Cardo maximums — Wikipedia


The Maximum Card is the most important north-south axis of a Roman city (Latin terms Cardo For “pivot” or “gond of door”, used in terms of geographic orientation to designate the north-south axis around which seems to rotate the celestial vault [ first ] And maximus For “the biggest”: superlative of magnus ). In Roman centuriation, the Maximum Card was the North-South axis which structured the city from its creation. Then the Cardo was one of the main ways at the heart of the city’s economic and social life. At the crossroads of Cardo A you decumanus (East-West axis) of a city, we generally found the forum.


Note that in the expression “cardinal points”, the adjective “cardinal” comes etymologically from the word Cardo , always with this notion of pivot.

An examples of Cardo is that of ancient Jerusalem. After the repression of the Jewish revolt of 70 by Titus troops, the Emperor Hadrian undertook the reconstruction of Jerusalem on the Roman model by reversing it ælia Capitolina, and the new plans of the city incorporated a Cardo with colonnades from north to south. This Cardo is still part of the city of Jerusalem today. Byzantine southern part was restored after the six -day war.

The mosaic of Madaba, the oldest cartographic representation of the Holy Land and in particular of Jerusalem, gives a schematic representation of the city, seen from the sky, the buildings lying on the side in order to present their facade, with the axis Cardo .

The city of Volubilis being in height, the Cardo was not as right and perpendicular to the decumanus as the usual. It was slightly running in curve.

The Maximum Card de Vesontio corresponds to the current Grande Rue de Besançon. This ancient Roman road which connected Rome to Langres via Milan, Orbe and Pontarlier, descended from the hill of Mont Saint-Etienne, crossed the black door, Arc de Triomphe erected in honor of Marc Aurèle and led to the old Roman bridge of Beating. A secondary cardo was at the level of the current rue des Granges. Perpendicular to the Cardo Maximus, the Decumanus of Besançon corresponded to the current streets of the Prefecture and Bersot. At the crossroads of Cardo Maximus and Decumanus was the forum.

Created in 52 BC. AD, the Cardo de Burdigala is formed by the long rue Sainte-Catherine. The Decumanus is made up of the Dijeaux and Saint-Rémi streets.


The Maximum Card of Augustonemetum (Clermont-Ferrand) corresponds to the streets Rabanesse, Vercingétorix and Ballainvilliers [ 2 ] .

The Maximum Card of divodurum mediomatricorum was the Via Scaronensis (which left its name to the street Snsvian), a track leading to Scarponne (Dieulouard), north of Nancy.

This North-South Roman axis corresponds to the current Trinitarian streets, Taison, rue Serpenoise, avenue Robert-Schumann, avenue du Général-Leclerc, rue de Verdun, etc.

The Maximum Card from Paris, or more exactly of Lutèce, was the North-South axis which descended the southern slope of the Sainte-Geneviève mountain ( Mountain Lucotitius ) by the current rue Saint-Jacques. It was bordered by a series of ancient settled buildings, among which, at the bottom of the hill, the thermal baths of Cluny. THE Maximum Card Then crossed the Seine for the first time by the Petit-Pont, crossed the island of the city by the rue de la Cité, then spanned the river a second time by the Notre-Dame bridge, to borrow a double Cardo Constituted by rue Saint-Martin.

The other Cardo de Paris is that corresponding to boulevard Saint-Michel, on the left bank, and rue Saint-Denis, on the right bank.

A third Cardo On the left bank followed rue Valette.

At the top of the Sainte-Geneviève mountain, these first two Cardo supervised the central building of the Roman Lutèce: the forum [ 3 ] .

The Cardo From the Gallo-Roman city of Reims passed through what is roughly today the axis formed by the avenue de Laon to Saint-Remi, it connected the Porte de Mars with the Bazée Porte (rue de l’Université ).

At XVIII It is century, the construction of the Place Royale at the crossroads of the two Roman axes ( Cardo And decumanus ) has generated a shift in Cardo . Today, it is therefore divided into two parts, the first is still formed by the avenue de Laon to the Place Royale, and the second by rue Chanzy and rue Gambetta.

The Maximum Card [ 4 ] de Toulouse is a path that crosses the city of the North Porte, the Porterie found under the Place du Capitole, by the Saint-Rome, Changes, Filatiers and Pharaon streets to reach, in the south, in place du Salin and the Narbonnaise door. This Cardo is the first axis that became a pedestrian in Toulouse in the mid -1980s [ 5 ] .

  1. Pierre Grimal, Roman cities , PUF, coll. “What do I know? “, n O 657, 1954; 1990, 7 It is editing (ISBN  2130433685 ) , p. 18 .
  3. Presentation of Lutèce on Paris, ancient city .
  4. .
  5. Piedtonization of the center of Toulouse: stop or even? » , on The dispatch , (consulted the ) .

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