Cap de Gascogne art and history museum – Wikipedia


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The Museum of Art and History of Cap de Gascogne occupies part of the Jacobins convent of the town of Saint-Sever, in the French department of Landes. He was formerly known as Jacobins Museum , a name that was confused with the Auch Jacobins Museum, and the convental whole of the Jacobins of Toulouse [ first ] .

The museum presents archaeological vestiges from the morlanne hill (marble marble capitals IV It is VIII It is centuries), from the villa of the Gleyzia of Augreilh ( IV It is century), addresses the history of the Benedictine abbey of the city and the Jacobins convent, returns to the Happy , illuminated manuscript of the apocalypse dating from the XI It is century [ 2 ] .

Associative origins [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

From the 1970s, the municipality of Saint-Sever wanted to make the Jacobins convent a cultural center with a museum. Le Grass (Archaeological Research Group of Saint-Sever) seizes the project, renovates the north and west wings on the first floor of the building and installs the Jacobins museum there which opened its doors in 1981. The collections are then made up of products Excavations of the Villa du Gleyzia d’A Augreilh, of the Bas-Empire capitals found on the site of Morlanne, of funeral furniture from the modern era (tombstones), models and lapidary elements of the Jacobins convent, and from a collection of postcards returning to daily life in Saint-Sever at the start of the XX It is century.

There are many themes and allow you to highlight the story of Saint-Sever:

-the paths of Saint-Jacques-de-Compostela;
-the religious fact in modern times;
-the architectural heritage of Saint-Sever;
-The general Lamarque;
-The excavations of the Gallo-Roman villa of Gleyzia;
-The presentation of Happy of Liébana made in Spain;
-The history of the military fortifications of Saint-Sever;
-The history of the Benedictine Abbey;
-The the sculpture and the sculpture of the abbey church [ 3 ] .

Major renovations [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

New Aquitaine launched, in 2016, a general inventory of cultural heritage in Saint-Sever. It made it possible to become aware of the importance of the city’s heritage and was the first impetus of the museum’s revival. The city organized in collaboration with the region, an exhibition installed in the premises to show the general public all the work carried out.

Since then, the museum has been renovated to accommodate the new course. In 2018, the first section devoted to Happy de Saint-Sever is set up [ 4 ] . In 2019, the wing dedicated to the history of the abbey and a first draft of the spaces devoted to the Gallo-Roman period, were inaugurated [ first ] .

Section gallo-romaine [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The wing dedicated to Gallo-Roman collections makes it possible to highlight two archaeological sites of Saint-Sever [ 5 ] :

-The Gallo-Roman villa of the Gleyzia of Augrelh south of the city. Several archaeological excavations of the site made it possible to uncover furniture and mosaics, exhibited in the museum today.
-the Palestrion , an enigmatic construction located on the mound of Morlanne. The museum shows capitals of this site which were found at XIX It is century.

Archaeological parts are exhibited in conservation cases to raise public awareness of the inventory work of the collections.

Benedictine abbey section [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The wing dedicated to the Benedictine Abbey makes it possible to return to the golden age of Saint-Sever, when the city was known as CHAPTER , Cultural and Political Center of Gascogne [ 5 ] .

Several devices such as a 3D film, an interactive model and various workshops allow us to return to the architecture and the sculpted decor of the Bénédictine Abbey church.

This section also addresses the other religious communities of the city, such as the Ursuline convent, or the Jacobins convent in which the museum is located.

Section happy [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Spaces devoted to Happy de Saint-Sever were the first renovated of the museum. Using facsimiles, interactive and digital workshops, the museum tries to shed light on this illuminated manuscript which contains the commentary on the apocalypse of the Beatus monk of Liébana [ 5 ] .

L’ -original you Happy is kept at the National Library of France. The main illuminations are exposed in the form of facsimiles and thanks to a digital book.

This section ends on the posterity of the work and its influence in modern art.

  1. a et b The Museum of Art and History in preview » , on (consulted the )
  2. Marion Berho, «  A new breath for the museum », Arcades , , p. 82-85 (ISSN  2553-4513 , read online )
  3. Alizée Le Pannérer, Roland Pintat, Scientific and cultural project of the Jacobins Museum – renovation 2017-2019 , Saint-Sever
  4. The Beatus returns in his case » , on (consulted the )
  5. A B and C Course and collections | Museum of Art and History of Cap de Gascogne » , on Mahcapdegascogne (consulted the )

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