Carlo Oppizzoni – Wikipedia


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Carlo Oppizzoni , but also Opizzoni from Oppizoni (Milan, April 15, 1769 – Bologna, April 13, 1855), was an Italian Catholic Cardinal and Archbishop.

Belonging to a noble Milanese family, he was the son of Count Francesco and the Marquise Paola Trivulzio. He studied at the University of Pavia where he deduced on June 7, 1790 in theology and canonical law.

On May 25, 1793 he was ordained a priest and in 1799 he became archpriest of the chapter of the Milanese cathedral. At the Congress of Lyon he tried to systematize the conditions of the Church in the territory of the Cisalpina Republic, successfully defending the rights of the Church. He declined the appointment proposed to become archbishop of Milan.

On September 20, 1802 he became Archbishop of Bologna, being consecrated on September 21 of that year with the delivery of the relative pallium. To this ceremony, held in Rome in the church of San Carlo ai Catinari, Cardinal Giovanni Filippo Gallarati Scotti as a celebrant, assisted by Pietro Gravina, archbishop owner of Nicea, apostolic nuncio in Switzerland, and by Benedetto Fenaja, archbishop owner of Filippi, attended. deputygente of Rome. In the Consistory of 26 March 1804 Pope Pius VII appointed him Cardinal with the title of Cardinal Presbyter of San Bernardo at the Terme Dioclezian (28 May).

He was awarded by Napoleon of the title of Senator of the Kingdom of Italy and member of the Order of the Iron Crown. Taking advantage of his privileged position within the new French government in Italy, since 1808 he tried to restore the rights and prestige of the Church even before the political authority, but when he refused to attend Napoleon’s wedding with Maria Luisa d’Asburg -Lorena (1810), was made by these in Vincennes’ castle, exiled and deprived of cardinal purple. [first]

He returned to Bologna in July 1815 and took part in the conclave of 1823 which elected Pope Leo XII. Archive of the Pontifical University of Bologna since 1824, took part in 1829 in the conclave that elected Pope Pius VIII and again in that of 1830-31 which elected Gregory XVI. In that year he was also appointed tied A LATER For the provinces of Metauro, Bologna, Ferrara, Forlì and Ravenna, but resigned after a month and a half.

In 1839 he opted for the title of San Lorenzo in Lucina and became protoprestrial. He participated in the Conclave of 1846 which elected Pope Pius IX.


He exercised a long apostolate in Bologna, showed great moderation during the repression of the Emilian-Romagna revolts of 1831 and supported its citizens during the insurrection of 1848, intervening several times in their favor.

Deceased at the age of almost 86, his body was buried in the chapel dedicated to San Carlo in the Cathedral of Bologna.

Of Opizzoni traces a large and severe portrait Giuseppe Rovani in ” One hundred years “(Book XIX, Chapter IV). Rovani recognizes the prelate” all the qualities that the saints constitute; But the saints without talent. The feeling, the heart, the intentions were admirable; But the mind was not of what Romagna, a scruple of science, called healthy “. He had” dismay and aversion of everything that can make the worldly life more dear and more attractive to mortals “, in particular towards female beauty e of the ingenuity. “He used to say that to love God did not need so much sublimity of mind nor so much impetus of fantasy.” Of the arts, he detested music, and particularly theatrical music.

During his cardinal Carlo Oppizzoni he participated in four conclaves:

Episcopal genealogy is:

The apostolic succession is:

Image Emblazoning

Carlo Opizzoni
Archbishop of Bologna

Gold to the eagle red. The shield, welcomed to a golden golden grueling cross, placed on stake, is stamped by a hat with cords and red nappes. The nappes, in thirty numbers, are arranged fifteen on each side, in five orders of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Carlo Opizzoni
Count of the Napoleonic Kingdom of Italy (1809-1815)

Gold to the eagle red. The shield. External ornaments from count of the Napoleonic Kingdom of Italy.

Parents Grandparents Great -grandparents Trisnonni
Francesco Opizzoni, count of the Holy Roman Empire
Carlo Opizzoni
Giorgio Teodoro Trivulzio, the marquis of Sesto Ulteriano Alessandro Teodoro Trivulzio, the marquis of Sesto Ulteriano
Brigida Maria Secco d’Aragona
Alessandro Teodoro Trivulzio, III Marquis of Sesto Ulteriano
Elena Arese Marco Arese, the count of Barlassina
Quine castles
Paola Trivulzio
Carlo Pertusati, count of Castelferro Luca Pertusati, count of Castelferro
Barbara Dal Pozzo
Margarets Pered
Lucrezia Gaffuri Pietro Francesco Gaffuri
Isabella Crevenna
  1. ^ The same fate had twelve other cardinals, defined as the “black cardinals” because they dressed on that moment the only presbytery the guise instead of the red cardinals
  • Umberto Mazzone, Oppizzoni, Carlo , in Biographical Dictionary of Italians , vol. 79, Institute of the Italian Encyclopedia, 2013. Modifica su Wikidata
  • Carlo Oppizzoni . are Graze , Italian Episcopal Conference. Modifica su Wikidata
  • ( IN ) David M. Cheney, Carlo Oppizzoni , in Catholic Hierarchy . Modifica su Wikidata
  • ( IN ) Salvador Miranda, Oppizzoni, Carlo . are – The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church , Florida International University.
