Brooklyn Italians Soccer Club – Wikipedia


From Wikipedia, Liberade Libera.


The Brooklyn Italians Soccer Club It is an US football club in New York whose headquarters is in borough citizen of Brooklyn.

Founded in 1949 by John Devivo is the formation that represents the Italian community in the city of New York.

In the years of activity he has played in various professional and semi-professional leagues such as the Metropolitan Soccer League , American Soccer League , National Soccer League of New York (where he won two titles), German-American Soccer League (he won a title) Then he became Cosmopolitan Soccer League (five titles) and the North Eastern Super Soccer League .

He currently plays in the National Premier Soccer League.

The Italians They have also distinguished themselves several times in Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup, the US national cup, reaching the final four times. The first in 1979 with the Brooklyn Dodgers S.C. denomination, winning the title by beating Croatian S.C. for two to one.

The second two years later, in 1981, but this time the Dodgers had to bend to the formation of the Maccabi Los Angeles Soccer Club, losing five to one with a sound.

Nine years later they reached the final again returning to the name of Brooklyn Italians, but at the Kuntz Stadium of Indianapolis they were defeated by measure by the Chicago Eagles for two by one.


The following year, 1991, they made their last appearance in the National Cup final by beating the Richardson Rockets for two by one at the Brooklyn College stadium in New York.

Brooklyn Italian Socner Club history
1949 • The i Brooklyn Italians Soccer Club .
  • 1950 • Affiliates to the Metropolitan Soccer League (MSL)
  • 1950-51 • ?° in Metropolitan Soccer League
  • 1951-52 • ?° in Metropolitan Soccer League
  • 1952-53 • ?° in Metropolitan Soccer League
  • 1953-54 • ?° in Metropolitan Soccer League
  • 1954-55 • ?° in Metropolitan Soccer League
  • 1955-56 • ?° in Metropolitan Soccer League
Affiliates to the American Soccer League (ASL II)
  • 1956–57 • 7° in American Soccer League
  • 1957–58 • 10° in American Soccer League
  • 1958–59 • 4° in American Soccer League
  • 1959–60 • 4° in American Soccer League

  • 1960–61 • 8° in American Soccer League
Change denomination in Inter-Brooklyn Italians .
  • 1961–62 • 2° in American Soccer League
  • Change denomination in Inter SC .
  • 1962–63 • 2° in American Soccer League
Change denomination in Boca Juniors .
  • 1963–64 • 4° in American Soccer League
Affiliates at the National Soccer League of New York (NSLNY) and changes the name in Palermo Football Club .
  • 1964 • ?° in National Soccer League of New York
  • 1965 • ?° in National Soccer League of New York
  • 1966 • ?° in National Soccer League of New York
  • 1967 • ?° in National Soccer League of New York
  • 1968 • ?° in National Soccer League of New York
  • 1969 • 1 ° in National Soccer League of New York, League sample
  • 1970 • ?° in National Soccer League of New York

  • 1971 • ?° in National Soccer League of New York
  • 1972 • 1 ° in National Soccer League of New York, League sample
  • 1973 • ?° in National Soccer League of New York
La National Soccer League of New York viene assorbita dalla German-American Soccer League (GASL).
  • 1973-74 • ?° in German-American Soccer League
  • 1974-75 • 1° in German-American Soccer League/Second Division North
Change name to Brooklyn Italians.
  • 1975-76 • 3° in German-American Soccer League/Major Division North
  • 1976-77 • 1 ° in German-American Soccer League/Major Division North, League sample
La German-American Soccer League (GASL) diventa Cosmopolitan Soccer League (CSL).
  • 1977-78 • 1 ° in Cosmopolitan Soccer League/Major Division North, League sample
  • 1978-79 • 2° in Cosmopolitan Soccer League/Major Division A
Vince la National Challenge Cup. (1st title) (with the name in Brooklyn Dodgers)
  • 1979-80 • 3° in Cosmopolitan Soccer League/Major Division A

  • 1980-81 • 1 ° in Cosmopolitan Soccer League/Major Division A, League sample
Final of National Challenge Cup (with the name in Brooklyn Dodgers).
  • 1981-82 • 2° in Cosmopolitan Soccer League/Major Division A
  • 1982-83 • 2° in Cosmopolitan Soccer League/Major Division A
  • 1983-84 • 1 ° in Cosmopolitan Soccer League/First Division Red, League sample
Si affilia alla North Eastern Super Soccer League (NESSL)
  • 1984-85 • ?° in North Eastern Super Soccer League
  • 1985-86 • ?° in North Eastern Super Soccer League
  • 1986-87 • ?° in North Eastern Super Soccer League
  • 1987-88 • ?° in North Eastern Super Soccer League
  • 1988-89 • ?° in North Eastern Super Soccer League
  • 1989-90 • ?° in North Eastern Super Soccer League
Finale di National Challenge Cup.

  • 1990-91 • ?° in North Eastern Super Soccer League
Vince la National Challenge Cup (2nd title)
  • 1991-92 • ?° in North Eastern Super Soccer League
  • 1992-93 • ?° in North Eastern Super Soccer League
  • 1993-94 • ?° in North Eastern Super Soccer League
  • 1994-95 • ?° in North Eastern Super Soccer League
  • 1995-96 • ?° in North Eastern Super Soccer League
  • 1996-97 • ?° in North Eastern Super Soccer League
  • 1997-98 • ?° in North Eastern Super Soccer League
  • 1998-99 • ?° in North Eastern Super Soccer League
  • 1999-00 • ?° in North Eastern Super Soccer League

  • 2000-01 • ?° in North Eastern Super Soccer League
  • 2001-02 • ?° in North Eastern Super Soccer League
  • 2002-03 • ?° in North Eastern Super Soccer League
Back to affilia with the Cosmopolitan Soccer League
  • 2003-04 • 4° in Cosmopolitan Soccer League/First Division East
  • 2004-05 • 2° in Cosmopolitan Soccer League/First Division East
  • 2005-06 • 1 ° in Cosmopolitan Soccer League/First Division East, League sample
  • 2006-07 • 1 ° in Cosmopolitan Soccer League/First Division West, League sample
  • 2007-08 • 4° in Cosmopolitan Soccer League/First Division West
  • 2008-09 • 9° in Cosmopolitan Soccer League/First Division
  • 2009-10 • 4° in Cosmopolitan Soccer League/First Division East
  • Accedono in National Premier Soccer League (NPSL)
  • 2010 • 2° in NPSL/Northeast Atlantic Division
Primo turno in Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup

  • 2011 • 1° in NPSL/Northeast Division – Atlantic Conference
Division final playoff
Primo turno in Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup
  • 2012 • 2° in NPSL/Northeast Division – Atlantic Conference
Division semifinal playoffs
Secondo turno in Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup
  • 2013 • 1° in NPSL/Atlantic Division
Regional semifinal playoffs
Primo turno in Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup
  • 2014 • 2° in NPSL/North Atlantic Conference
Regional semifinal playoffs
Terzo turno in Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup
  • 2015 • 4° in NPSL/North Atlantic Conference
Primo turno in Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup
  • 2016 • 6° in NPSL/Northeast Region-Atlantic Conference

National competitions [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

1979, 1991

Other placements [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Second place: 1961-1962, 1962-1963
Finalist: 1981, 1990
  1. ^ National Soccer League of New York
