Carlo Pisani Dossi (1780-1852) – Wikipedia


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Carlo Pisani Dossi
Coat of arms
Treatment His excellence
Other titles Patrician of Alexandria
Birth Pavia, 7 May 1780
Death Milan, January 28, 1852
Dynasty Pisani Dossi
Father Gelasio Vincenzo Pisani Dossi
Mother Maria Rosalia Hölly von Niedermensdorff
Consort Luigia Milesi
Motto Peace is a white strong

Carlo Pisani Dossi (Pavia, 7 May 1780 – Milan, January 28, 1852) It was an Italian revolutionary, military and nobleman.
Given with the descendants of the famous Milanese legislator Cesare Beccaria, he was a grandfather of the well -known Milanese scapigliatura writer, Carlo Dossi.

The early years [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Born in Pavia on May 7, 1780, Carlo Pisani Dossi was the son of Gelasio Vincenzo, noble Pavese, and his wife, Maria Rosalia Hölly von Niedermendorff. At not even twenty years, with Napoleon’s fall in Italy, he joined the ideals of the French Revolution. [first]

Subsequently, he decided to embark on his military career and, during the Napoleonic Kingdom of Italy he entered the army until he reached the degree of Colonel and commander in the head of the honor guard of the city of Pavia. With the restoration, in any case, Dossi was among the first aristocrats Pavesi to praise the return of the Austrians, from whom he obtained to maintain his military position, also being rewarded with the order of the saints Maurizio and Lazzaro by the Savoy. The nephew Carlo Dossi thus defined him: “rough, arrogant, prodigal ingenuity. Drinking of entire harvest […]. He was among the first to dance around the tree of freedom in Pavia; among the first to caracacular around Napoleon emperor, And then to Francesco I “. [2]

The Motes of 1820-1821 [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Having retired from the active service after 1815, he dedicated himself to the administration of his land heritage that spacious from the lands of the Lomellina to the Oltrepò Pavese. His restless soul and his revolutionary ideologies, in any case, prompted him to resume weapons in 1821 to take part in the attempt of insurrection organized in Genoa and to that of Voghera where the Piedmontese asked the Savoy with a constitution on the model of that of Cadice of 1812. In this convulsive period he distinguished himself with Costantino Mantovani, Avo of the republican deputy of the same name, for a series of proselytism actions between the Milanese revolutionaries and, captured in 1823, was sentenced to death by the court of the Lombard capital. He was accused of being a member of the secret association of the federates who brought together seven of Piedmontese and Lombard Carbonari who had had an active part in the motions of 1820 and 1821 in northern Italy. He was also attributed to the contacts with Federico Confalonieri, even if he had not had the success he hoped for.

Exile, the expedition to Savoy and the return to Milan [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

He managed to escape from prison in that same 1821 and went abroad, first in England, then in France and finally in Switzerland from where he came into contact with others emigue who made him lean for monarchical constitutionalism instead of mere republicanism. In Milan, his effigy was symbolically hanged in Piazza Vetra.

From Switzerland, in 1831, he designed with others an expedition to Savoy with the aim of organizing new revolutionary movements, but the idea had not followed. He founded the carbonara company of the independent who spread rapidly in Savoy and Piedmont and who gathered first in Locarno and then in Cadenazzo, also coming into contact with the Mazzinian environments. In the autumn of 1832 he promoted a congress of his affiliates to be held in Bellinzona with the intention of merged his group with the Giovine Italia, but the idea was rejected by Giuseppe Mazzini himself who believed the Pisani Dossi group too unprepared to be welcomed in its ranks. In August 1833, he again tried to organize an expedition to Savoy that this time however he succeeded the following year thanks to the secret support of Giuseppe Arconati Visconti (who provided for the Levi Job) and above all of Cristina di Belgioioso, in the The home of which, at Carouge (not far from Geneva) the survivors of the expedition found refuge after the failure of this company.

It is probably on this occasion that he came into contact with Prince Luigi Napoleone Bonaparte (Future Napoleon III), who according to the testimony of his nephew “[…] gave him a gold ring with Honneur, Fidelité, Patrie (Patrie ( Vacue promises) telling him, that when he would claim his throne, he would have rewarded him or any of his family who had presented himself to him with said ring. Beauharnais had given him his steel seal “. [2]


In 1840, once the amnesty from the Austrian government in Italy was obtained, he returned to Pavia, continuing to administer the assets of his family.

He died in Milan on January 28, 1852.

In 1806 he married Luigia Milesi, sister of Bianca who was patriot, painter and literate. From this marriage six children were born among whom:

  • Gaetano
  • Giuseppe, father of Carlo Dossi
  • Elena, married Emilio Marezzi
  • Angioletta (1810-1844), married the noble lawyer Antonio Massa, mayor of Zenevredo and then deputy to the Parliament of the Kingdom of Sardinia in 1848

Of him, the novelty of the same name, he wrote that: “He had only one wife but many loves – among others, in Switzerland to Carouge Mlle. Gabrielle de Gallais de Saint Germain, and in Milan the Margherita Scazzosi [of the Alberg [O]. of Great Brittagna “. [2]

Parents Grandparents Great -grandparents Trisnonni
Lorenzo Pisani Dossi Domenico Dossi
Lodovica Sozzi
Carlo Pisani Dossi
Gelasio Vincenzo Pisani Dossi
Pietro Antonio Olear of Bellagente
Matilde Olear of Bellagente
Carlo Pisani Dossi
Carl Hölly von Niedermensdorff Johann Joseph Maximilian Hölly von Niedermensdorff
Giuseppe Federico Hölly from Niedermensdorff
Maria Rosalia Hölly von Niedermensdorff
Ippolito Beccaria Giovanni Giacomo III Beccaria, Co-Fudate of Santa Giulietta
Ottavia Serbelloni
Maria Lucia Gaetana Beccaria
  1. ^ His nephew Carlo Dossi in this regard, in his Blue notes , he will remember in this regard: “when he brought in Coo El Barettin Ross like the Galantommen de Galera”
  2. ^ a b c C. Dossi, Blue notes , n. 2871
  • C. Dossi, Blue notes (edited by D. Isella), Milan, 1955
  • A. Sandonate, Contribution to the history of the processes of the twenty -one and the Spielberg. From the secret official acts of the State Archives of Vienna and by the correspondence of the Emperor Francis I with his ministers and with the president of the Lombard-Veneto Senate of the Supreme Court of Justice , 1821-1838, Turin-Milan-Rome 1911, pp. 106 ss.
  • A. Neri, A letter from Bianca Milesi Mojon , Geneva 1915, p. 10
  • G. Martinola, Italian exiles in Ticino , Vol. I, 1791-1847, 1980, pp. 10-1 53, 176-1
  • L. Barile (the care of), C. Dossi, Daily self -hard , Milan 1984
  • F. della Peruta, Luigi Tinelli and Giovine Italia 1831-1833 , in The Tinelli. History of a family (XVI-XX centuries) , to Care di M. Cavallera, Milano 2003, pp. 54 ss.
