Carto (Revue) — Wikipedia


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Cardboard is a bimonthly review founded in 2010 by geographer Alexis Bautzmann and published by the group Areion. It aims to make major international issues through cards intelligible. It is the only French review of geopolitical cartography.

This review is created in 2010. Initially broadcast in newsstands by Prestalis (ex-NMPP), it has been distributed by MLP since the start of 2019.

This new review is aimed at a geopolitical loofer. As an illustration, the first issue is devoted to “Russian power”, and the second to “a world without borders”: the challenges of migration [ first ] , number 37 is more specifically devoted to “climatic migrants”, number 38 to “the financial planet”, number 43 to “the United Arab Emirates, power of the Middle East? »; Number 45, “Palestine: What will a viable state look like tomorrow? »» [ 2 ] , number 51 to “the European Union: from project to crisis”; or even number 52 to “Euro is twenty years old” [ 3 ] .


Reading the news of the world thanks to the cards is the ambition of this review broadcast in newsstands and bookstores [ first ] , [ 4 ] .

According to The world ,: “If the cards naturally constitute the strong point of the review, we must underline the educational quality of the texts that accompany them” [ 5 ] .

The editorial staff was initially headed by Frank Tetart [ first ] , [ 6 ] , previously co -author of the program The underside of the cards on arte [ first ] , [ 4 ] . He was replaced in June 2011 by Guillaume Fourmont, the current editor -in -chief delegate of this review. The cartographer editor is Laura Margueritte [ 7 ] , the editor graphic designer is Mélanie Billard.

At the end of the year, the editorial staff brings together new cards in a 196 -page book with nearly 300 cards except in 2013 where there were 212 pages. It is a “special issue” of the news of the year. The book costs € 22.50.

  • Alexis Bautzmann (Dir.), World Geopolitical Atlas 2013 (270 cards – 212 pages) published in February 2013
  • Alexis Bautzmann (Dir.), 2015 World Geopolitical Atlas (280 cards – 196 pages) published on August 27, 2014
  • Alexis Bautzmann (Dir.), 2016 World Geopolitical Atlas 2016 (300 cards – 196 pages) published on September 24, 2015
  • Alexis Bautzmann (Dir.), 2017 global geopolitical atlas (300 cards – 190 pages) published on September 8, 2016
  • Alexis Bautzmann (Dir.), 2018 global geopolitical atlas (300 cards – 192 pages) published on September 6, 2017
  • Alexis Bautzmann (Dir.), 2019 World Geopolitical Atlas (250 cards – 192 pages) published on September 5, 2018
  • Alexis Bautzmann ( you. ), Global geopolitical atlas: 2020 , Monaco, Éditions du Rocher, , 192 p. (ISBN  978-2-268-10239-9 , BNF  45812011 , SUDOC  238186709 ) .
  • Alexis Bautzmann ( you. ), Global geopolitical atlas: 2021 , Monaco, Éditions du Rocher, , 192 p. (ISBN  978-2268104188 ) .
  • Alexis Bautzmann ( you. ), Global geopolitical atlas: 2022 , Monaco, Éditions du Rocher, , 208 p. (ISBN  978-2268105864 ) .
  1. A B C and D Delphine Papin, ” Cards to draw the world », The world , ( read online )
  2. Bac 2017: 11 ways to revise history-geography without (almost) realize it », The world , ( read online )
  3. Bac 2019: Revise history with comics, podcasts, books or films », The world , ( read online )
  4. a et b The underside of the cards » , on The underside of the cards | Arte (consulted the )
  5. Delphine Papin, ” Cards to draw the world », The world , ( read online )
  6. Carto, a new review », Map , n O 99, ( read online )
  7. The world events – Grenoble geopolitics festival » , on The (consulted the )

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