Camille of Toledo — Wikipedia


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Camille de Toledo, in Paris (2017).

Birth name Alexis Mital
Birth (47 years)
Core business
laurét de la villa physician
winner of the Jan-Michalski Foundation for Literature
Tongue French
Movement worrying

Essay, novel, theater, performance

Derivative adjectives Toledanesque

Primary works

  • Beech and birch (2009)
  • Potential (2010)
  • The concern of being in the world (2012)
  • The book of hunger and thirst (2017)
  • Theseus, his new life (2020)

Camille de Toledo , Plume name of Alexis Mital [ first ] , born the , is a French essayist and writer living in Berlin. He is also a visual artist, videographer and teacher at ENSAV (La Cambre) in Brussels.



Coming from the Lyon big bourgeoisie [ 2 ] , Alexis Mital is the son of Gérard Mital, film producer [ 3 ] , and of Christine Mital, who was editor -in -chief at New observer .


He is the grandson of Antoine Riboud [ 4 ] , [ 5 ] , founder and president of the Danone group, and the grand-nephew of photographer Marc Riboud who introduced him to photography he often practices on vacation, or more introspective through selfie. His maternal uncle, Franck Riboud, was the CEO of Danone from 1996 to 2014.

He was raised by a “mother of heart”, Marguerite Virey, called “Mazet” [Ref. necessary] .

The suicide of his brother Jérôme, the first is March 2005, in Paris, the brand sustainably.


He studies history and political science at the Institute of Political Studies in Paris, as well as law and literature at the University of Paris (Paris Diderot) where he defends a thesis on “vertigo” under the direction from Dominique Rabaté [ 6 ] .

After studying at the London School of Economics, he travels to the United States and South America, and produced several documentary films with his iPhone [ 7 ] .

Feather name

For his name of pen-Camille de Toledo-, he borrowed the first name of his maternal great-grandfather Camille Riboud, from a rich Protestant family from the Lyon region and president of the Lyonnaise de Dépôts Society [ 8 ] , who committed suicide in 1939. The name of Toledo was borrowed from her paternal grandmother, Marguerite de Toledo, daughter of a Geneva pharmacist from a Judeo-Spanish family and an Italian Catholic from Puglia [ 9 ] .


In 2002, his first fiction short film, Tango of oblivion , is selected at the Cannes Film Festival [ ten ] . He published his first work the same year, Archimondain Jolipunk; Confessions of a young man with a setback , an essay combining biographical narrative elements praised in particular by The world And Release [ 11 ] .

In 2004, he obtained the scholarship of the Villa Medici [ twelfth ] .

In 2005, he undertook the writing of Strata described as “a fictional archeology” [ 13 ] . Out of four books planned for this tetralogy, two have published: The inversion of Hieronymus Bosch (2005) and Lives and death of an American terrorist (2007).

Camille de Toledo is the author of Essais mixing the Scriptures and the Genres: Autobiographical Story, Critic, Micro-Fictions, of which Beech and birch, essay on European sadness (2009). In 2008, he also published a response in the University Press in the form of a test to the manifesto entitled For French-style literature in French launched in March 2007. Title Visit Flockistan or illusions of-worldly literature , it is a charge in favor of a free literature of any directly naturalist or realistic constraints, and which is much more fundamentally of the “archeology of human fictions”, than the “real” and “authentic” experience of the world [ 14 ] .

He regularly collaborates in the review of philosophy, art and literature Pylon [ 15 ] .

In the spring of 2008, he founded with Maren Sell the European Society of Authors to promote a culture of all translations [ 16 ] . It is with this network, supported by personalities such as Bruno Latour, Hélène Cixous, Juan Goytisolo and Mathias Enard, that he develops a “poetics of the Entre-des-Langues”, of “translation as language”, In order to “denate the literary and political fields”. He founded, in particular, the collaborative translation platform, and the finnegan list project [ 17 ] .

In , his novel in fragments, Pøntial lives , appears by editions du Seuil. It is, according to Dominique Rabaté, “a biographical and literary turning point” [ 18 ] .

At the beginning of 2012 appears The concern of being in the world [ 19 ] , a song and a meditation on the state of Europe at the start of the XXI It is century, which revolves around a “black myth”, the killing of Utøya, in Norway by Anders Breivik.

In , he writes the booklet and produced the opera videos La Chute de Fukuyama , composed by Grégoire Hetzel, on the attacks of September 11, 2001, in the Pleyel Hall [ 20 ] .

In 2014, Camille de Toledo launched the Mittel-Europa project, of “art narrations”, which was hosted for a year at the Art Center in Spinnerei, Halle 14, in Leipzig. He develops a plastic and material writing, an extension of his literary writing in the exhibition space. In , he presents “potential exposure” [ 21 ] then, in April-May, a reflection on violence and history, History Reloaded [ 22 ] , [ 23 ] , and finally, work on relations between utopia and dystopia “Europaa-Eutopia” [ 21 ] .

He notably teaches at the Contemporary Scriptures Workshop of ENSAV (La Cambre) in Brussels [ 24 ] .

In 2019, with the Art and Town Planning Pole (POLUU), in Tours, he launched a new “potential institution”: the hearings of the Loire Parliament, to reflect on the legal personalization of the elements of nature and the implementation of ‘Inter-species institutions. He also leads a cycle to the Lyon Urban School, the Arty Farty Association and the Bone Book Festival around the notion of investigation in art, literature and human sciences [ 25 ]

Private life

He is married to the Franco-Tunisian historian Leyla Dakhli, researcher at CNRS, [Ref. necessary] and now lives in Berlin; He is the father of three children [ 26 ] .


His works are translated into Spain, Italy, Germany and the United States. [Ref. necessary]

Tests – Stories

  • Archimondain Jolipunk; Confessions of a young man with a setback , Calmann-Lévy, 2002
  • Visit Flockistan or illusions of world literature, EDITIONS PUF, 2007
  • Beech and birch. Essay on European sadness , Éditions du Seuil, coll. “The bookstore of XXI It is century ”, 2009
  • Time potentials , Art & Politics, with Aliocha Imhoff and Kantuta Quiros, Manuella éditions, 2016
  • A story of vertigo , Values, 2023.


  • The inversion of Hieronymus Bosch , Vertical, 2005 Spanish translation under the title In the time of monsters and catastrophes ( In the time of monsters and disasters ), Éd. Alpha Decay, Trad. John Asis [ 27 ] , 2012.
  • Lives and death of an American terrorist , Vertical, 2007
  • Pøntial lives , micro-fictions, threshold, coll. “The bookstore of XXI It is century ”, 2011
  • Forget, betray, then disappear , Threshold, coll. “The bookstore of XXI It is century ”, 2014
  • The book of hunger and thirst , Gallimard, 2017
  • Herzl. A European history [ 28 ] , with Alexander Pavlenko (illustrations), Denoël Graphic, 2018 (ISBN  220713329X )
  • Theseus, his new life , Values, 2020
  • Odessa’s ghost , with Alexander Pavlenko (illustrations), ed. Denoël Graphic, 2021 (ISBN  9782207144336 )

Collection – Song

  • The concern of being in the world , Values, coll. «Chaoïd»,

Opera booklet


  • 2003: The Story of My Brother , 26 min, video from the series Video-poem
  • 2006: Running Always , 10 min, video from the series Poor cinema
  • 2007: Vince, 26 years old , 10 min, video from the series Poor cinema
  • 2011: What Will Happen to Silence , 8 min, video from the series Hantologies
  • 2011: How Many Pages , 5 min, video from the series Hantologies
  • two thousand and thirteen : La Chute de Fukuyama , opera videography

Notes and references

  1. Camille de Toledo » , on Babelio (consulted the ) .
  2. Johan Faerber , Camille de Toledo: “Complete the card of our injuries” ( Theseus, his new life ) » , on DIACRITIK , (consulted the ) .
  3. See on .
  4. Philippe Lançon , Theseus, his new life : those who die took the train » , on Release (consulted the ) .
  5. Camille de Toledo, romantic manifesto », The , ( read online , consulted the ) .
  6. Alexis Mital « History of vertigo – from Cervantes to Sebald », , Sorbonne Paris cited, ( read online , consulted the ) .
  7. See on .
  8. See on Data.BNF.FR .
  9. Main pharmacy, a 3 It is visionary generation » , on With (consulted the ) .
  10. Tango of oblivion » , on Cannes film festival (consulted the ) .
  11. See on .
  12. MEDICIS VILLA , History of beneficiaries, M-E-L.FR .
  13. Presentation of the residence , , January 4, 2011.
  14. “Against a” depressed and/or navel -owned literature “” , , October 2, 2007.
  15. “Pylon-7” , .
  16. Camille de Toledo “Translation or how to move Europe? »» , .
  17. See on .
  18. Camille de Toledo interview & Dominique Rabaté , Contemporary French Fixxion Critical Review , December 2010.
  19. The concern of being in the world , Verdier editions.
  20. La Chute Du FUKUYAMA , on .
  21. a et b See on .
  22. History Reloaded , on .
  23. History Reloaded , on Vimeo.
  24. Contemporary Scriptures Workshop of ENSAV.
  25. “Investigate, investigate, but to elucidate what crime?” »» on .
  26. Author Camille de Toledo , on .
  27. In the time of monsters and catastrophes , on .
  28. See on .

external links

  • Literature resources Voir et modifier les données sur Wikidata:
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