Canton of Mamoudzou-3-Wikipedia


The Canton of Mamoudzou-3 is a French administrative division located in the department of Mayotte and the Mayotte region.


The canton is created by the decree of By split of the canton of Mamoudzou [ first ] .

The third canton of Mamoudzou was directed for several years by Ali Abdallah (Babali) who is from Passamainty. This was supported for years by the MPM and then the local MDM led to Passamainty by Maimédjoumoi (ADA Echat).
Ali Abadallah was first the general councilor of the commune of Mamoudzou in the late 1970s at the time of the creation of the Mayotte General Council. After the subdivision of the commune of Mamoudzou in three cantons, he will be a candidate this time in the only canton 3 which brings together three villages including his native village Passamainty, Tsoundzou and Kwalé Vahibé.

In 2007, Ali Abdallah was not supported by the local MDM or by the many MDM activists in Passamainty, Tsoundzou and Vahibé because of its social policy strategy. Many activists estimated that Babali no longer made his commitments and was increasingly moving away from basic activists, thanks to whom he had obtained all his mandates as a general councilor since the 1970s. Not having been invested By the local party, and not having obtained the support of Mamoidjoumoi, for the benefit of the young activist MDM Jacques Martial, he will be beaten in the first round of the cantonals in 2007.
Currently, Jacques Martial Henri is a general councilor of the canton.

Despite a strong presence of activists from the Rally for the Republic (RPR) and then of the Union for a popular movement, in the canton, the right has never succeeded in winning against the MDM led for years by the candidate alone Ali Abdallah then by Jacques Martial.
Rama Moussa, a former teacher and former educational advisor, was the first candidate to have faced Babali but in vain. Despite his social foundation and his notable unanimously recognized in the canton, Rama Moussa did not triumph over the candidate of the MPM then MDM. Saidali Soudjay will succeed him as a candidate but will not do better.

The analyzes diverge as to the weakness of the candidates on the right during the cantonal elections. Some evoke the lack of imagination of the party and the militants who tend to favor a single district in the village of Passamainty (Msakouani) and being interested only superficially in the inhabitants of other villages constituting the canton in particular Tsoundzou and Vahibé, forgetting Make a election is won not by excluding but by bringing together all the necessary forces that can lead to victory and by the constant research of alliance. Others rather emphasize the cruel lack of strategy of UMP activists. Indeed, the policy led by the right -wing candidates in this canton was not realistic on the economy as well as on the social level. The observers condemned a superficial policy not going to deep enough things, stigmatizing the lowest, especially in terms of education.

Representation before 2015 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

List of successive general advisers
Period Identify Label Quality
2008 Ali Abdallah MDM
2008 2015 Jacques Martial Henry DVD then MDM
The missing data is to be completed.

Representation since 2015 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Successive departmental advisers
Elective period Mandate Identify Nuance Quality
2015 2021 2015 2021 Ali Debré Combo LR President of the MDPH of Mayotte
2015 2021 Mariame Saïd LR Vice-president of the Departmental Council (since 2015)
2021 2028 [ Note 1 ] 2021 in progress Hélène Pollozec
2021 in progress Nadjayedine Sidi Lrem

At the end of first is Tour of the departmental elections of 2015, two pairs are in staining: Saudat Abdou and El-Had Mascati (Miscellaneous, 23.74%) and Ali Debré Combo and Mariame Saïd (UMP, 18.38%). The participation rate is 59.51% (2,285 voters out of 3,840 registered) [ 4 ] against 62.64% at the departmental level [ 5 ] and 50.17% at the national level [ 6 ] .

In the second round, Ali Debré Combo and Mariame Saïd (UMP) are elected with 50.94% of the votes cast and a participation rate of 53.64% (1,062 votes for 2,190 voters and 4,083 registered) [ 7 ] .

Composition before 2015 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The canton of Mamoudzou 3 was made up of three villages: Passamaïnty, Tsoundzou (1 and 2) and Kwalé Vahibé.

The village of Passaminty is made up of several districts including Gnambotiti which is at the entrance to the village. With the increase in the district due to a galloping demography, Gnambotiti is itself divided into several sub-districts including Marindrini and Mhogoni. The district as a whole is in height. In addition to gnambotiti, there are the other emblematic districts of Passaminty, Kavani-Bé which houses the Passaminty Stadium school and the Passaminty football stadium, Msakouani where the Great Mosque on Friday, Tanamalaza located north east of the village Crossing by the Gouloué river and Baitimal located in the northwest of the village, in height. Many SIM subdivisions are in this last district which houses the residences of civil servants from the metropolis and working in their majority in the colleges and high schools of Mayotte, particularly in schools located in Mamoudzou.

Tsoundzou is located south of Passamainty. At the entrance to the village, the first thing that strikes is the service station, one of the first in Mayotte then the many mangroves which run the national road which leads to Sada. The village of Tsoundzou is not in itself large enough. The best known district is Kadjifténe which is not far from the service station on a village set. The village climate is quite contrasting with the east side of it the mangroves and on the bamboo side and a tropical affoestation.

Vahibé, the most rural village in the canton located north-past of Passamaïnty, is a village located in height and most of the homes are built on slopes. In the 1960s, the authorities of the time had proposed to the inhabitants of Vahibé, who at the time were a tiny minority, no more than 15 families, to come and settle next to the village of Passamainty where the ‘Current district of Baitilmal. But the Vahibenians refused to fear the bullying and mockery of the people of Passamaïnty. The authorities wanted the displacement of the population of Vahibé from where it is currently due to the collapse of the earth during the rainy seasons. In addition, the names of the Vahibé districts are most exotic. By listing the names of the neighborhoods, we travel through the continents and the major metropolises of the world. This is how there are neighborhood names like Washington, Vietnam, Los Angeles, Yugoslavia …

Composition since 2015 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Since the 2014 redistribution, the canton has been made up of the villages of Mamoudzou and Kaweni in the town of Mamoudzou.

Demography before 2015 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Evolution of the population [modifier]
2002 2007 2012
13 365 15 891 17 863
Histogram of demographic evolution

Demography since 2015 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 2017, the canton had 23,191 inhabitants [ Note 2 ] .

Evolution of the population [ modifier ]
23 191
(Sources: INSEE base, municipal population from 2013 [ 9 ] .)

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. To avoid too much concentration of elections, the law of February 22, 2021 postponed the regional and departmental elections from June 2027 to March 2028 [ 3 ] .
  2. Legal municipal population in force at 1 is January 2018, vintage 2017, defined within the territorial limits in force at 1 is January 2017, Statistical reference date: 1 is January 2017.

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. a et b Decree n O 94-41 of January 13, 1994 modifying the decree n O 77-509 of May 18, 1977 on the administrative organization of the Mayotte local authority
  2. Decree n O 2014-157 of February 13, 2014 with delimitation of the cantons in the department of Mayotte
  3. Law of February 22, 2021 Reporting, from March to June 2021, of the general renewal of the departmental councils, regional councils and assemblies of Corsica, Guyana and Martinique.
  4. Results of the first round for the canton of Mamoudzou-3 » , on the Interior Ministry website (consulted the )
  5. Results of the first round for the department of Mayotte » , on the Interior Ministry website (consulted the )
  6. 1st round results for all France » , on the Interior Ministry website (consulted the )
  7. Second round results for the canton of Mamoudzou-3 » , on the Interior Ministry website (consulted the )
  8. Insee sheets – Legal populations of the canton for years 2002 , 2007 , 2012
  9. INSEE – Legal populations of the canton for the year 2017 .

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