Brocciu – Wikipédia


The Brocciu , or Brocciu CORSE [ first ] , [ 2 ] ( pronounce [‘ b r O t͡ʃ in ] ), is a cheese name in the Corsican language for a lactrum cheese from Corsica, protected by an AOC since 1998 and an AOP since 2003 [ 3 ] .


Brocciu And Brocciu CORS are the two denominations selected in the French AOC decree [ 4 ] .

It is a cheese made from Lactrum of Corsican brew milk and/or goat milk [ 5 ] fresh or refined dough, with a weight varying by 250 g at 3 kg . Lactrum is heated and add salt [ 6 ] . Its texture is flexible and creamy. It contains 45% fat. It is developed during the milk production period, that is to say from October to June.

He is very appreciated by the Corsicans which designate him as their « fromage national » . Who did not taste it does not know the island » already wrote Émile Bergerat at the end of XIX It is century.

Its best consumption period extends from November to June [ 7 ] .

Manufacturing of Brocciu Cheese Fair 2005 Venaco.

Like all Lactrum cheeses, the Brocciu is a direct way to enhance the whey (or serum or even a little-face), a co-produced resulting from the transformation of milk into cheese. This practice is typical of difficult countries where ” Nothing is lost ” .


It is therefore developed from this dairy product. In a pot, over high heat, stirring continuously, it is first heated to ~ 40 °C To reach the addition of sheep’s milk and, or goat milk (if it is intended for trade, the specifications of the PDO normalize the addition of milk in a maximum proportion of 25%, and that of water in a maximum proportion of 15%) and salt then brought to ~ 90 °C To floculate the mixture. The liquid should never catch the walls of the cauldron or come into boiling. The lumps dating back to the surface are recovered by means of a skimmer and dumped in rush shapes (called to or cask ) or plastic molds for drainage (today, when Brocciu is intended for marketing, the rush is no longer used because it no longer meets the standards of the European Union). THE Brocciu obtained is ready to be consumed or to be salty on the surface and refined; He will then take the name of Brittle step .

Appellation area [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

If it is intended for trade, milk production, its breakfast, transformation and refining must be carried out in the French departments of Haute-Corse and Corse-du-Sud [ 8 ] .

Highly nutritious food, identity, Brocciu is found in many Corsican dishes, including the imbrucciata, a variety of sweet pie with sheep cheese. But it can also be consumed nature.
Its ideal consumption period spans from November to June but the optimal period is March to May. Beyond this period, it was made in the mountains and put aside in rocky anfracuction ( I Murons ) covered with noca (hellebore). It is generally consumed fresh at the end of the meal (sweet, sweet with a drop of brandy) or with fig jam, coffee, chestnut flour porridge ( Greatestra ) … Step (that is to say dry), he enters the composition of soups, it is said ” mosses When it is very dry. To consume it, with bread ( U Fiends ), it is then left in prolonged contact wrapped in a damp cloth.

Accompanying wines [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Light dry white wine [ 9 ]
  • Rosé wine
  • waterfall

The manufacturing sector of Brocciu Devoted to trade obtained in 1998 the preservation of the appellation via an AOC and in 2003, an AOP. A union exists: the Interprofessional Defense and Promotion Syndicate of AOC Brocciu.

For the 2001-2002 season, the manufacturing sold was 485 tonnes, including just under 85 tonnes of farm production [ ten ] .

Brittle step Trade.

When it is marketed, it is offered fresh in a plastic or refined faisselle, for at least 21 days and up to several months, under the name Brittle step .

Every year, it is one of the flagship products at the cheese fair ( Cheese Fair ) of Venaco.

The Brittle step It can only be sold under this appellation only breastfeeding sheep and goats.

The Brocciu fall into the composition of many traditional Corsican dishes such as cannelloni At Brocciu , the omelette with mint and Brocciu , THE Sturzredi . Brocciu and chopped chard, all poached in sauce), and other stuffed vegetables …
It is also the basis of many pastries:

Related articles [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Other whey cheeses:

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