Callitriche Palustrics — Wikipedia


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Callitriche palustris is a kind of aquatic herbaceous plant of the family of Callitrichaceae According to the classic Cronquist classification (1981) [ first ] or the family of Plantaginaceae According to the phylogenetic classification APG III (2009) [ 2 ] .

It is distinguished by its ovoid fruits and winged lobes only on the apex. Its submerged leaves are closely linear on long stems reaching 40 cm. Its floating rosettes have elliptical leaves with almost rounded. Its flowers have stamens measuring 5 mm. Its fruit is oval, blackish. It flowers from spring, until the beginning of fall.

This perennial species is found in the marshes and the edges of lakes and ponds (at a depth of about 30 cm) in Great Britain, Denmark, Finland, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Iceland, Norway, Greenland, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, Bulgaria, Romania, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Belgium [Ref. necessary] , from Russia and also in Spain and in some areas of North Africa.

  • Callitriche alpina Schur
  • Callitriche Baptist subsp. subanceps (V.Petr.) A.Love & D.Love
  • Callitrich androgynna L.
  • Gentlitricatical angustifolia Hoppe
  • Callitriche aquatica Huds.
  • Callitriche aquatica Hudson
  • Callitriche aquatica subsp. Vernalis (Curs. Exic W.D.j.KOCH) Bonnier & Layns, 1894
  • Callitriche aquatica was. cespitosa (Schultz) Willd.
  • Callitriche bengalensis Petrov
  • Callitriche tufted Schultz, 1819
  • Calalytrics assets Schultz
  • Calfletic conapeifolia A.Br.
  • Calfletic conapeifolia A.Br. From Hegelm.
  • Callitriche doubts Hoffm. ex Roth
  • Callitriche elegans V.Petrov
  • Callitriche deceptive V.Petrov
  • Fixed Callitricians Mathematics.
  • Callitrici Fontana Purpose.
  • Callitriche hermaphrodita L., 1755
  • Intermediate calllitrics Hoppe
  • Callitriche swimmer (L.) Samp.
  • Callitriche bluntangula subsp. alpina (Schur) Nyman
  • Callitriche pale Goldb.
  • Callitriche pale Gray, 1821
  • Callitriche palustris was. verna (L.) Fenley ex Jepson
  • Callitriche palustris subsp. palustris
  • Callitriche palustris subsp. subanceps (Petrov) Kuvaev
  • Callitriche palustris subsp. verna (L.) Schinz & deep.
  • Callitriche palustris was. elegans (Petrov) n.n.tzvelev
  • Callitriche palustris was. elegans (V.Petrov) y.l.chang
  • Callitriche palustris was. minima L.
  • Callitriche palustris was. swimmer L.
  • Callitriche palustris was. palustris
  • Callitriche palustris was. stenocarpa (Hegelmaier) Jepson
  • Callitriche palustris was. verna (Linnaeus) Fenley ex Jepson
  • Papuan limestone Merrill & Perry
  • Callitriche Pain Sennen
  • Fieltriche starry Hoppe
  • Callitriche stenocarpa Hot man
  • Callitriche subanceps V.Petrov
  • Callitriche subrotundifolia Sennen
  • Callitriche tenuifolia Earned.
  • Callitriche tenuifolia Thuill. ex Pers.
  • CALLITICICS VERNA subsp. alpina (Schur) Nyman
  • CALLITICICS VERNA subsp. elegans (Petrov) came. & Aliss.
  • CALLITICICS VERNA was. angustifolia (Hoppe) Beck
  • CALLITICICS VERNA was. cespitosa (Schultz) Rchb.
  • CALLITICICS VERNA was. elegans (V.Petr.) Y.l.Chang
  • CALLITICICS VERNA was. elegans (V.Petrov) Kitag.
  • CALLITICICS VERNA was. deceptive (Petrov) H.Hara
  • CALLITICICS VERNA was. fixed (Lej.) Dumort.
  • CALLITICICS VERNA was. fontana Kütz.
  • CALLITICICS VERNA was. fontana RCHB.
  • CALLITICICS VERNA was. latifolia Kütz.
  • CALLITICICS VERNA was. minima (L.) Dumort.
  • CALLITICICS VERNA was. starry (Jump) Kütz.
  • CALLITICICS VERNA was. starry (Jump) rchb.
  • Callitriche vernalis Koch
  • Callitriche vernalis Kütz.
  • Callitriche vernalis was. minima (L.) Lange
  • Stellina Palustris (L.) Lumell
Subspecies and varieties
  • Callitriche palustris was. elegans (Petrov) Y.L.Chang
  • Callitriche palustris was. oryzetorum (Petrov) Lansdown
  • Callitriche palustris subsp. palustris
  • Callitriche palustris subsp. subanceps (Petrov) Kuvaev [ 3 ]
  1. (in) Arthur Cronquist, An Integrated System of Classification of Flowering Plants, New York, Columbia University Press, (ISBN  0-231-03880-1, OCLC  1136076363, lire en ligne) Voir et modifier les données sur Wikidata
  2. (in) Angiosperm Phylogeny Group, An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III» , Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, Wiley-Blackwell, Linnean Society of London et OUP , vol. 161, n o2, , p. 105–121 (ISSN  0024-4074And 1095-8339, DOI  10.1111/J.1095-8339.2009.00996.X) Voir et modifier les données sur Wikidata
  3. (in) Callitriche palustris (The Plant List)

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