Carlo III D Francia – Wikipedia


Carlo III , said simple (September 17, 879 – Péronne, 7 October 929), fU re of france dall’898 [first] and king of Lotaringia from 911 to 922 [2] .


The latest posthumous son of the king of the Western Franks and also king of Lotaringia, king of Provence and king of Aquitania, Luigi II Balbo and the only son of the second wife (as is reported by the reporter, Reginone, when he cites Luigi the Balbo death ) Adelaide del Friuli [3] (850 – 902), daughter of the Count of Paris and Marquis of Friuli, Adalardo [4] And of the wife whose name nor the ascendants are not known.

Pope John VIII, in Troyes, on September 7, 878, when he crossed his father, Luigi II Balbo, refused to crown the queen of the western francs, the new wife of Luigi il Balbo, Adelaide of Friuli [5] , given that he had not approved, in 875, the divorce from Ansgarda di Burgundy of Luigi Il Balbo [4] , at the behest of his father, the king of the western francs and future emperor, Carlo the Calvo.

Upon the death of his father, in 879, his mother Adelaide, who was pregnant with Carlo the simple, questioned the legitimacy of the succession to the throne of the first bed children that Luigi had had from his first wife, Anxgarda, Luigi and Carlomno, who Adelaide of Friuli accused of adultery and, with the support of Incmararo, archbishop of Reims, legitimate heirs were recognized and joined joint on the thrones of France and Aquitania. His mother, Adelaide of Friuli, at the end of a long and difficult trial was acquitted of the accusation of adultery and so Carlo the simple was recognized as a legitimate and only heir of the crown of France [6] , as the Annalista saxo ; In the meantime, however, both Luigi (882) and Carlomanno (884) had died without heirs and the great feudal lords of the Kingdom preferred to support the claims of Carlo Il Grosso, in consideration of the childhood age of the legitimate successor [7] .

When, in 888, Carlo the Great, who was also king of the Western Franks, died, Oddone, Conte di Paris, according to the Herimanni Aug. Chronicle assumed power over neustria and Aquitania ( France to the ligerim in Aquitaine ) [8] and Ademaro of Chabannes confirms that the Franks, conspiring against the young Carlo the simple, elected their king oddone [9] (defined Duke of Aquitania), who, on February 29, 888, was crowned king of the Franks to Ficilgne by Gualtiero, bishop of Sensi, at the expense of Carlo the simple, the legitimate heir, who, in that same year, was taken under the protection of Ranulfo [ten] , who, in 887, after the deposition of the emperor, Carlo the Great (he was also King of Aquitania), in Bourges, had been elected Duke of Aquitania, Ranulfo, who managed to keep up, in 889, ad A military campaign of Oddone, which Rainulfo had not recognized as King of Aquitania.

ASCESSA to the throne [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Kingdom of Charles III the simple in 898 (in red)

In the following years, following the failure of his interventions to contain the Scrolls of the Normans, the prestige of Oddone declined and in 892 the archbishop of Reims, Folco the Venerable, collected all the discontent around him, including the accounts of Vermandois and Flanders, organized the Frond against Oddone [11] Then, taking advantage of the absence of Oddone who was engaged in Aquitania, Folco the Venerable, ordered a conspiracy that led Carlo the simple to be crowned as Charles III king of the Western Franks in the Basilica of Saint-Remi in Reims, on January 28, 893 [twelfth] .

Carlo went to the king of the Oriental Franks Arnolfo di Carinzia to obtain his help, but according to Reginone, when Arnolfo, who being a Carolingian had expressed himself in favor of Carlo, realized that Oddone prepared to attack his kingdom, preferred remain neutral [11] . The following years were the scene of a war between the two contenders, not very bloody, ended in 897 with the defeat of Carlo, who had to recognize himself rebellious [13] .


After having forgiven him, Oddone ceded him part of the territory under his jurisdiction and recognized the Carolingian Carlo as his successor. Oddone, according to the Chronicle of the prumian shortest , died on January 3, 898 [14] , as confirmed also by the registers of the Royal Abbey of Saint-Denis, where Oddone was buried. After the death of Oddone the nobles, respecting the pact of the previous year, unanimously accepted as King Charles III the simple [15] .

The kingdom [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Kingdom of Charles III the simple in 915 (in red)
The truly controlled territories, directly or indirectly by the kings of the Western Franks, at the beginning of the 10th century.

Carlo succeeded the throne of his father about nineteen years after his death, but following the stages of uncertainty in the succession in those years, he was with much lower effective power. In fact, he could go directly to an area of ​​the territory around the city of Lad, since the large feudal lords of his kingdom were substantially autonomous. Among these is the Duke of Burgundy, Riccardo called the executioner, the Count of Flanders, Baldovino II, the Count of Paris and Marquis of Neustria, Roberto (brother of King Oddone) and the Count of Vermandois, Erberto I and then his son , Erberto II.

In the early years of Kingdom Carlo had to face the incursions of the Normans [twelfth] , until, in 911, after having rejected it from Paris, he came to pacts with the Norman Jarl, Rollone [twelfth] , who besieged Chartres. With the Treaty of Saint-Clair-Sur-Epte Carlo ceded him part of Neustria, that is, the counties of Rouen, Lisieux and évreux and the portion of the territory between the Epte rivers, a right-wing tributary of the Senna and Bresle and the sea, as a fiefdom (the future Normandy). Rollone, in return, made a note of submission, agrees to convert to Christianity and committed himself to preventing the looting of other Viking bands.

Carlo had expressed an interest in Lotaringia already at the beginning of his kingdom; In fact, in 898, he invaded the kingdom of the Eastern Franks, coming to Aquisgrana, but the reaction of the king of Lotarian, clothes forced him to retire. The aim was to broaden the boundaries of his kingdom to the Reno Reno left bank for greater effective power. The opportunity was provided to him, at the beginning of the autumn of 911, by the death, without heirs, of the king of Franchi Orientali (king of Germany), Ludovico IV, who had happened to the half -brother cloud as the king of Lotarian. As king of Germany, Corrado I of Franconia was elected, who did not meet many sympathies among the most influential families of Lotaringia, who in fact already in November had elected them king Charles III, who having sanctioned peace with the Normans on the western border, was able to occupy the Kingdom of Lotaringia and settling from 1 January 912.

Following his coronation to King of Lotaringia, the territories on which Carlo nominally reigned were those of current France (in fact he used the titles of King of France O King of France [twelfth] ), excluding the kingdom of Burgundy and the kingdom of Provence (the future kingdom of Arles, after the unification) and the Kingdom of Brittany were now independent, while the Duchy of Aquitania, already with Guglielmo I and Normandy, with Rollone were quite autonomous.

Carlo in Lorena was at ease and defended her strenuously from the attacks of Corrado I of Franconia, which according to the French historian Christian Settipani were three [twelfth] , and then forced his successor, Enrico I of Saxony, in 921, to recognize him as a king of Lotaringia. The sympathies of Carlo for the Lorenesi also manifest themselves in the administrative appointments: in 914 he appointed his notary-challenge of Gozzelino, who held the office until 919 (then, in 922, Carlo appointed Gozzelino bishop of Toul). A Lorenese of humble origin, named Hagano, who, according to Rosamond McKitteick, was his relative by his mother had become his private councilor. [twelfth] , who had obtained favoring and benefits from the king; The thing had led to exasperation the Neustrian nobility, which openly rebelled under the guidance of the Count of Paris, Roberto, who forced Carlo III to take refuge in Lorraine [twelfth] . Returning to Neustria, after a few months, Carlo rewarded Hagano giving him the monastery of Chelles [twelfth] . The new rebellion led to the deposition of Charles III; In fact, Roberto on June 22, 922 was acclaimed King and on June 30, according to the Flodoardo reporter, he was crowned king to Reims, by the archbishop of Sens, Gualtiero in the church of San Remigio [16] .

Carlo took refuge in Lotaringia reorganized and gathered his army, composed mainly by Lorenesi, and, still according to Flodoardo, he moved against Roberto [17] , crossed the mosa, approached Soissons [17] where on June 15 923 the two armies collided [17] . The Neustrians had the best and Charles III had to escape to return to Lotaringia [17] , but Roberto lost his life [17] And a legend tells that Roberto fell into a duel at the hands of Charles III himself.
After Roberto’s death, the Neustrians elected Roberto’s son -in -law, the Duke of Burgundy Rodolfo, who was crowned with Soissons, on July 13th.

Carlo was defeated but he could count on the loyalty of the Lorenes and the loyalty of the Normans of Rollone, but unfortunately he fell into the trap (told in detail by Rodolfo the Glabro [18] ) Tesogli by the Count of Vermandois, Erberto II [twelfth] (he was the descendant of Charlemagne [19] ), who made him believe he had passed on his side invited him to a meeting where he made him prisoner and imprisoned him, first in Château-Thierry [twelfth] And then from 924 in the castle of Péronne [twelfth] , where he remained for the rest of his life [18] . In 927 Erberto di Vermandois rebelled to Rodolfo and made Carlo came out of the prison, he made a way, according to the Flodoardi Annales , that Guglielmo called Lungaspada associated by his father Rollone in the title of Duke of Normandy, in the Castello d’Eu, honoring Carlo [20] and led him to Reims, where he perpetrated the cause of Carlo against Rodolfo [twelfth] .

The purpose of Erberto II was to broaden his domains and when he understood that he could not take possession of Lad, locked up Carlo again in prison.
According to the bishop and reporter, Tietmaro of Merseburg, Carlo Promised to Enrico I of Saxony, Carolinggio as a maternal side, who would have given him the reign of Lotaringia if he had freed him [21] . But this did not happen because Enrico I after that Carlo had been imprisoned had revived the Lotaringia and Charles III, on 7 October 929, died in prison in Péronne (sums), in the sums, where he was buried at the abbey of St- Fursy. The son had from his second wife, Eadgifu, would have been crowned king like Luigi IV of France [22] , seven years later, to Rodolfo’s death.

Carlo married, in the first wedding, in April 907, Frederuna [23] ( – † 917), which gave him six daughters:

After Frederuna’s death, Charles III, between 918 and 919, married, in second wedding, Eadgifu, daughter of the king of Wessex, also considered one of the first kings that brought together all the Anglo -Saxons under his scepter, Edoardo the old man, and his second wife Elfleda, as Guglielmo di Malmesbury reports in his chronicles [25] († 920), daughter of the Count ( Ealdorman of Wiltshire ) Etelelmo († 897) and his wife Elswita, whose ascendants are unknown [26] ; Eadgifu in Carlo gave a son:

From some lovers whose names nor the ascendants Carlo had no children: they had four children:

  1. ^ Between 893 and 898, he disputed the throne at Robertingio Oddone.
  2. ^ Between 922 and 923, he disputed the throne at Robertingio Roberto I, brother of Oddone.
  3. ^ a b c d It is f g h i j k l ( THE ) Germany Historical, writers, Volume 9; Genealogy of the count of Flanders, PD 303 Filed On April 7, 2014 on the Internet Archive.
  4. ^ a b ( THE ) Germany Historical, writers, Volume 1; Reginonis year 878, pag 590 Filed On April 7, 2014 on the Internet Archive.
  5. ^ ( THE ) Annales Bertinii Anno 878, 278
  6. ^ ( THE ) Germany Historica, Writer, Volume 6, Annalista Saxo 876, pag 586
  7. ^ As a compromise, Carlo the Great, although crowned king of the Western Franks, agreed to formally take power as regent of Carlo the simple, son of his deceased cousin King Luigi II. The subsequent deposition by ineptitude in 887, combined with this theoretical quality of regent, means that Carlo the Great is not enumerated in the official succession of the kings of France.
  8. ^ ( THE ) Germany Historical, writers, Volume 5, Herimanni Aug. Chronicle, PAG 109 Filed On April 7, 2014 on the Internet Archive.
  9. ^ ( THE ) Ademarus Egolismensis, three books, Book 3, PAG 37, Match 20
  10. ^ ( FR ) Alfred Richard, History of the Counts of Poitou, Tome I, Pag 43
  11. ^ a b ( THE ) Germany Historical, writers, Volume 1; Queen of the year 892, d 605 Filed On 6 October 2015 on the Internet Archive.
  12. ^ a b c d It is f g h i j k l ( IN ) Foundation for Medieval Genealogy: Re di Francia – CHARLES
  13. ^ ( IN ) Foundation for Medieval Genealogy: Re di Francia – Eudes
  14. ^ ( THE ) Germany Historical, writers, Volume XV.2, Annales prumienses short, 898, pag 1292 Filed On April 7, 2014 on the Internet Archive.
  15. ^ ( THE ) Germania historical, Volume 1; Queen of the year 898, d 608 Filed On 8 October 2015 on the Internet Archive.
  16. ^ ( THE ) Germany Historical, writers, Volume 3, Flodoardi Annales, in 922, PAG 370 Filed On April 7, 2014 on the Internet Archive.
  17. ^ a b c d It is ( THE ) Monuments Germany Historica, writers, Volume 3, Flodoardi Annals, in 923, PAG 371 Filed On March 26, 2014 on the Internet Archive.
  18. ^ a b ( THE ) Rodulfus glabrous Cluniacensis: The History of his time, Book 1, 1 of the Divine Quaternitate, PAG 616 E 617
  19. ^ ( IN ) Genealogy: Carolingi – Cte Herbert II
  20. ^ ( THE ) Monuments Germany Historica, writers, Volume 3, Flodoardi Annales, in 927, PAG 377 Filed On February 26, 2014 on the Internet Archive.
  21. ^ ( THE ) Monuments Germany Historical, Nova Series, Volume 9, Tiethmari Chronicle Book 1, Par. 23, Chapter 31 Filed On 10 July 2015 on the Internet Archive.
  22. ^ ( IN ) Foundation for Medieval Genalogy: Re Di Francia – Louis IV
  23. ^ ( THE ) Things French and Francicarum writers, Volume 9, Diploma Karoli, N ° 37, PD 504
  24. ^ ( THE ) Germany Historical, writers, Volume 9; Modernorun Kings of France, PAG 381 Filed On April 7, 2014 on the Internet Archive.
  25. ^ ( IN ) William of Malmesbury The History of the kings of England, cap. V, Pag 110
  26. ^ ( IN ) Foundation for Medieval Genealogy: Anglo -Saxon nobility – Elfleda

Primary sources [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Historiographic literature [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • René Poupardin, The Carolingian Kingdoms (840-918), in “History of the medieval world”, vol. II, 1979, pp. 583–635
  • Louis Halphen, France: the last Carolingians and the rise of Ugo Capeto (888-987), in “History of the medieval world”, vol. II, 1979, pp. 635–661
  • Allen Mayer, the Vikings, in “History of the medieval world”, vol. II, 1979, pp. 734–769
  • ( FR ) Alfred Richard, History of the Counts of Poitou, volume I, .
