Nicomene And Oarshiftingies de Corneille, city theater
  • two thousand and thirteen : Tender and cruel From Martin Crimp, Theater of Abbesses
  • two thousand and thirteen : Circles/fictions de Joël Pommerat, in Russian, Moscow Art Theater
  • 2014: Pumped And Sophonisbe de Corneille, theater of abbesses
  • 2015: Tartuffe or impostor from Molière in Russian to the Pushkin theater in Moscow
  • 2016: Polyeucte de Corneille, theater of abbesses
  • 2017: Mme small de Nicholas Wright, Theater of the Abbesses
  • 2017: Benjamin’s journey by Gérard Wajcman – According to Benjamin III’s trips de Mendele Moïkher Sforim, Theater of the Abbesses
  • 2020: Phedron [ ten ] , [ 11 ] Racine, Abbesses Theater
  • 2023: The Seagull Anton Tchekhov, Theater of Abbesses [ twelfth ]

Opera [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Pandora’s theater: the book of shows presented and produced by the Pandora company from 1974 to 1999 de Brigitte Jaques and François Regnault, theatrical editions coll. “On the theater”, 2000.

Decorations [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Awards [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. Staging and playing the actor » , on Josette Féral, Quebec America, 2007 (consulted the )
  2. Phedron » , on The square (consulted the )
  3. Cie Pandora Brigitte Jacques » , on vimeo , (consulted the ) .
  4. Brigitte Jaques » , on Babelio (consulted the )
  5. Brigitte Jaques-Wajeman: biography, news and programs France Culture » , on France Culture (consulted the )
  6. Brigitte Jaques-Wajeman • Storm Theater » , on (consulted the )
  7. Biography and news from Brigitte Jacques France Inter – Page 1 » , on (consulted the )
  8. Elvire Jouvet 40 » , on The Archives of the show (consulted the ) .
  9. “SURENA/Pandora company” , dailymotion.
  10. “Phèdre,” Eros “tragic” , France Culture, The large culture table by Olivia Gesbert, January 16, 2020.
  11. “Phèdre”, from Racine, staged Brigitte Jacques-Wajeman ” , The School of Letters, January 10, 2020.
  12. A sober “seagull” faithful to the spirit of Tchekhov at the Théâtre des Abbesses » , on franceinfo, Christophe Airaud (consulted the )
  13. Britten, the nuts (live capture) » , on Cité de la Musique – Philharmonie de Paris (consulted the ) .
  14. Benjamin Britten : The Turn of the Screw, opus 54 » , on ConcertoNet (consulted the ) .
  15. Elvire Jouvet 40 » , on Southern events (consulted the )

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