Catholic of the Greeks – Wikipedia


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The Church of the Cattolica “Dei Greci” , O Santa Maria della Cattolica “Dei Greci” [2] , represents the oldest Christian institution in the Reggio Calabria city. It stands between via Giudecca and via Aschenez, both streets that testify to the presence of a large Jewish community in the Calabrian capital.

During the Byzantine period, the church of Santa Maria della Cattolica represented the main Christian cult place of worship.

With the advent of the Normans, the Church lost importance due to the Latinization of the rite, which was introduced in Reggio during the Middle Ages rather than in Roman times. The Greek-Byzantine rite continued to be practiced only for some time, to then find no trace in modern times (late 16th century).

Since 1818, the protopapa that celebrates the religious function is no longer independent of the Bishopric.

The Byzantine cathedral [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Registration in Byzantine Greek.

The origins of Cattolica are linked to the Byzantine Christian cult: the church has in fact been the cathedral of the city for centuries and then – with the advent of the Latin rite – the Greek rite cottage.

Originally the temple was built near today’s Piazza Italia, between the Chilea Theater and the Melissari-Musitano Palace . In memory of this, the Catholic Via Cattolica of the Greeks remains today. During the course of its history, the Church crossed various events, the last of which the destructive earthquake of 1783.

The new neoclassical style [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Destroyed by the earthquake, Cattolica was rebuilt in 1876 on the current site, slightly more east by the original place, this time in neoclassical style and on a project by the architect Antonino Pugliese.


Damaged by the subsequent earthquake of 1908, it was restored in 1954 and then reopen to worship on March 25, 1957.

After the semi-legging name of the first protopau of the Church of Reggio, Pietro of the XII century, the names of the following protopads are known, starting from the 15th century until today [3] :

  • Giovanni Nicola Spanò (1494-1533), married.
  • Alfonso Spanò (1533-1538), son of the previous one, married to three children. The last Protopapa Reggino which is married.
  • Consalvo Gaetano (1539-1544), appointed to seven years: the administration was lined up by his father, Diego.
  • Alfonso de Samano (1544-1555)
  • Bernardino Suppa (1556-1590)
  • Annibale Logoteta (1590-1629)
  • Giovanni Battista Comacchio (1631-1635), elected after a short interregnum of Raffaele Prato, elected by the city and recognized by the Pope, but not by the viceroy.
  • Giuseppe Mari (1635-1648).
  • Giuseppe Logoteta (1648-1674).
  • Paolo Logoteta (1675-1709).
  • Giuseppe Logoteta Juniore (1710-1743), during whose mandate strong frictions with the Latin archbishop.
  • Antonio Basile (1746-1756), elected after a period of disagreements that did not allow a appointment.
  • Antonio Oliva (1756-1760)
  • Rodolfo Morisani (1760-1769)
  • Filippo Mantica (1769-1771)
  • Vincenzo Dainotto (1771-1818)

In recent times, protopads were:

  • Msgr. Antonio Musolino (-1998)
  • Mons. Filippo Curatola (1998-2011)
  • Don Valerio Chovaro [4] (2011-2022)
  • Don Antonino Ventura [5] (2022-)
Church plant.

The typology of the building is now in the Latin cross with three naves, of which the plant ends with semicircular apse and at the height of the transept there is a dome illuminated in the center, richly decorated with stuccos and oval frames, which contain faces of saints . Inside the two construction phases of the church are readable, or the lower part of the central nave and the presbytery through the rich frame that flows throughout the perimeter. The main prospect retains neoclassical compositional elements such as the use of the giant order through the four columns with composite capitals and bases on continuous plinth, surmounted by high grove, a tympanum on which a wrought iron cross is placed and to complete there are two bell towers .

Under the pediment, a Greek inscription reads:

( HE )

Of Holy Parthenos Theotokos »

( IT )

“Catholic church
of the Holy Virgin Mother of God ”

Finally, inside, the seal of the crown of thorns of Christ is noteworthy.

The bronze portal [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Of considerable importance is the golden bronze portal , the work of the sculptor Reggio Giuseppe Niglia, divided into two 6 meters high doors. The style of the portal is in an eclectic style, typical of many works performed in the city, merging the Mediterranean and North European taste.

The two doors of the portal , united but did not divide from the beating, they form a sequence that develops in a single scenario:

«A clear matrix of expressionism joins the onset of Mediterranean culture […] the figures affect with the strength of a renewed adhesion to a symbolism of salvation and hope […] The figures of the saints and prophets frame the scenes as Attemporal presences […] The memory of medieval models animates the rhythm of the volumes against the background of deep shades of shadows. In the center of the cross the large painful seal of the thorns crown prophesies the sign of the beginning of a path towards the sacred space of the interior of the church ”

( Elvira Natoli )

On the portal they are represented symbolicly with eight tiles:

  1. the Annunciation
  2. the Nativity
  3. The presentation at the Temple
  4. The escape to Egypt
  5. The preaching of Jesus in the temple
  6. The wedding of Cana
  7. the crucifixion
  8. the assumption of the Virgin.
  1. ^ G. Morisano, the protopapis and the Greece, and Catholics of their churches diatriba, Napoli, 1768, p. 277
  2. ^ By Greeks we mean the practice of the Byzantine rite (in the “Greek” past) practiced once in the Church. It was so -called “Greek” or “of the Greeks” for the use of the ancient Greek language as a frank language in the liturgical offices, as practiced in the oriental churches (Catholic and Orthodox).
  3. ^ Source: Learn Bolani (1857: 254-261).
  4. ^ Biographical card . I am Don Valerio Chiovaro and now responsible for ” Kerigma house “In Jerusalem on behalf of the diocese of Reggio Calabria-Bova and of Let’s wait for .
  5. ^ Appointment .

The official website of the parish of Santa Maria della Cattolica of the Greeks.
