Catalog of ancient works of the Borghese Gallery


Image Title Style Dating Size Technique and support Inventory number Note Ara of Fortuna Greetings Roman art 50-150 d.C. 79×61 cm Italian marble CLXVIII Front of sarcophagus with Apollo and the muses Roman art 225-250 d.C. 96×64 cm Italian marble WE Relief fragment with dacic companies Roman art ca. 117 d.C. 300×104 cm Italian marble XXV Head of Dionisio Roman art 150 d.C. 68 cm Italian marble CCXXXXI Distinct pieces gathered in a single sculptural group. Portrait of girl 40-45 d.C. 117 cm Group of father and daughter 150-200 d.C. 129 cm Fragment in front of festo sarcophagus with marine tiaso 130-140 d.C. 55×95 cm Great Herculaneum Roman art II century AD 93 cm Italian marble XXI Torso of a woman. Dormant nymph Roman art 140-160 d.C. 33×97 cm Italian marble XIV Distinct pieces gathered in a single sculptural group. Sarcophagus with eroti that holds a cliper ca. 220 d.C. 34×106 cm Torso di Apollo seated Roman art 100-150 d.C. 98 cm Italian marble XV Front of sarcophagus with battle of Romans and barbarians Roman art ca. 200 d.C. 98×238 CM Italian marble XIX Seraps Roman art II century AD 135 cm Italian marble 233 Distinct pieces gathered in a single sculptural group. Fragment in front of festo sarcophagus with marine tiaso ca. 130-140 d.C. 55×95 cm Candle holder Roman art II century AD 270 cm Italian marble XXX Portrait of woman Roman art ca. 115 d.C. 30 cm Pentelic marble XXXIII Distinct pieces gathered in a single sculptural group. Artemide (column type) ca. 250 d.C. 149 cm Venus and Mars Roman art 150 d.C. 83 cm Italian marble CCL Distinct pieces gathered in a single sculptural group. Seporlcraral ara with dedication to Stazio The century AD 81×78 cm Colossal head of Isis Roman art 160-180 d.C. 80 cm Asian marble XXXV Distinct pieces gathered in a single sculptural group. Fragment of Sarcophagus Festoons with Nereids who bring Achille’s weapons 140-150 d.C. 52×60 cm White marble veined blue Satiro fighter Roman art 120-140 d.C. 238 cm Luni marble XXXVI Distinct pieces gathered in a single sculptural group. Relief slab Dionisiaco Hellenistic art The century AD 69 cm Pentelic marble Colossal head of era Roman art The century AD 143 cm Pentelic marble XXXVII Distinct pieces gathered in a single sculptural group. Fragment of Sarcophagus Festoons with Nereids who bring Achille’s weapons Roman art 140-150 d.C. 52×60 cm White marble veined blue Portrait of Vespasian Roman art ca. 70 d.C. 29 cm Luni marble XXXVIII Claudio as Jupiter Roman art 54 d.C. 178 cm Luni marble XXXIX Distinct pieces gathered in a single sculptural group. Ara sepolcrale with the defunta its kline 80-90 d.C. 99×78 cm Turkey Roman art 140-150 d.C. 168 cm Luni marble XL Portrait of Augustus Roman art ca. 10 d.C. 35 cm Pentelic marble XLI Distinct pieces gathered in a single sculptural group. Togate statue The century AD 224 cm Relief slab Dionisiaco Hellenistic art The century AD 69 cm Pentelic marble Fifth Statue Portrait of Salonina Roman art 161-175 AD, then reworked in 260-268 AD 211 cm Luni marble WILL Distinct pieces gathered in a single sculptural group. Monument Funerario Petronia banana ca. 120 d.C. 92×56 cm Satyr Roman art The century AD 100 cm Pentelic marble VL Portrait of Menandro Roman art The century AD 29 cm Luni marble IVL Distinct pieces gathered in a single sculptural group. Togate statue 175 cm Sepulchral Ara with Sacrifice scene in Minerva 90-110 d.C. 54×85 cm Togate statue Roman art The century AD Luni marble 185 Colossal portrait of Adriano Roman art ca. 140 d.C. 140 cm Luni marble IIL Distinct pieces gathered in a single sculptural group. Fragment of Sarcophagus Festoons with Nereids who bring Achille’s weapons 140-150 d.C. 52×60 cm White marble veined blue Portrait of Augustus Roman art ca. 10 a.C. 33 cm Iiil Dionisio Roman art II century AD 160 cm paro marble XLIX Distinct pieces gathered in a single sculptural group. Relief slab Dionisiaco Hellenistic art I century BC 69 cm Pentelic marble Colossal portrait of Antonino Pio Roman art ca. 160 d.C. 132 cm White marble L Portrait of Galba Roman art ? 41 cm Luni marble That Head of divinity Roman art ca. 130 d.C. 26 cm Pentelic marble LII Distinct pieces gathered in a single sculptural group. Artemide (column type) 140 d.C. 173 cm Mosaic with gladiators and hunts in the circus Roman art 320-330 d.C. 224,6×540,1 cm marble and limestone cards Without inv. Head of restored divinity as iside Roman art ca. 140 d.C. 50 cm fine grain marble IXC Nymph restored as a muse Roman art The century AD 152 cm fine grain white marble LVI Fragment next to Sarcophagus with Sacrifice of Minos in Posidone Roman art 160-180 d.C. 78×80 cm Italian marble LXI Venus parent Roman art The century AD 165 cm Pentelic marble Lviiii Cloak Roman art II century AD 68/72 cm Italian marble CVIC Cloak Roman art II century AD 68/72 cm Italian marble LXV Cloak Roman art II century AD 68/72 cm Italian marble 69 Sarcophagus fronts in columns with Apollo and the Muses Roman art 220-230 d.C. 100×213 cm (per cinque Muse) e 102×226 cm (per quattro Muse e Apollo) Asian marble 75 Portrait of Antonia Minore Roman art ca. 30-37 d.C. 30 cm Italian marble 62 Distinct pieces gathered in a single sculptural group. Leda sitting with swan and a erote 200-230 d.C. 120 cm Pario marble Portrait of British Roman art ca. 50 d.C. 30 cm Italian marble 76 Series of busts and portraits. Portrait of woman Roman art ca. 90 d.C. 47 cm White marble 76 Series of busts and portraits. Relief with Aiace and Cassandra Roman art I century BC 84×84 cm Pario marble 64 Statue of Woman (Spes type) Roman art ca. 110 d.C. 169 cm Italian marble LXVI Distinct pieces gathered in a single sculptural group. Circular Ara with Bucrani and garlands Roman art 30 a.C.-20 d.C. 90 cm White marble Portrait of man with oriental hairstyle Roman art II century AD 73 cm (34 cm without bust) Morato Bigio marble 67 Hunched woman restored as flora Roman art ca. 160 d.C. 144 cm Italian marble 68 Distinct pieces gathered in a single sculptural group. Circular Ara with Sacrifice scene in Ercole Invitto ca. 20 a.C. 53 cm White marble Relief with Artemide Kourotrophos Roman art 140-160 d.C. 86×75 CM Italian marble 71 Aphrodite sitting with Eros Roman art 100-150 d.C. 148 cm white marbles 72 Portrait of child Roman art ca. 160 d.C. 25 cm Italian marble 76 Series of busts and portraits. Portrait of Sabina Roman art 137-139 d.C. 35 cm Italian marble 76 Series of busts and portraits. Erma Di Pan Roman art ca. 35 d.C. 151 cm Pentelic marble 78 Sarcophagus fragment with marine tiaso Roman art 220 d.C. 67×140 cm fine grain white marble 81 Column sarcophagus slab with Eracle companies Roman art 160 d.C. 100×240 cm marble 79 Sarcophagus lid with Amazons at the Trojan War Roman art II century AD 19×201 cm Italic marble and Asian marble (acroteri) 80 Herma by Dionisio Imberbe Roman art 70-90 d.C. 151 cm Byzantco marble 82 Head of Heracles (like Pozzuoli-Antinori) Roman art 180-190 d.C. 41 cm Luni marble 83 Statue of children as a hero fighter Roman art 140-160 d.C. 101 cm Luni marble 84 Head of Aphrodite Roman art ca. 120 d.C. 27,5 cm White marble 85 Distinct pieces gathered in a single sculptural group. Flavia Variana sepulchral Ara ca. 90 d.C. 80×68 cm Italian marble Herma of Heracles Cloaked Roman art 180 d.C. 110 cm Pentelic marble 86 Sarcophagus with marine tiaso and lid with seasons Roman art 140-150 d.C. 52×212 cm (20×216 cm lid) Italian marble 87 Frieze with antemium Roman art ca. 112 d.C. 40×174 cm Luni marble 88 Eracle Herma’s Eracle Roman art 160-170 d.C. 113 cm White marble veined blue XC Portrait of Alessandro Roman art The century AD 38 cm Pentelic marble VIIC Herma of Dionisio Barbato Roman art 70-90 d.C. 150 cm Pentelic marble VIC Relief slab Dionisiaco Hellenistic art I century BC 69 cm Pentelic marble IIIC Column sarcophagus slab with Eracle companies Roman art ca. 160 d.C. 100×235 cm marble VC Sarcophagus lid with the presentation of Apollo and Artemide in Zeus Roman art ca. 150 d.C. 34×194 cm Italian marble IVC Herma of Dionisio Lenaios Roman art 70-90 d.C. 151 cm White marble IIC Risored torso torso as a satirus statue Roman art The century AD 106 cm Luni marble IC Aphrodite (Capitoline type) Roman art 120-130 d.C. 191 cm Luni marble C Distinct pieces gathered in a single sculptural group. Ara sepulchrale of anti -rhyme trifena and anti -rod Tito Cosmo ca. 100 d.C. 56×66 cm Italian marble Dionisio restored as Apollo Roman art II century AD 173 cm Luni marble CII Distinct pieces gathered in a single sculptural group. Burcral Ara by Marco Ulpio Eliade ca. 150 d.C. 55×56,5 cm Italian marble Statue of Heracles Fanciullo at rest (like Pozzuoli-Antinori) Roman art II century AD 87 cm White marble perhaps by luni 103 Arpocrates with duck Roman art 110-120 d.C. 50 cm White marble CVI Boy with two ducks Roman art 100-200 d.C. 73 cm White marble CX Aphrodite (Medici type) with erote on Delfino Roman art beginning of the second century AD 131 cm island marble CVIII Statuetta of Kore restored which isis Roman art 20-40 d.C. 106 cm White marble This Fountain with fishermen and shepherds Roman art 200-220 d.C. 85 cm White marble 107 Distinct pieces gathered in a single sculptural group. Ara with edera branches in relief 20-40 d.C. 44×63 cm 107 Crater with dance scenes Hellenistic art 90 a.C. 73 cm Pentelic marble Cxvi Distinct pieces gathered in a single sculptural group. Candlestick base I century BC 141 cm Head of apollo (type airdne) Hellenistic art I century BC 21,5 cm Pentelic marble 117 Distinct pieces gathered in a single sculptural group. APOLLO CONDILLING AND TRIPODE Roman art 130-140 d.C. 120 cm White marble Funeral lion 75-100 d.C. 44 cm alabaster CXXXXII Colossal head of Apollo Hellenistic art 150-100 a.C. 100 cm (40 cm without bust) Pentelic marble CXX Artemide (Dresden type) restored as Musa Roman art 100-110 d.C. 146 cm marble 126 Artemis Roman art II century AD 172 cm marble with large crystals 129 Dionisio Roman art 120-130 d.C. 167 cm White marble Exxxiv Artemis (bourgeois type) Roman art 120-130 d.C. 155 cm Pentelic marble 137 Dionisio with Panther Roman art 100-150 d.C. 105 cm White marble CXXXXIII Sarcophagus lid fragment with seasons Roman art 150-160 d.C. 25×120 cm marble without inventory Aphrodite cloaked with dolphin Roman art 120-130 d.C. 170 cm White marble 161 Female statue cloaked with portrait of Severina Roman art 270-275 AD (head)

180-190 A.D. (figure)

180 cm yellowish white marble CCXXXX Statue of restored woman as Demetra Roman art II century AD 204 cm Fine crystal yellowish marble CLXIX Portrait of Tito Young Roman art ca. 70 d.C. 66 cm Italian marble 171 Sleeping hermaphrodite Roman art II century AD 145 cm (length) Pario marble 172 Head of Aphrodite Roman art 100-110 d.C. 29 cm White marble CLXXIV Torso of children with jug Roman art The century AD 90 cm Pario marble 180 Satirello playing the syringe Roman art II century AD 133 cm White marble 228 Satirello playing the flute Roman art II century AD 133 cm White marble CCXXVI Fragment of statue of Athena Parthenos Roman art 80-90 d.C. 102 cm Pentelic marble VIII Basin Roman art II-III century AD 120x169x85 cm porphyry 165 Head of kore Italian art ca. 480-170 a.C. 25 cm Pario marble 181 Athena’s head Roman art II century AD 21 cm Luni marble 183 Distinct pieces gathered in a single sculptural group. Athens II century AD 132 cm White marble Sarcophagus lid with a wedding figure Roman art II century AD marble 187 Funeral relief with three figures Roman art ca. 20 a.C. 163×175 cm marble CLXXXVIII Fragment of Sarcophagus slab with eroti Roman art 117-138 d.C. 33×140 cm Italian marble CLXXXIX Ecate Trichorpore Roman art II century AD 114 cm finely veined white marble of blue and gray CXC Nymph with pelvis Roman art II century AD 139 cm Luni marble CIXC Peanut in ceppi Roman art 150-200 d.C. 72 cm Luni marble 113 Head of Asclepio Roman art II century AD 22,5 cm White marble with small crystals CIC Distinct pieces gathered in a single sculptural group. ASCLEPIO AND TELESFOROR II century AD 125 cm White marble Statue of girl Roman art The century AD 130 cm Pentelic marble CVC Framment of tank sarcophagus with philosophers Roman art ca. 300 d.C. 90×68 cm marble Hate Sarcophagus lid with deceased deceased Roman art 200-220 d.C. 60×150 cm marble CIVC Distinct pieces gathered in a single sculptural group. Sarcophagus slab with marine tiaso ca. 230 d.C. 57×207 cm Leda with swan Roman art II century AD 125 cm White marble CVIIC Boy with bird Roman art 100-200 d.C. 73,5 cm Fine crystal white marble CXV Head of divinity Roman art 120-130 d.C. 38 cm White marble CCI Distinct pieces gathered in a single sculptural group. Statua di meant ca. 135 d.C. 90 cm fine grain white marble Priestess isis Roman art I century BC 183 cm White marble 202 Paride (or Ganimede) Roman art The century AD 113 cm (195 cm with plinth) White marble CCIII Sfinge Roman art I-II century AD 41×87 cm Basanite CCVII Peanut sleeping Roman art II century AD marble CVIIIC Isis Roman art 160-180 d.C. 157 cm African black marble with white restoration marble parts CCIX Head of woman Roman art II century AD 30 cm White marble 212 Aphrodite (variant of Landolina) Roman art The century AD 128 cm (135 cm with plinth) White marble Ccxv Peplophoros Roman art 50 a.C.-50 d.C. 172 cm Pentelic marble CCXVI Athena (Type Chechell) Roman art ca. 140 d.C. 147 cm (155 cm with Pinto) Pario marble 217 Satyr on Delfino Roman art 130 d.C. 103 cm White marble with small crystals with dark veins CC Distinct pieces gathered in a single sculptural group. Fragments of a couple of trapezofori I century BC ca. 36×59 cm a lato White marble Statuetta di Attis Roman art II century AD 82 cm Frigio marble Six Satirus in rest Roman art ca. 120-130 d.C. 187 cm (174 cm without plinth) Italic white marble 232 Statue of Emperor sitting as Jupiter restored as Mercury Roman art The century AD 118 cm (123 cm with plinth) White marble CCXXVII Distinct pieces gathered in a single sculptural group. Fragment of Sarcophagus Festoons with Nereids who bring Achille’s weapons 140-150 d.C. 55×82 cm White marble veined blue Naked male statue restored as a commodo Roman art II century AD 110 cm marble 234 Portrait of Aesop Roman art The century AD 25 cm Luni marble 230 Portrait of Tiberius Roman art ca. 13 d.C. 27 cm White marble 175 Dance satirus Roman art ca. 220 d.C. 215 cm (205 cm without plinth) Pentelic marble 225 Matron with mask Roman art III century AD Luni marble Ccxxxviiii Portrait of woman Roman art III century AD 21 cm Luni marble CCXXXVI Distinct pieces gathered in a single sculptural group. Female statue cloaked small type HERCOLANESE 100-200 d.C. 112 cm white marble of luni Portrait of Periandro Roman art 130-140 d.C. 29 cm marble Ccxxxvii Distinct pieces gathered in a single sculptural group. Greek literate statue seated The century AD 130 cm (115 cm without plinth) Pentelic marble Fragment of Sarcophagus Festoons with Nereids who bring Achille’s weapons 140-150 d.C. 52×80 cm White marble veined blue Portrait of woman Roman art III century AD 30 cm White marble CCXXXXVIII Distinct pieces gathered in a single sculptural group. Female statue cloaked restored as a muse II century AD 205 cm Fine grain white marble perhaps by luni Portrait of Faustina Maggiore Roman art 138-141 d.C. 40 cm White marble CCXXXXIV Female statue restored as Cerere Roman art II century AD marble CCXXXXIIII Portrait of Domizia Lucilla Roman art II century AD 38 cm Pentelic marble CCXXXXIIII Head of veiled woman Roman art The century AD 70 cm White marble Cclvii Amazon group with Barbaro and Greek Roman art ca. 160 d.C. 55 cm White marble Ccxlv Deer Roman art II century AD Luni marble Ccli Statue Portrait of Fanciullo Roman art ca. 196 d.C. 102 cm bronze 252