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Camille Robida is a French architect, born on in Paris in the 19 It is arrondissement [ first ] and dead the in Passy (Haute-Savoie) [ 2 ] . He is the son of the designer and novelist Albert Robida.

In 1902, he won with the architect Charles Duval the competition launched for the reconstruction of the theater of Coulommiers in Seine-et-Marne. This building, erected from 1903 to 1905, was registered in historic monuments [ 3 ] .

From 1907 to 1912, Camille Robida participated in an important real estate project in Cairo, Egypt. Indeed, he is the chief architect of the Heliopolis Oasis Company , real estate company founded by Baron Empain to create the new city of Héliopolis, in the suburbs of Cairo. As such, it designs a whole range of individual and collective dwellings to house residents at the level of varied income [ 4 ] . He notably creates Bungalows of Plain – Fighter and “Dome villas”, intended for officials of the Egyptian government [ 5 ] .

During the First World War, he was very seriously injured during the first battle of the Marne and must be amputated with one leg [ 6 ] . He will be vice-president of the departmental section of Loire-Inférieur of the “National Union of mutilated and Reformed” (UNMR).


Entering the architecture service of the city of Nantes in 1919, he was named “Director of the city extension plan” [ 7 ] . Architect of the city, he became director of architecture and municipal buildings in 1933, following Étienne Coutan [ 8 ] . We owe him the monument to the dead of Nantes 1914-1918, located at the northern end of the Cours Saint-André [ 9 ] , inaugurated in July 1927. In 1933, he completely transformed the interior of the Nantes baths and washhouses of the alley of the house-red drawn by Driollet in 1852. He also drawn the Marcel-Saupin stadium, inaugurated in 1937 under the name of “stadium Malakoff”. In the region, in collaboration with Étienne Coutan, he notably picked up the plans of the Châteaubriant baths (Loire-Atlantique), in 1926 [ ten ] .

He was decorated with the Legion of Honor in January 1933. He died in Passy in Haute-Savoie on January 8, 1938.

Camille Robida is buried with her father Albert in the Croissy-sur-Seine cemetery, in the family tomb he drew [ 11 ] .

  1. Paris 19th archives, birth certificate n O 679, year 1880 (without marginal death of death)
  2. Nantes civil status registers » , on (consulted the )
  3. Notice n O  PA00133013 , Base Mérimée, French Ministry of Culture
  4. Mercedes was flying, An Art Deco Urban Ensemble in Egypt: Heliopolis, Cairo suburbs , I International Congress City and Heritage, Art Deco, Models of Modernity, Melilla, Spain, 2006, P. 2-3. Consulted the first is February 2011.
  5. Mercedes, Claudine Piaton, ” The identification of an urban set of XX It is century in Egypt: Heliopolis, Cairo », In situ, Revue des Patrioines (online), 2005. accessed the first is February 2011.
  6. Albert Robida , on the Site of the Vésinet History Society . Consulted the first is February 2011.
  7. Notice on Camille Robida , site of the municipal archives of Nantes. Accessed February 2, 2011.
  8. See his portrait On the site of the municipal archives of Nantes. Consulted the first is February 2011.
  9. “A monument with polemical dead” – Municipal Archives of Nantes
  10. Notice n O  IA44000044 , Base Mérimée, French Ministry of Culture
  11. Croissy-sur-Seine (78): cemetery on the site Cemeteries of France and elsewhere . Consulted the first is February 2011.
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