Canada Bodle d’Eaux – Wikipedia


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The Canada Water Board is an artificial lake located north-west of Beauvais and along the Thérain, a tributary of the Oise.

Located on the right bank of Thérain [ first ] , it has a 3 -kilometer path throughout its banks and is open to swimming from July to August. It was once divided into two unequal parts by a dike destroyed in 1999. Only an island (prohibited to the public) remained in the middle of the lake.

The body of water can absorb 320,000 m 3 water, which represents about two days of flooding [ 2 ] .

It is an artificial lake whose ecological richness is quite strong, part of the continuity of the wetlands of the Thérain valley.

Many aquatic herbaries (charophytes, potamots …) are at the base of food chains and provide food and shelter with invertebrates and abundant fish on the site.


It is one of the most important sites in the Oise in terms of Avifauna: despite human activities, the large surface of the lake, its wealth in fish (fishing is prohibited) and the presence of beaches and islets are favorable to a wide diversity of birds. It is notably a nesting site for the PierreGarin sterne ( Sterne swallow ) and little gravelot ( Charadrius hesitant ), of migration of many limitations, anatidae, laidés, guifettes, and a wintering site of certain ducks, particularly of the duck chipeau ( Mareca strepera ).

Canada’s body of water is affected by invasive exotic species: Ragondin ( Myocastor coypus ), Elode of Canada ( Elodea canadensis ) and especially high Lagarosiphon ( Lagarosiphon major ).

According to the historian Henri Cheese, “” Canada “comes from” CAN in dent “, a tooth -shaped field, as the old cadastres attest. In the last century, it was a field of horse racing and levies ” [ 3 ] .

It was in the early 1970s that the exploitation of a sands of sands and alluvial gravels began by the Chouvet quarries on the site of the current body of water, straddling the municipalities of Beauvais and Fouquenies [ 4 ] , [ 5 ] .

In 1981, a career redevelopment project in artificial lake was initiated [ 6 ] By the mayor of Beauvais at the time, Walter Amsallem [ 7 ] In relation to the company Carrières Chouvet located in Therdonne (Oise).

In 1995, the nautical base of the body of water is installed [ 8 ] , as well as a first playground. The second will be installed in 2001 [ 6 ] .

Secure swimming access is authorized in 1997 [ 6 ] .

In , The Thérain knows five days of strong flood. The body of water arrives at saturation, the water then invades the swamps located downstream before arriving at the Saint-Just-des-Marais district. The city plans to make an downstream dike which would allow to remember 100,000 m 3 additional water [ 2 ] .

In , the Blue Pavilion Label of Europe is allocated to the body of water. Lac artificial beach opens a month later [ 9 ] . It was however the same year, in , that the duck chip is introduced on the site [ ten ] . Attendance fell to 9,000 admissions throughout the season, compared to 21,000 the previous year [ 11 ] .

In 2007, the Bleu Pavilion label was lost [ twelfth ] , before being recovered the following year [ 13 ] .

The body of water is a very popular area of ​​athletes who can come to practice many disciplines such as running, rowing or bicycle.

 Carte de Course d'Orientation du Plan d'eau du Canada à Beauvais (France) n°2008-D60-56
  1. Sandra, Watercourse sheet – Le Thérain (H21-0400) » (consulted the )
  2. a et b Frédéric Hennebert, A dike in Canada to retain 100,000 m 3 of water » , on The Parisian , (consulted the )
  3. “Beauvais Town Hall – Canada Water Board” (version of March 14, 2004 on Internet Archive )
  4. Brigitte Bruandet, « The alarm cry of the Chouvet quarries », Picardy La Gazette , n O 3410, , p. 62-63 (ISSN  2111-336X , read online , consulted the )
  5. Patrick Caffin, This is the end of the historical career of the water body » , on The Parisian , (consulted the ) .
  6. A B and C Beauvais: Ten years ago … The Canada Box of Water displayed another face » , on Beauvais observer , (consulted the )
  7. Amsallem promoted to commander » , on The Parisian , (consulted the )
  8. Pink blue, the real color of the pavilion of the body of water » , on Picard mail , (consulted the )
  9. Beauvais wins the blue pavilion » , on The Parisian , (consulted the )
  10. Frédéric Hennebert, Duck chip alert » , on The Parisian , (consulted the )
  11. Olivier Beaumont, The duck chip is back in Beauvais! » , on The Parisian , (consulted the )
  12. David Livois, The city loses its blue pavilion » , on The Parisian , (consulted the )
  13. Adeline Daboval, Canada’s body of water recovers its blue pavilion » , on The Parisian , (consulted the )

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