Budget of French universities – Wikipedia


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French universities are funded for their greatest part by the state budget, via the inter -ministerial research and higher education mission.

Ministry funding [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

1994: financing according to needs [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Introduced in 1994, the analytical system for distributing resources (SAN Remo) was initially based on a logic of cost analysis and average management rates noted by training sector. This logic was abandoned in 1997 in favor of a method allowing to calculate, for each establishment, the theoretical needs in jobs and operating credits.


The technique of calculating the theoretical operating allocation by the SAN Remo model is based on three criteria: student workforce, supervision in administrative and technical jobs, the surfaces devoted to education. These criteria are used to calculate four types of financing, the sum of which, once the total amount of the entrenched registration fees, constitutes the overall operating allocation (DGF) [ first ] (jobs and credits).

From 2005, this system was abandoned by the ministry [ 2 ] .

Since 2009: financing according to needs and performance [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The “System of distribution of means to performance and activity” (Nice) was proposed by a report of senators [ 3 ] .

Since 2009, the Ministry of Higher Education and Research has been completing universities in relation to their activity and their performance. The latter includes a “calculated” part on the basis of national criteria and a “negotiated” part in the quadrennial contract (see distribution mode and criteria in the following tables) [ 4 ] .

Between 2008 and 2014, the credits of the “Higher Training and University Research” program of the inter -ministerial research and higher education mission, the vast majority of which finances universities, have experienced a much more favorable development than that of the general state budget : 12.69% increase between 2008 and 2013 for the program against 7.33% for the general budget [ 5 ] . The nice is not really applied, because in a context where the overall envelope is limited, it would have led to cuts of endowments for certain universities [ 5 ] .

Simplified presentation of the model on the basis of the amount of credits distributed in 2009 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
Credits distributed in 2009
Education Research Management, management,
student life
Activity 1 176 M€
Performance 294 M€
Total 955.5 M€ 514.5 M€ [ A 1 ] 1 470 M€
Cutting credits
Education Research Management, management,
student life
Activity 60% 20% 80%
Performance 5%

Calculated share: 4%
Negotiated part

Calculated share: 12%
Negotiated part

Negotiated part: 4%
Total 65% 35% 100%
Distribution criteria
Education Research Management, management,
student life
Activity number of students present at exams Number of teachers publishing researchers
Calculated share:

  • valeur ajoutée Réussite Licence
  • nombre de diplômés en master
Negotiated part:

  • passage L1/L2
  • réussite en L3
  • part des mentions M à faible effectifs
  • taux d’insertion[A 2]
Calculated share:

  • cotation unités recherche
Negotiated part:

  • ressources issues de la valorisation
  • insertion des docteurs[A 2]
Negotiated part:

  • autoévaluation
  • pilotage immobilier
  • recrutement externe
  • ouverture des bibliothèques
Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
  1. This total includes only the credits distributed by the model and not the credits linked to the initialization of the model (compensation for missing jobs, financing of the excess initialization) or to specific sites (“license” and “careers »).
  2. a et b Future criteria

Registration fees [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Tuition fees are set by the minister and are the same from one university to another (for example, in 2020, 170 euros for the license, 243 euros for the master …) [ 6 ] .

Others [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Universities diversify their resources with services, research contracts or continuous training. They can also receive donations ( via foundations in particular) [ 7 ] .

Extra budgetary funding (investments for the future) or the resources of research organizations are not always traced in universities accounts [ 8 ] .

Budget management in universities with expanded skills [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Universities with “expanded skills” (51 in 2010, also called “autonomous universities”) have additional possibilities in the management of their budget. They indeed have their global budget (payroll included), and themselves distribute the funds between the different components [ 9 ] , [ ten ] .

The universities concerned have often had to expand their administrative services to deal with these new responsibilities. In addition, the presidents criticize the rectorates of monitoring them too much [ 11 ] .

Example: Means of the University of Saint-Etienne in 2009 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

To illustrate the university financing system, here are the means of the University of Saint-Etienne.

Means of the University of Saint-Etienne in 2009, forecast data in percentage, out of a total budget of 109.3 million euros [ twelfth ] , [ B 1 ]
Grants from the Ministry of Higher Education and Research

Remuneration of titular staff 64.4%
Functioning [B 2 ] 13.6%
Investment 1.6%
Other subsidies 9.2%
Contribution of research organizations 0.4%
Registration fees 3.8%
Research contracts 2.3%
Continuing education service 2.0%
Tax learning 0.6%
Various services and recipes 2.1%
Total 100%

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. Part of these “means” do not fall into the university budget and are managed no other entities. The University of Saint-Etienne having increased to “extended skills” in 2009, it manages its own wage bill. Finally, this university benefits from real estate operations funded by the CPER.
  2. Including remuneration of non -titular staff supported by the State
  1. Senate 2008, p. 11
  2. Senate 2008, p. twelfth
  3. Senate 2008
  4. Senate 2009, p. 15
  5. a et b 2015 Court of Auditors, p. 21.
  6. Decree of April 19, 2019 relating to registration fees in public higher education establishments under the Minister responsible for Higher Education
  7. [PDF] The Guide to good practices in terms of partnership and university foundations » , on www.cpu.fr ,
  8. 2015 Court of Auditors, p. 20
  9. Autonomy of universities: year II » , on www.enseignementsup-reerche.gouv.fr ,
  10. Education Code, article L712-8 and following
  11. Marie-Estern Pech, Thirty-three new autonomous universities » , on www.lefigaro.fr ,
  12. Means of the University of Saint-Etienne in 2009 » , on www.enseignementsup-reerche.gouv.fr ,
  • Philippe Adnot , Jean-Léonce Dupont , Christian Gaudin , Serge Lagauche , Gérard Long and Philippe Richert , Reform of the allocation of means by the State to universities , , 54 p. ( read online ) (Senate information report)
  • Philippe Adnot and Jean-Léonce Dupont , Implementation of the budget and financial component of law n ° 2007-1199 of August 10, 2007 relating to the freedoms and responsibilities of universities and new system of allocation of means to universities (nice) , , 47 p. ( read online ) (Senate information report)
  • Philippe Adnot the Dominique Gillot , Funding for universities: equity at the service of everyone’s success , ( read online ) (Senate information report)
  • Philippe Adnot , Survey of the Court of Auditors on the results of the financial autonomy of universities , , 43 p. ( read online ) (Senate information report)
    • Court of Audit, The financial autonomy of universities: a reform to continue , , 152 p. ( read online ) (report requested by the Senate finance committee)
