Caesar Manzanos Bibbao — Wikipedia


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César Manzanos Bilbao is a Spanish Spanish Basque sociologist, professor and writer.

Doctor of sociology, César Manzanos Bilbao is a professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Information at the University of the Basque Country, attached to the Alava Social Work School. He obtained a master’s degree at the International Institute of Sociology of the law on “the socio-legal approach to foreign trade and public administration in Europe [ first ] ».

In the field of research and teaching, César Manzanos Bilbao specializes, among other things, in the fields of urban sociology, the research methodology in social sciences, the sociology of law and crime, the sociology of immigration , social policy and sociology of family conflicts.

César Manzanos Bilbao, guest professor in several American universities, has carried out more than twenty key research in sociology and law. He has published several individual and collective works, including: Foreigners in paradise (1992); Law and society (1998); The Divorce Law in Spain: Modification criteria and proposals (1999); The cry of the other: archeology of racial marginalization (1999) and Jail, drugs and AIDS: Social work in front of the criminal system (2000).

  • Situation of women in the prisons of the Basque Country , Juana María Balmaseda Ripero, Vitoria-Gasteiz: Basque Government’s main publication service, 2003. (ISBN  84-457-2037-6 ) ;
  • Marriage separation: sociojuridic research applied in the Basque Country , Editorial Fundamentals, 2000. (ISBN  84-245-0863-7-7 ) ;
  • The cry of the other: archeology of racial marginalization: the social discrimination of extra -community immigrants from their experiences and perceptions , Tecnos, 1999. (ISBN  84-309-3318-2 ) ;
  • Contribution of the prison system to family socio-economic marginalization: socio-legal approach , Universidad de Deusto; University of Deusto, 1991. (ISBN  84-7485-199-8 ) ;
  • Jail and social marginalization: critical contribution and research applied to Basque society , Donostia: Tercera prensa = Third Press, D.L. 1991. (ISBN  84-87303-11-0 ) ;
  • Objectors, Insumisos: Basque youth before the mili and the army , Rafael Ajangiz, Jakue Pascual, Vitoria-Gasteiz: The main publication of the Basque Government, 1991. (ISBN  84-7542-938-6 ) ;
  • Prison and Society in Euskadi: Sociological study on the process of transfers in penitentiary matters for the Basque Autonomous Community (year 1987) , Oñati: = Basque Public Administration Organization, 1987. (ISBN  84-7777-000-X ) .

Collective works

  • (is) Minors without rights?: Unprotected foreign childhood, penalized youth , (eu) Undigidable minors? : Unprotected foreign children, punished youth , Avening, 2010. (ISBN  978-84-614-5408-2 ) ;
  • (is) Fight against the exclusion and feminization of poverty: role of institutions and associative movement: Congress , (eu) Social Exclusion and Fitness Feminization Poverty: The role of public organizations and associations: Conference , Avening, 2009. (ISBN  978-84-613-6572-2 ) ;
  • (is) Mediation in social conflicts: criminal, intercultural, minor, family, educational and political , (eu) Mediation in Social Conflict: In the field of criminal, intercultural, aditics, family, education and politics , Avening, 2008. (ISBN  978-84-612-7948-7-7 ) ;
  • Marginated Childhood and Youth: Social and Criminal Policies , Avening, 2006. (ISBN  84-611-3585-7 )
  • Social and criminal policies in drugs: social, health and educational resources in open and closed medium , Sales, 2005. (ISBN  84-609-7445-6 ) ;
  • Social work and social education with immigrants in receiving and origin countries , Aljibe Editions, 2004. (ISBN  84-9700-165-6 ) ;
  • The Divorce Law in Spain: Modification criteria and proposals , Juana María Balmaseda Ripero, Dykinson, 1999. (ISBN  84-8155-534-7 ) .
