Cappelli (wheat) – Wikipedia


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The Senator Cappelli , or simply Hair , it is an autumn durum wheat cultivar obtained by the geneticist Nazareno Strampelli – in the early twentieth century at the research center for the cereal growing in Foggia – for genealogical selection of the North -African population ” Jenah rhetifah ”. [first] [2] [3]

Released in 1915 [first] , the new variety of wheat was dedicated by Strampelli to the Marquis Abruzzo Raffaele Cappelli, senator of the Kingdom of Italy, who, in the last years of the nineteenth century, together with his brother Antonio, had started the agricultural transformations in Puglia and supported Strampelli in his activities, making them available experimental fields, workshops and other resources.

Despite being high (about 150–160 cm), the wheat hat), late and susceptible to the ruggini and to the upholstery, was very successful in Italy thanks to its wide adaptability, its rusticity and the excellent quality of its semolina. The introduction of this cultivar determined the increase in average yields from 0.9 t/ha from 1920, obtained with the old local varieties, i.e. ecotypes characterized by high size [4] , accentuated late, high index of total accumulation, with the defects that follow (susceptibility to attempt and close [5] ), at 1.2 t/ha in the late 1930s [6] . In the thirty years from the 1920s to the 1950s, up to 60% of the national durum wheat surface was invested in hats [7] , which spread later in other Mediterranean countries [8] .

The hat is still cultivated after almost a century, particularly in the southern Italy (Abruzzo, Molise, Basilicata, Calabria, Puglia, Sicily, Sardinia and in the province of Ascoli Piceno), for the production of higher quality pasta [9] and organic bread and pizza, this niche for which an interesting market is developing [ten] . From the beginning of the last century until the 1960s, Senator Cappelli represented the basis of the genetic improvement of hard wheat and is in fact present in the genetic heritage of almost all the cultivars of durum wheat today cultivated in Italy and numerous others internationally [11] [twelfth] .

The modest sowing densities, the limited fertility of the soil and the low consumption of fertilizers contributed for a long time to alleviating the problem of the entry associated with the high stature of this cultivar.

After the Second World War, the possibility of producing low -cost nitrogen fertilizers stimulated the constitution of varieties capable of enhancing the administration of growing quantities of nitrogen. In addition, the increased availability of herbicides made it possible to remedy the lower competitiveness of the low plants against the weeds. In the following years (from 1950 to 1960), the genetic improvement was therefore oriented above all to the reduction of size and the increase in earliness [13] , with attention to the qualitative characteristics of the grain [14] [15] .

They were Capeiti 8 and Patrizio 6 [16] to mark the beginning of the decline of the hat, after decades of undisputed domain. These two cultivars were in fact more productive [17] , early (10-15 days compared to the hats) and resistant to the attempt, albeit with worst molitoring and pastationary qualities [18] . Subsequently, increasingly reduced cultivar obtained through interspecific crossings, use of mutagenesis and intognition of the RHT genes [19] they definitively replaced Senator Cappelli [20] . Thus, gradually, the Appulo are affirmed [21] , Cultivar of the “Val” groups (Valgerardo, Valnes, Valselva, Valriccardo) and “Castel” (Castelporziano, Castelfusano, Casteldelmonte and Castelnuovo) and Il Creso (deriving from Cappelli himself) [22] , the Simeto [23] obtained in 1988 at the Experimental Grandiculture Station in Caltagirone, the Iride, the Claudio, all with different degrees of kinship with the “senator” and others [24] [25] [26] [27] .


In Italy, the General Competition and Market Authority (Antitrust) fined the Emilian Sis joint -stock company, which has the legal monopoly of the entire supply chain of this variety of wheat in Italy, having a license contract stipulated in 2016 with Create, for irregularities in the sale of seeds [28] .

  1. ^ a b Senator Cappelli Filed On December 16, 2014 on the Internet Archive. It is Jenah rhetifah . Pedigree of the cultivars sumented by the database Genetic Resources Information System for Wheat and Triticale – GRISS on the website of the International Center for improvement of corn and wheat.
  2. ^ To access the detailed description and photography of this wheat with a characteristic flat spiga, with white glumes and long black arists with a light apex, you can consult: Remigio Baldoni and Giovanni Toderi (edited by), Most widespread durum wheat variety in cultures , Notebook n.8 of the A.N.S.E., National body elected seeds, Milan. Filed On March 4, 2016 on the Internet Archive.
  3. ^ Main photos and features: Filed on June 19, 2013 on the Internet Archive.
  4. ^ Raffaele Ciferri and Mario Bonvicini, in Review of the old Italian races in relation to Mediterranean wheat – extracted from Annals of agricultural experimentation Rome, 1959 N.S., vol. XIII, nn 5-6 and 1960, N.S., vol. XIV, nn. 1-3, described the essential morphological characteristics of about 400 races of wheat reproduced in culture in 1930, of these 200 durum wheat. Of these, 20% are up to 150 cm high and the remaining up to 200 cm and beyond. By way of curiosity, the Matera Zingarello does not reach 50 cm ..
  5. ^ The narrow is a water stress that affects cereal crops, determined by the aridity conditions that frequently occur in semi-arid climates during the granigion phase); Poor reactivity to nitrogen fertilization that enhanced attitude, narrow and susceptibility to phytopathies.
  6. ^ Rosella Motzo, Francesco Giunta, Simonetta Fois, coordinator Prof. Mauro Deidda, Varietal evolution and quality in hard wheat (Triticum Turgidum Subsp. Durum): from old populations to current cultivar – Department of Agronomic Sciences and Agricultural Vegetable Genetics of the University of Sassari, p. 10 (?).
  7. ^ Gian tommaso scarriageung mugnoche de gian tommaso The contribution of Italian wheat geneticists: From Nazareno Strampelli to Francesco D’Amato Filed On 8 April 2018 in the Internet Archive. National Academy of Sciences, called the XL, Rome, p. 63.
  8. ^ In North-Africa especially Morocco and Türkiye, Syria and Iraq in the Middle East.
  9. ^ Gian Tommaso Scarascia Mugnozza, cited work, p. 63.
  10. ^ In this regard, it is worth remembering that in 2006 in Italy the agricultural area under the biological regime affected about 1,200,000 ha, of which 20% in cereals. Among these, the durum wheat was grown on about 120,000 ha. Source: Amato G., Giambalvo D., Frenda A.S., [ interrupted connection ]
  11. ^ Rosella Motzo, Francesco Giunta, Simonetta Fois, coordinator Prof. Mauro Deidda, operated work, p. 10 (?).
  12. ^ Historygriculture – wheat – Acts . are . URL consulted on 7 October 2022 .
  13. ^ The earliness of ear represents the fundamental characteristic to escape the late late-pro-Whate/Summer drought that frequently occurs and often leads, indirectly, to an improvement in production.
  14. ^ Giuseppe Rivoira, Genetic research and use of results: new Italian varieties of hard wheat – Institute of General Agronomy and Herbaceous crops of the University of Sassari, 1982.
  15. ^ Prof. Rosella Motzo, Biodiversity in cultivated species: cultivar and varietal evolution in hard wheat – Department of Agronomic Sciences and Agricultural Vegetable Genetics, University of Sassari, 2011. PDF
  16. ^ Obtained by Felice Casale from the intersection of Senator Cappelli with a line selected by the Palestinian population Eiti (of North African origin according to some sources, here is the version of the Cimmyt) and released in 1955.
  17. ^ Productivity is a quantitative, genetically determined character, which concerns the number of seeds or fruits per plant, the average weight of the seeds, the amount of dry or fresh substance per plant. It must always be associated with the quality of the product suitable for the intended use.
  18. ^ Already in 1969 they occupied over a third of the total 1,526,000 cultivated with durum wheat in Italy. Source: Luciano Gosi, The architects of the new graniculture , Land and life n. 6, 16 July 1971 – Edagricole, Bologna.
  19. ^ Rht ( Reduced height ) Generally called dwarfing genes (Nanizing genes) capable of reducing the height of the cult.
  20. ^ The height of the plants has gradually reduced to the average value of 70-80 cm in the newly constitution lines.
  21. ^ ((Cappelli X Griffoni 235) x Capeiti 8) made up in 1964 by Enzo Grifoni of the Siempiero Sievero Lucano-Molisano.
  22. ^ Created by Enea between the mid -1960s and 1980.
  23. ^ (Capeits 8 x DAX)
  24. ^ On the website of the Ministry of Agricultural Food and Forestry Policies you can consult AGRIT BULLETIN 30-06-2011 containing the estimates of the autumn-vernini cereals by region for the three-year period 2010-2012. According to Bulletin , the national average yield of durum wheat stands today on 3.3 t/ha, with peaks of 5-6 t/Ha in the Po Valley.
  25. ^ Varietal evolution and quality in hard wheat (Triticum Turgidum Subsp. Durum): from old populations to current cultivar – Coordinator Prof. Mauro Deidda, edited by Rosella Motzo, Francesco Giunta, Simonetta Fois of the Department of Agronomic Sciences and Agricultural Vegetable Genetics of the University of Sassari.
  26. ^ Giuseppe Rivoanda opera mentioned.
  27. ^ Gian Tommaso Scarascia Mugnozza, cited work, p. 63.
  28. ^ Alessio Romeo, The antitrust fina sis: irregularities for sale seeds wheat senator hats – . are , The sun 24 hours. URL consulted on 27 July 2020 .
  • Antonio Saltini, The seeds of civilization. Wheat, rice and corn in the history of human societies , Bologna 1996 (New Ed. 2010 ISBN 9788896459010)
  • Roberto Forlani, Wheat, genetic and agronomic aspects of improving granaria culture , Pavia 1954, Typography of the book
