Callista on Lippe – Wikipedia


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Lippe callista , (in German: Calixta Agnes Adelaide Irmgard Helene Caroline Elise Emma ) (Potsdam, 14 October 1895 – Erbach, 15 December 1982), was the wife of Prince Valdemaro of Prussia [first] [2] .

Callista was the daughter of Count Federico Guglielmo of Lippe-Biesterfeld, son of Giulio di Lippe-Biesterfeld, and of his wife the countess Gisela Berta Adelheid Klothilde Emma Klementine by Ysenburg and Büdingen in Meerholz [first] . His father was a colonel with the Prussian army [2] . In 1905, his father assumed the princely degree, making sure that Callista was assigned the degree of princess with the style of His serene height [first] [2] .

He was the first degree cousin of Princess Maria Adelaide of Lippe and Prince Bernardo of Lippe-Besterfeld, consort of Giuliana of the Netherlands.

He married, on August 14, 1919 in Hemmelmark, Prince Valdemaro of Prussia (1889-1945), son of Prince Enrico of Prussia [first] [2] . The couple had no children [2] Due to the emotion of Valdemaro he suffered.

Second World War [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The couple resided in Bavaria for most of the Second World War but lived at Kamenz Castle, in Silesia, at the end of the war. In the spring of 1945, the couple fled to Tutzing with the approach to Russian troops, since Callista was not willing to leave him at the mercy of the Red Army, despite Valdemaro was in the grip of an hemophilia attack [2] [3] . After a long and painful journey through Prague, they finally reached Tutzing, where Valdemaro received a blood transfusion [3] . The American army invaded the area the following day and has diverted all the medical resources and supplies to treat victims in the concentration camps nearby [3] . As a result, these actions prevented the German doctor from Valdemaro from cure him [3] . Here, Valdemaro died on May 2, 1945 due to the lack of structures for blood transfusion.

Callista survived her husband over 35 years, residing in Reinhartshausen near Erbach, where he died on December 15, 1982.

Parents Grandparents Great -grandparents Trisnonni
8. Wilhelm Ernst, VIII Conte di Lippe-Biesterfeld 16. Karl, VII Conte di Lippe-Biesterfeld
17. Contessa Ferdinande in Bentheim-Tecklenburg-Rheda
4. Julius, IX Conte di Lippe-Biesterfeld
9. Modeste from Unruh 18. Karl Philipp von Unruh
19. Elisabeth Henriette Dorothea von Kameke
2. Principe Friedrich Wilhelm zur Lippe-Biesterfeld
10. Friedrich Ludwig, V contell-malatll contest 20. Albrecht Friedrich Carl, IV Conte di Castell-Castell
21. Contessa Amalie zu Löwenstein-Wertheim-Virneburg
5. Ansssa Adelheid Zu Castell-Castell
11. Principessa Emilie zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg 22. Karl Ludwig, III Principe di Hohenlohe-Langenburg
23. Contessa Amalie Zu Solms-Baruth
1. Princess Calixt Zur Lippe
12. Conte Joseph zu Ysenburg-Büdingen-Meerholz 24. Johann Friedrich, III Conte di Ysenburg-Büdingen-Meerholz
25. Contessa Karoline von Salm-Grumbach
6. Carl, V Conte di Ysenburg-Büdingen-Meerholz
13. Contest Dorothea Zu Castell-Castell 26. Albrecht Friedrich Carl, IV Conte di Castell-Castell (= 20)
27. Contessa Amalie zu Löwenstein-Wertheim-Virneburg (= 21)
3. Contessa Gisela zu Ysenburg-Büdingen-Meerholz
14. Ernst Casimir II, II Principe di Ysenburg-Büdingen-Büdingen 28. Ernst Casimir I, I Principe di Ysenburg-Büdingen-Büdingen
29. Contessa Ferdinande zu Erbach-Schönberg
7. Principessa Agnes zu Ysenburg-Büdingen-Büdingen
15. Contessa Thekla zu Erbach-Fürstenau 30. Albrecht, VI Conte di Erbach-Fürstenau
31. Principessa Emilie zu Hohenlohe-Neuenstein-Ingelfingen
