Canna Indica – Wikipedia


The India rod ( Canna indicates L., 1753 , is a perennial plant belonging to the Cannaceae family, widespread in the neotropical ecozone [first] and in particular of the Caribbean and central areas of America.


Nelle land d’Origine è consemicta with I nomi told me, achera, sagú, capacho, biri, curcuyús, hunt or spin.

Perennial herbaceous plant, with fleshy rhizome and branched of 20 x 15 cm. The surface of the rhizome is engraved by transverse furrows, which mark the squamous base. From the lower part, small white roots rise, and from the apex, where there are numerous gems, the leaves, the floral set and the branches grow. Aerial branches can reach 1–3 m in height and form a compact mass, being surrounded by the sheaths of the leaves. The leaves are large, of green or violace green, with short petioles and elliptical sheets, can measure from 30 to 60 cm in length and from 10 to 25 cm in width, with the wide base that shrinks in Cuneo. The peak is short, sharp and acute. The central rib is prominent, the side ribs depart from it.
The terminal bunch inflorescence brings 6-20 groups of 1-2 flowers, flowers with peduncle of 0.2–1 cm, red or yellow-orange color, with the exception of some varieties of 4.5-7.5 cm With triangular sepals, 1-1.7 cm and 4-6.5 cm erect petals. 1.5–2 cm tube of size. Stami in number of 3-4, very oval and spatula, 4.5- 7.5 cm long and 0.3-0.5 cm wide in the free part.
The fruits are ellipsoid and globular capsules, the surface is wart, 1.5 to 3 cm in length, chestnut color, with a large amount of black seeds, very hard. [ without source ]

India rods can be grown from sea level to 2700 meters high. However, they thrive in mountain-tropical or subtropical-stump climates, between 1000 and 2000 meters.
They like average temperatures from 14 to 27 ° C and minimum annual rainfall from 500 mm to 1200 mm. They grow very well in soils of light consistency. [ without source ]

India rod seeds

It is mainly cultivated as an ornamental plant and its rhizomes, which are important for human nutrition and agro -industry. In addition, the seeds are used to compose necklaces, collars, rattles or maracas. [ without source ]

Food and medicine plant [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Its starch is easy to digest and flour is used to produce bread, biscuits, cakes, cakes. The peaks of the India rod can be eaten stewed or boiled. The decoction of the roots is used as a diuretic and the leaves as healing; The juice of these is used as an antiseptic. The newly cut leaves are used above the burns to refresh the skin. The tall and the leaves serve as a forage for cattle. The leaves are also used to wrap the typical eating. [ without source ]

Ornamental plant [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The India rod is a long -term ornamental plant used in the gardens for its spectacular appearance, its resistance and the scarcity of necessary care [2] . Despite this in Italy in recent decades, less and less is used, giving themselves the preference to species introduced more recently in the gardens.

Among the historical parks in which the India rod is still used in large quantities there are Villa Margherita in Trapani [3] , the Italian Embassy Park in Addis Abeba [4] ; In the famous villa Taranto there are 10,000 specimens of this species [5] .


While the Canna indicates spontaneous has green leaves and red flowers, there are numerous ornamental varieties with different colors, among which they remember:

  • Canna indicates was. Indicflava , with yellow flowers [6]
  • Canna indicates was. Spotted , with casting yellow flowers of red [6]
  • Canna indicates was. durban , with orange flowers [7]
  • Canna indicates var. two -tone, characterized by the fact that in the same flower they irregularly support the red and yellow; In addition, the leaves are partly bronged, partly green [7]
  • Canna indicates was. St. Pink , more reduced by the previous ones [6]
  • Canna indicates was. Warsaw , with purple-brown leaves [6]

The expression “India Canna” refers to the Western Indies.

The name “Achira” comes from the term Quechua Achuy , whose primary meaning is “sneezing”. It refers to the idea of ​​”carrying something between the teeth or with the mouth” and from here to the concept of what the human soul emits or expresses with spontaneity. For this the term crime It indicates “the word”, the “story”, the “story” and is connected to the transmission of oral knowledge. It can be in terms like Breath A native extinct family of the East of Uruguay and the Rio Grande del Sud in Brazil, and also in the name of the Chuy border city, located between these two countries. [ without source ]

The India rod is also known in Colombia as envision O chisgua , come doormat O maraca in Venezuela, like grave O back (O remembrance ) in Peru and Ecuador and how one in Brazil. Other denominations are Chui’o Arawak IMOCOMA . [ without source ]

It is a plant of central-southerner origin, the ethnobotanics have discovered that it was already cultivated in Peru 4500 years ago.
In Colombia le Chibchas They were used for nutrition. Currently, through rural agro -agro -industry processes, the India rod starch is extracted, which in turn is used for the preparation of India rod biscuits and other craft products such as biscuits, sagú bread, breakfasts and past .
In the Departments of the Tolima, Huila y Cunddinamarca, in Colombia, a large number of small companies dedicated to the driving starch and various artisan and industrial companies dedicated to the production of the India biscuit, which is spreading in the markets has arisen and urban. [ without source ]

  1. ^ ( IN ) Canna indicates . are Plants of the World Online , Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. URL consulted on April 6, 2022 .
  2. ^ Cane Indicates: tips, cultivation and care , in The Eden of flowers and plants , 25 November 2018. URL consulted on November 25, 2018 .
  3. ^ Site , page Villa Margherita
  4. ^ Site of the embassy of Italy in Addis Ababa , LIA GROSOLAZE The park and gardens of the Italian Embassy in Addis Ababa , 2010
  5. ^ Italia life – volume 62, 1956 (p. 743).
  6. ^ a b c d Site , page Canna indicates
  7. ^ a b Site , page Cane indicates, everything you need to know about cultivation and care
