Capuano (family) – Wikipedia


The family Capuano It is an Italian noble family, of remote Lombard lineage. The Capuano were ascribed to the Portanova seat in the year 1343 and remained continuously until the abolition of the seats themselves. Subsequently, its components, allist in the golden book, continued to enjoy their nobility in the deputation of the Real Chapel of the Treasury of San Gennaro.


The ascertained progenitor of the Capuano family is the Lombard Landone , Count of Prata. The latter descends from Athenolfo I, Prince of Capua and Benevento. The surname “Capuano” appears for the first time in a 1126 document in the person of Mauro, nephew of Count Landone.

In his “civil history of the Kingdom of Naples” (1723), Pietro Giannone, as for the use of this appellation which later became surname, reports: “And since all these pronters from Capua, from the prosapia of Athenulfo they descended, therefore at the writers of These times were also called nobles Capuani, so that the surname of the illustrious Capuana family were sucked, and all those who were of the race of the accounts and principles of Capua were called nobles for a long time, even if they were divided into several families, as demonstrated with the sum accuracy the diligent pilgrim ” [first] . Therefore, belonging to the lineage of Prince Athenolf I, as it was precisely the customary law of the Lombards that united all the male descendants in the enjoyment of family possessions is therefore undoubted. Therefore, all the various accounts, like Landone, come from a common jammy. It is a fact historically ascertained.

The family boasts characters of considerable thickness among its members.

Pandolfo I, nicknamed “Capodiferro” (who died on 12 May 981), had Capua, Benevento, Salerno, the Duchy of Spoleto and the Marquisate of Camerino and gave refuge, in 966, to Pope John XIII, exiled from Rome.

Marino “Sebaste”, was elected Doge (Duke) of Amalfi in 1096 in opposition to the sovereignty of the Normans.

Cardinal Pietro “Il Vecchio”, Legate of the Pope during the fourth Crusade and benefactor of Amalfi, his homeland, to which he gave in 1206 the relic of the body of Sant’Andrea.

Gregorio, he bought the city of Bojano della Baronia di Prata in 1318 and was the lord of that city and many castles.


Andrea (1624-?), He participated as a valiant knight and with his own armed in the military company for the defense of the Kingdom at the time of the “popular revolutions” and the attack of the French Army in Castellammare di Stabia and nearby areas. In 1653 he became the Royal Governor of Salerno and, subsequently, of Aquila and Nola [2] . During the Vicheal government of the Cardinal of Aragon, in 1665, he is one of the elected ones of the city of Naples, for the “very illustrious square of Portanova” [3] .

Vincenzo (1635-1718), married the Baroness of Sala, Francesca of the day, heir of the ancient baronial palace of Portici known as “Palazzo Capuano”, a place of considerable historical relevance.

Matteo (1651-1706), was chosen to welcome the cathedral to King Filippo V, father of the future king Carlo, visiting Naples in 1702, and was then appointed adviser to the sword and hood of the Royal Royal Council.

Carlo Francesco (1669-1747), marquis of Petina (feudal territory in Molise), was a munificent benefactor of the Pio Monte della Misericordia.

Here is a brief consideration on the Capuano coat of arms by Marco Crisconio, author of various historical-noble publications and the book ” The Lombard of the Capuano “:

“Historians constantly underline the particular nobility of the Capuano house coat of arms: just as the great historical dictionary, printed in Paris in 1743, who writes that it is his […]” Ue très bella armorie here est a Champ Sèmè de Queues D’Hermine Avec Une Tête de Lion Ensanglanté “. It is evident that to push a particular admiration for this blazon is the Armellino field, very rare in Italian weapons. In the continental Arabrician the Armellino queues, attached to the white skin, were normally Used outside the shield, in the coatings of the royal pavilions and as a bordering of the various headdresses of the high nobility. It is also known that the fur of the Armenino has always been used especially by the rulers and principles to line its cloak, for the cloaks of the Royal coats of arms and the first families. Takenly, it was introduced into the arms to a symbol of princely origins. And this is how this symbol element harmonizes individually with the descent from the Lombard principles of Capua and Benevento of the Capuano family ” [2] .

It is the oldest historic building of Portici, located in Piazza S. Ciro, 17. Built in 1025 by the will of the Neapolitan nobleman Gualtiero Galeota, it was originally intended for the function of Palazzo Ducale, that is, the seat of the feudal power of the area. He belonged first to the column principles of Stigliano, then at Casa Mari, then to the Capuano family, from which he took his name.

For centuries ownership of the Capuano, in the nineteenth century other owners such as the mercury and the Mathers took over. He then became the seat of the municipal administration.

The oldest part of the home is the tower, originally separated from the body of the factory, to which today the sixteenth -century part of the building is accompanied.

Unfortunately, the building was largely demolished in the late 1950s for the opening of via Libertà, also destroying the frescoes of Belisario Corenzio present in one of the salons [4] .

  1. ^ Pietro Giannone, Civil History of the Kingdom of Naples .
  2. ^ a b Frame crisconio, The Lombard lineage of the Capuano Patrizi Napolitani of the Portanova seat , Typographical art publisher, Naples, 2008.
  3. ^ I. FUIDORO, Handwritten memories , Marzo 1665.
  4. ^ Capuano Palace . are rete.comuni- .
