Carlo Lotti – Wikipedia


Carlo Lotti (first from left) in 1972.

Carlo Lotti (Rome, March 30, 1916 – Rome, March 5, 2013) was an Italian engineer.


He began his professional activity in 1946 after participating in the Second World War.

In 1950 he assumed the task of the design and direction of the works of the St. Giuliano dam on the Bradano river on behalf of the company Pietro Cidonio, of which he later became “Central Technical Director”.

In 1957 he founded the engineering company that bears its name.

Carlo Lotti, married to Dr. Marcella Bini, has two children. The daughter Patrizia president of the engineering company and the son, Massimo, lawyer.

He was appointed on June 2, 1977 Knight of work by the President of the Republic.

He was among the founders of the Oice, the association of Italian engineering companies.

He was honorary president of the Italian hydrotechnic association.


Lotti has participated in numerous projects, since 1957 with its associates and subsequently as C. Lotti & Associati Spa.

Dams in Africa [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The first mission in Africa, on behalf of the UDP, concerned the economic feasibility of agricultural production and river transport.

In 1973, the European Community entrusted to Lotti the project of a dam on the Sankarani river, a tributary of the Niger, in the city of Sélingué. The dam was completed under the direction of the designer. The inauguration of the dam, 35 m high, took place in 1980. The electricity produced not only covers the national needs, but also allows export to neighboring countries. In addition, the dam controls the full and, above all, allows rich fish.

The realization of the Bakolori dam in northern Nigeria, in collaboration with the controlled company the new beaver, has great importance. The complex includes a large dam with 3 MW capacity hydroelectric system and an irrigation system for 23,000 ha. The Lotti company has made the project and the management of works. A second similar work was the Goronyo dam with an invasion of a billion M3.

Pelvis plans [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The overall management of the river basins involves experts from different sectors: hydrology, hydraulic, agriculture, economy, engineering. The mathematical model is capable of finding solutions that include all relevant factors. The methodology was developed at the University of Harvard. From the collaboration between Lotti and the University, important projects were born for the optimal use of water resources.

A first project concerned the Basin of the Sava river, tributary of the Danube. The UDP project was entrusted to the companies Lotti and Hydroproject in Prague. The mathematical model has chosen 32 artificial lakes from the 57 examined.

The first application of the mathematical method of analysis of water resources in Italy was the Tiber project, under the direction of Irsa [first] .

After the disastrous full of 1966, which severely damaged the historic center of Florence, it was necessary to examine the various possible solutions for the defense. The complexity of the Arno pilot project made necessary the application of a mathematical model. The result indicates the necessary works and optimal use.

The Emilia-Romagna region is bathed by numerous tributaries of the Po river. A complex network of channels connects natural waterways. The plan examined the different aspects of the resource and demand. The Idroser Regional Company has collaborated in the project.

The Plan of Waters of Sardinia was a large study, which examined all aspects of the water resources of the entire region and the possible works of transport and storage, as well as the current and potential users. In the first phase the data relating to hydrology and needs for the various uses were collected. The next phase consisted in the study of existing and possible works. The third phase applied the mathematical model for the optimal choice of the works to satisfy the future demand and defense against fullness.

The problems of water quality in the Piracicaba basin in Brazil was faced with a mathematical model. The result indicated the degree of treatment necessary in the various points of the basin.

Lotti created, with public and tried participation, a research institute specialized in research relating to water resources, Hydrocontrol. The Institute trained about thirty young researchers. The institution has recently become a regional body.

Messina bridge [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

In the international competition of ideas for the bridge over the Strait of Messina Lotti he participated as a co -owner of the Lambertini group. Its main contribution to this project was the completely innovative study of the system of construction of the foundations at sea in the deep waters of the Strait (about 100 m) n. The solution presented was rewarded but a solution chosen later provides for a unique span, the largest in the world.

Supporting full in China [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Lotti went to China for the first time in 1971 with the delegation of the Ministry for Foreign Commerce. Later, in 1982 he began the project for the management of rivers in China with Italian funding. The purpose of the project was not limited to the development of the plan, but included the training of Chinese staff and supply of a measurement network. The area of ​​the first study was the Han river, a tributary of the blue river, where a large dam is used for the control of full and hydroelectric production. The optimal management of the dam has great economic and environmental importance. A second project concerned the Huai river.

Municipal distribution networks [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The loss in cities water networks is a fundamental element. The methodology has been applied in different cities in Italy and abroad.

Roads and railways [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • Zagreb motorway – Split and Sarajevo – Mare
  • Trifles vali
  • High Speed ​​Railway Bologna-Milan and Milan-Verona
  • Rome-Pantan Urban Railway
  • Line C metro of Rome
  • Yaoodde-kribi in Cameroon
  • Shar – Barman and Kabul’s road ring in Afghanistan

Mose project [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The defense of Venice from high water is of great importance, also for the increase in the frequency of the phenomenon in recent years. After many years of study, the Venice Nuova Consortium has started the construction site to build 78 mobile walls in the three mouths of the lagoon and entrusted to the Lotti company and the Venetian engineering company Theis the works management. The team of the works management reaches 50 units. The term of the works is scheduled for 2012.

Music bridge [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The Lotti company participated in the design and construction management of the music bridge inaugurated in May 2011

For the non -fiction he published

  • “The country of wild dragons – China and its rivers” (Ed. Colombo, 1987)
  • “For a barrel of water” (Ed. Colombo, 1989)
  • “Water the first element” (Ed. Palombi, 2002)

He summarized the life and works of the company, giving them- thanks to the co-author- journalistic form, in the volume:

  • Lotti Carlo – Gorio Nino, A long journey. Fifty years of engineering in the world , ill., 296 p., Ed. Hoepli, Milan 2008, ISBN 882034081X
Cavaliere del lavoro - nastrino per uniforme ordinaria Knight of work
“Graduated in hydraulic civil engineering from the University of Rome in 1939, he participated in the Second World War as an officer of the Air Force genius, obtaining a promotion to Merit of War, a cross at the V.M. and three crosses to merit. In 1950 he had the first important assignment for the realization of the project and the management of the works of the San Giuliano dam in Lucania, on behalf of the company Pietro Cidonio. The same company became shortly after technical director, maintaining this assignment until 1957. In that year he gave birth to his own engineering study that he soon transformed into the associated studio by calling him to be part of his closest collaborators. The natural evolution of this initiative materialized in 1973, with the establishment of the engineering company “” Carlo Lotti and Associati S.p.A. “” of which he assumed the presidency. Under a single technical and entrepreneurial responsibility, activities that occupy about three hundred people between direct employees and external consultants have therefore developed, all highly specialized. Carlo Lotti has personally participated, as a designer and responsible for execution in numerous and important works in Italy and abroad. Free teacher in hydraulic constructions, he is a professor in charge of this matter in the faculty of engineering of Rome. He is vice president of the Italian hydrotechnic association and the association of engineering and technical-economic consultancy organizations. ”
– 1977 [2]
