Cacasse to Cul’A nu – Wikipédia


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The naked ass is a culinary preparation, a “poor dish”, which has its origin in the Ardennes. It is based on potatoes and onions, cooked in a drunk casserole dish. The breeding has now acquired a symbolic value, has been stamped “Ardennes de France” and was “Culottée” , that is to say that it is now served with meat.

There are no documents attesting to the exact geographic origin and the date of appearance of this dish. It would nevertheless seem that the breast was created in the Meuse valley. It is a food linked to an economy in autarky: the villagers live from their resources, their vegetable garden, their pig and their chicken coop; cities have very close sources of supply [ first ] .

The dish is quoted by Gérard Gayot, in his work The revolution in Ardennes, from Argonne to Namurois , covering the years 1789-1792 [ 2 ] . Jacques Lambert, in his work on the Ardennes countryside at XIX It is century and at the beginning of XX It is century evokes more terms Ardennes: “Roussie pot”, or “Roussade”, or “naked ass”, still called “Cacass” or “Frigoss [ 3 ] »: Potatoes cooked with onions and, like fat, from the lard.

Agnès Paris also evokes the “breast” of the inhabitants of Bogny-sur-Meuse, reserved for days of opulence … During the years of occupation of the Second World War [ 4 ] . She specifies that some patterns of metallurgy companies did not disdain these Ardennes cooking dishes. And, more recently, Françoise Branget, reviewing the favorite dishes of 176 elected representatives of the Republic, does not forget to quote “The naked ass bream [ 5 ] » .

The naked ass breast is a typical and symbolic dish of Ardennes cuisine. It was originally a simple and nourishing dish, a fricassee of potatoes, cooked in a red, in a cast iron casserole, that the most modest people consumed when the meat was unaffordable [ 6 ] .


“With bare ass” means the absence of meat, the casserole dish used for the preparation being only rubbed with a bacon bard in order to flavor the potatoes during cooking [ 7 ] .

Stand from brotherhood naked ass bream during the 13 It is Festival of brotherhoods in Ardenne, in Charleville-Mézières, in May 2016.

Since 2001, the brotherhood of the naked ass breast has brought this rustic preparation up to date with meat. “The breast is now tasted cheeky” , that is to say with a smoked sausage and slices of bacon, but various personal variants exist [ 6 ] .

The product is part of the range “Ardennes de France [ 6 ] » .

  1. Clerc 1985, p. forty six.
  2. Gérard Gayot , Revolution in Ardenne, from Argonne to Namurois , Ardennes lands, , 319 p. , p. 19 .
  3. Lambert 1988, p. 321.
  4. Agnès Paris « Bogny’s big shop. A bolt and its cities through oral testimonies », Historical Ardennes review , vol.  XXVII,‎ , p. 134 .
  5. Dear 2011.
  6. A B and C Union March 12, 2008.
  7. Midi in France Fr3 November 13, 2012.

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Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Classification by year of publication.

  • Jean Cleric « Poor cuisine, poor foods », Ardennes lands , n O 12, , p. 46-53 (ISSN  0758-3028 ) .
  • Jacques Lambert , Ardennes campaigns and peasants: 1830-1914 , Editions Land Ardennes, , 584 p. , “Food”, p. 307-352 .
  • Sophie Claeys-Pergament « Terroir, the naked ass breast », The union , ( read online ) .
  • Catherine Costing and François Schmidt , Atlas of the gastronomic heritage of Champagne-Ardenne , Éditions de l’Effervescence, , 190 p. (ISBN  978-2-9525386-5-7 ) .
  • G. G.-M. « The whole brotherhood in the lab to simmer the breast », The union , ( read online ) .
  • Françoise Dear , La Cuisine de la République: Cook with your deputies! , Paris, Le Cherche Midi, , 290 p. (ISBN  978-2-7491-1613-6 ) .
  • Writing FR3 « The naked ass bream of the Ardennes or the ragout to the good woman », Noon in France fr3 , ( read online ) .

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